posted by superman
Despite being 13% of the population, black males commit over 50% of murders.
Hope this helps.
This is precisely the narrative we are discussing so that is why I posted Ten posts of other ways to look at that same data. You are actually making the point I was trying to make. Blacks are seen as more dangerous because this is the statistics that is pushed, but if u actually look at how that applies to the whole population, most black people don’t commit murders. 4700/47,000,000. My contention was that the difference in crime rate between blacks and whites and between people of similar economic status, isn’t large enough to account for the disparity in people being killed by police.
Most of the people we have been discussing over the last 5 years on this site had no weapon and were targeted for very minor offenses, cigarettes, jaywalking, selling cd,s hoodies, were not talking about hardened murderers.
However by bringing up that statistic you are basically Saying that police should be racially profiling black people as murderers, which I think we can see happening. That was the discussion that I was trying to have