posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieExcept it always seems like it is the time for our war. What the Russians, or Vietnamese, or Iraqis, or whoever else does is sometimes barbaric. But we don’t need to put ourselves front and center like we always do.
Like I said there is a time for war and a time for peace. Look you know the recent history of Europe. We are in a military alliance with many nations that border Ukraine as well as Russia. An agreement was signed with Russia, US, UK, in the 90's that Ukraine would give up its nuclear weapons to Russia with a guarantee its borders would be respected. A time for peace. That agreement was violated with the "subtle" Russian invasion of the Donbass and Crimea. Condemned under the strongest possible terms of course. Then eventually open full invasion. A time for war.
Governments blunder into unnecessary and immoral wars as we have. One can separate the sheeps from the goats.