I am glad this turned into the COVID conspiracy thread...
I don't know if QO or CC touched on this, because I just scroll thru their conversations 95% of the time, but the one thing I will give them if they mentioned it are the vaccine passports.
A LOT of people (including this site) acted like that was tin foil hat shit. All of Europe essentially does it, and there are states/cities in the US that are doing it and I am not talking about private businesses requiring proof of vaccine. In this case, the tin foil hat crew turned out to be right and the only argument I see is to move the goal posts and say shit like "LoL ItS nOt LiKe U wiLL EvEr LeAvE OhIo, So Y dO YoU cAre?" You might a well just admit you were wrong about the passports at this point.
Speaking of vaccine passports and mandates, it's hilarious that people think these actually do anything at this point. The cases continue to skyrocket this winter, yet some people actually believe a piece of paper or a QR code to enter a resturaunt is helping.