posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThere’s a slippery slope in here somewhere and I don’t know where the line gets drawn firmly, but an “unusual” sexual behavior one day becomes “acceptable” the next and them “perfectly normal” the next. There are infinite letters and symbols that can be added to the moniker.
I believe maybe a percentage or two of our population truly is gay, that true trans is probably not even measurable and primarily due to mental illness. I think most of this shit will go away in time as people lose interest.
Idiots like MTG keep it alive every bit as much as the most attention seeking drag queen.
I think it’s a tough call either way. I don’t think anyone chooses to sign up for it. Parents or children. I don’t think anyone “grooms” someone to do it. All of the stories are sad. I can’t say what I would do but I would rather my child transition than kill themselves. Children who have to live with parents who tell them they are mentally Ill has to make it even worse. I don’t agree with the headline of this tweet but listening to this woman’s story without judgment I feel for her child more than I feel for her.
Whew. What hateful hateful people.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) April 27, 2023