BREAKING: Seattle Police retake anarchist-held CHAZ
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 1, 2020
BREAKING: Seattle Police retake anarchist-held CHAZ
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 1, 2020
Looks like the summer of love is over.
These people bragging about their college education isn't the endorsement of higher ed that they think it is.
Protesters heckled the NYPD officers, including the dancer from above, who called the black officer a traitor to his people and a “fucking black Judas.”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) July 1, 2020
posted by jmogIt’s been common knowledge since like 20 min after the original videos that the rioters were trespassing. Unless you only get your news from MSNBC or similar Biased news source, you should have already known that it was private property as soon as the gate was broke through.
1. The man was 100% in the right.
2. There were some videos showing the rioters threatening to kill the couple. At that point the women, who was terrible with gun safety, was not in the wrong anymore either. You are right that she shouldn’t point it at anyone that was not threatening. But as soon as the rioters threatened their life all bets are off.
I have yet to see any videos (and I’ve watched a lot, to make sure I’m not completely wrong) showing the rioters threatening this couple. The couple said they were threatened but hmmm I wonder why they would say that (to cover their legal asses).
And besides, if one of the rioters threatened them, that doesn’t mean she should be able to walk up to the dozens of other people who were just walking by to get to the mayors.
posted by justincredible
The St. Lunatics was my favorite answer.
posted by justincredible
About f'ing time.
posted by SportsAndLadyI have yet to see any videos (and I’ve watched a lot, to make sure I’m not completely wrong) showing the rioters threatening this couple. The couple said they were threatened but hmmm I wonder why they would say that (to cover their legal asses).
And besides, if one of the rioters threatened them, that doesn’t mean she should be able to walk up to the dozens of other people who were just walking by to get to the mayors.
For the last time, they weren't "just walking by" they were tresspassing. Get that through your head. As soon as they broke through the private gate it was NOT a peaceful march anymore. It was rioting and tresspassing.
The woman was wrong, I have said that numerous times. If they were threatened then it makes her more in the right.
You guys keep saying the same thing over and over. Move on.
posted by justincredibleYou guys keep saying the same thing over and over. Move on.
Jmog is unbelievable. I am literally saying the exact same thing he’s saying (woman was in the wrong, protestors shouldn’t have been on private property) yet he keeps making up arguments just to argue or tell me I’m wrong. He’s insufferable, god help his wife/close friends.
posted by SportsAndLadyJmog is unbelievable. I am literally saying the exact same thing he’s saying (woman was in the wrong, protestors shouldn’t have been on private property) yet he keeps making up arguments just to argue or tell me I’m wrong. He’s insufferable, god help his wife/close friends.
Replace my name with SnL and you have described yourself exactly.
posted by justincredible
Multiple people who still post on this site (which probably close to makes it a majority) have stated that SnL has done nothing but make this place worse as a troll since he came back.
But yeah, I'm awful for calling him out on his bullshit.
He's been fine since I threatened to just shut the site down. But you continue to go round and round with him, even when you're saying the same thing. So yes, in this thread you're both sharing some blame.
It's also a fucking joke gif.
Is it really that hard to just move on, after I've specifically asked several times on this topic? We're all adults, right? I understand having strong opinions, but at a certain point it's just not worth keeping the argument going. We hit that point long ago on the St Louis couple.
I'm going back to my plan of just deleting posts.
I love reading this stuff. Makes me seem like a stable genius.
The Columbus statue has been removed.
posted by justincredibleThese people bragging about their college education isn't the endorsement of higher ed that they think it is.
A cop in one of the other videos is wearing a USA flag mask...interesting choice.
Also, what's the legal opinion on a topless man if he (zhe?) is a transgender woman?
Do we apply the standard of "I know a titty when I see it"? And I'm not sure that's helpful here.
posted by justincredibleThe Columbus statue has been removed.
I wonder if Columbus will eventually just change their name. I never understood why it was named Columbus anyways. The dude never set foot on the continent, landed in the wrong area, thought he was in Asia, and wasn't even the first guy here...the Vikings were.
I would just call it as simple as Capital City (still a C) or even go old school and just call the entire city Franklinton.
Flavortown or GTFO.
posted by ptown_trojans_1I wonder if Columbus will eventually just change their name. I never understood why it was named Columbus anyways. The dude never set foot on the continent, landed in the wrong area, thought he was in Asia, and wasn't even the first guy here...the Vikings were.
I would just call it as simple as Capital City (still a C) or even go old school and just call the entire city Franklinton.
Flavortown or bust!
posted by justincredibleFlavortown or GTFO.
I keep waiting for Trump to defend Columbus by telling American Indians "you lost, get over it".
posted by justincredibleFlavortown or GTFO.
Sure. Food scene is pretty good.....
They call it Flavortown and I'll burn the fucking place down myself!