posted by majorsparkMy wife and I are at the tail end of a 2 week battle with this shit. Both of us being vaccinated not at all what we were expecting when testing positive. My wife brought the plague into our home so she was about 3 days ahead of me. Started out with a raw feeling in the chest then dry cough. Scratchy then sore throat.
Day 3-5 turrable. My wife was ahead of me and was telling me she feels like she has swallowed broken glass and coughing fire. Then my turn. With my dry cough I felt like I huffed a bag of fiberglass insulation. Like the blow in kind. Bad coughing fits for the both of us. But I am shooting blanks.
My wife ended up developing pneumonia. She was treated at home with antibiotics. I have not been in the office for 2 weeks nor has my wife. We still have coughing spells though far less frequent. If you feel like it is settling into your lungs keep them exercised. My wife and I blew into straws in a glass of water. My wife ordered a lung exercising device off amazon that we dubbed the crack pipe. Pretty much shaped like a crack pipe with a metal ball in a bowl on the end. You take a deep breath and exhale into it getting the metal ball to vibrate. It vibrates back into your lungs then a coughing fit. Just like the real thing. If you want to add a little more humor to a shitty situation take your other hand and act like you are flicking a lighter.
Not to scare you my wife is the activities director at an elder care facility. When someone tests positive the residents are quarantined in their rooms. When this happens my wife helps out the nurses and aids with their duties and getting food delivered to individual rooms. That is how she got it. None of the people she likely got it from had anything other than the initial mild symptoms. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets for you.
I can attest to the "swallowing glass" pain --- worst sore threat ever. Did not have the major cough stuff; mainly head cold symptoms.