posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieI was directed to this site: as a place to find out where CRT is being taught. In Ohio, for example, there is no evidence it is being taught in any k-12 school. It lists about 20 colleges in Ohio teaching it. But the ones I looked at specifically show things like "diversity" classes being offered as electives. I find that stuff to be nonsense. But I would hardly call that the wave of CRT that is supposedly coming our way, causing states like Alabama or Mississippi to pass laws banning it (without any evidence it is being taught in those states). The first time I heard the term "critical race theory" was from my mom. She said something like "Do you agree with the teaching of critical race theory?" It came out of the blue about 2-3 years ago. I had never heard of it before. She told me it was becomming more and more common in schools, that we'd better think about where our daughter goes to school, etc. Turns out she'd heard about if from Tucker Carlson. 2-3 years later it doesn't seem like any more of a threat than it was then.
You are conflating a course called “CRT” with modified textbooks and teaching seminars on how to convey history under the lens of CRT, which is DEFINITELY happening right now.
No one, that I am aware of, is saying “they have a class called critical race theory in my high school”.
However, the state board of education for Virginia, the latest hotbed for this topic, absolutely had it all over their curriculum and website about the lens in which certain topics are taught.
And geeblock don’t even come on here and try to conflate CRT with just teaching that slavery existed and so did segregation because anyone with 2 brain cells knows that argument is bull shit.