posted by Spockposted by SportsAndLadyposted by Spockposted by ptown_trojans_1Wait, were the protests in St. Louis destroying things before or after they strolled by that house? Do we know that for sure? I've seen a few vidoes and everyone seemed calm.
As far as I know, most or nearly all of these protests are peaceful. There are not mobs rolling through the streets breaking shit.
Have you watched any TV the past 3 weeks? Plenty of looting, rioting, vandalism and assaults going on .
Okay show proof of houses being vandalized in their neighborhood by the protestors
you can’t just say “over the last 3 weeks, BLM protestors have vandalized a lot of stuff! Therefore, these protestors in St. Louis were definitely going to destroy property!”
The idiots were met with guns, their wasnt any vandalism. They were breaking the law anyways without tearing up the place. So there is no "proving" anything.
Hey maybe you can walk down the hall this fall and see if there’s an extra seat for you in language arts class? I mean, you’ll need to get someone to teach gym for you while you’re gone, but prettty much anyone can do that so you should be fine.