posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieDon't worry, I don't want your address. I'm married.
See, I don’t think you’re serious here!
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieDon't worry, I don't want your address. I'm married.
See, I don’t think you’re serious here!
posted by SportsAndLadyI have been posting on this site since the beginning (besides my hiatus, which I’m realizing now why I did it). I have been very vocal about where I went to college, living in NJ, and now Chicago.
And congrats on your opinion, but I think that Alabama is a shit hole state.
That's fine; it's very interesting what your thoughts on Alabama are. Does your posting on this site "since the beginning" give you greater insight into other parts of the country / world than someone who only started posting a year ago?
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThat's fine; it's very interesting what your thoughts on Alabama are. Does your posting on this site "since the beginning" give you greater insight into other parts of the country / world than someone who only started posting a year ago?
Me posting on this site since the beginning had everything to do with proving that everyone knows where I live. Aka, I don’t think it’s creepy to post my city. You clearly can’t take a joke.
posted by SportsAndLadyYou post that story of your family members and then get offended when I call them hilljacks? Lol I mean what were you expecting?
And I’m not refined and cultured just because I live in a big city. You get butthurt because I generalize and then you generalize right back. Ya hate to see it.
I'm still trying to figure out how my nephew, who attended a "hilljack" college (Ohio, who was a Jill Stein supporter (if anything, you'd think this would be a snowflake from a big city) would be considered a hilljack because he flipped his lid when Trump got elected. What part of that scenario told you "these people are DEFINITELY from outback WV" or something to that nature?
I was born in WV. Hilljack confirmed! I love that term.
Piece by a former OCer:
posted by Fab4RunnerPiece by a former OCer:
The young man can write.
Upper90. I don't always agree with his stuff, but I always read his pieces when I find them. I bought his book a while back but haven't read it yet, it'll be my next read.
posted by BR1986FBI'm still trying to figure out how my nephew, who attended a "hilljack" college (Ohio, who was a Jill Stein supporter (if anything, you'd think this would be a snowflake from a big city) would be considered a hilljack because he flipped his lid when Trump got elected. What part of that scenario told you "these people are DEFINITELY from outback WV" or something to that nature?
posted by BR1986FBI'm still trying to figure out how my nephew, who attended a "hilljack" college (Ohio, who was a Jill Stein supporter (if anything, you'd think this would be a snowflake from a big city) would be considered a hilljack because he flipped his lid when Trump got elected. What part of that scenario told you "these people are DEFINITELY from outback WV" or something to that nature?
You’re taking the term hilljack a little too hard.
posted by Fab4RunnerPiece by a former OCer:
Upper/Hanif is the man
Just finished the linked piece. Thanks for sharing it, Fab. I like that his stuff always make you think, regardless of your preconceived beliefs. Like I said, I don't always come to the same conclusion, but I like being challenged in the way that he does it. I feel like I always grow a bit as a human after reading a piece of his.
posted by justincredibleUpper90. I don't always agree with his stuff, but I always read his pieces when I find them. I bought his book a while back but haven't read it yet, it'll be my next read.
Upper, couldn’t get there
posted by Fab4RunnerPiece by a former OCer:
I enjoyed reading that. Thank you.
So, yeah, the rope in Bubba Wallace's stall was definitely tied like a noose. It may have been there before, and on other garages, but seems pretty obvious it would have been intentional by whomever put them up.
posted by gutSo, yeah, the rope in Bubba Wallace's stall was definitely tied like a noose. It may have been there before, and on other garages, but seems pretty obvious it would have been intentional by whomever put them up.
If that was there, other drivers that use that garage knew it. Why didnt they say something?
And I will add, why is that rope look literally brand new? Most garage pulls are used by guys that are working on cars. That equals oil, grime and dirt.
Completely staged by someone that wanted TV cameras on it. Not a gesture of racism....but to ramp up the BLM crowd.
posted by SpockAnd I will add, why is that rope look literally brand new?
Maybe because the rope is about a year old and tracks only have a handful of races each year?
Someone else already said the rope was like that last year. There's no conspiracy, just someone with a sick sense of humor. I'm sure people who were calling Bubba the new Jussie Smollet won't have much more to say on the subject.
posted by gutMaybe because the rope is about a year old and tracks only have a handful of races each year?
Someone else already said the rope was like that last year. There's no conspiracy, just someone with a sick sense of humor. I'm sure people who were calling Bubba the new Jussie Smollet won't have much more to say on the subject.
Those garages are assigned before the crews get there and likely only a few people knew who was where.
12-0 vote....jesus. What a vacumn
Jim brown was brought up earlier in the thread. He weighed in yesterday
So I guess you can basically ransack the whole country with little resistance but arrests are made when they get to Beverly hills
posted by gutposted by SpockAnd I will add, why is that rope look literally brand new?
Maybe because the rope is about a year old and tracks only have a handful of races each year?
Someone else already said the rope was like that last year. There's no conspiracy, just someone with a sick sense of humor. I'm sure people who were calling Bubba the new Jussie Smollet won't have much more to say on the subject.
I called him Smollet, and that was obviously inaccurate. Not even close to being the same thing. Doubling down wasn’t the bet move after the investigation though.
The St Louis couple who stood outside with guns after BLM broke into their neighborhood were hilarious. Dude’s wearing a pink Brooks bro polo tucked into his slacks and holding an AR, while his wife has her finger on the trigger of her pistol. Fuck BLM idiots for going into residential areas though, and I fully support the guy staring them down while armed.