Progressives, part 3...

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333 - I'm only half evil

7,259 posts
Sun, Jan 31, 2021 5:36 AM
posted by gut

And what about AOC running around calling member of Congress "white supremacists" who "are endangering my life" without any proof?


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Sun, Jan 31, 2021 2:30 PM

I had that argument with an ex-coworker on FB last week.

He is far left wing and definitely had TDS “orange man bad” syndrome the last four years.

I said the only way to have a non-hypocritical opinion about Trump “inciting violence” is if you believe he did and should be impeached then you should be calling for the impeachment of Pelosi, Waters, and ACO, etc to name a few. 

If you don’t believe those democrats should be impeached then neither should Trump. 

Either they all incited violence or none of them did. If your opinion is split that one side did and the other didn’t then your opinion is hypocritical.

He kept arguing that he was not being hypocritical, that Trump was worse, blah blah blah even after I posted videos of what those 3 women has actually said recently vs the 5-10 min window of Trump’s speech that the left is saying where he incited violence.

Even with the evidence right in his face he wouldn’t listen. 

He is like the left version of QO. 


Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 9:44 AM


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:15 AM
posted by justincredible

No idea who that is, but that is a new term I have never seen before "a white woman of color"



8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:29 AM
posted by jmog

I had that argument with an ex-coworker on FB last week.

He is far left wing and definitely had TDS “orange man bad” syndrome the last four years.

I said the only way to have a non-hypocritical opinion about Trump “inciting violence” is if you believe he did and should be impeached then you should be calling for the impeachment of Pelosi, Waters, and ACO, etc to name a few. 

If you don’t believe those democrats should be impeached then neither should Trump. 

Either they all incited violence or none of them did. If your opinion is split that one side did and the other didn’t then your opinion is hypocritical.

He kept arguing that he was not being hypocritical, that Trump was worse, blah blah blah even after I posted videos of what those 3 women has actually said recently vs the 5-10 min window of Trump’s speech that the left is saying where he incited violence.

Even with the evidence right in his face he wouldn’t listen. 

He is like the left version of QO. 

Interesting black and white logic for sure. 

Question, does your logic also apply to say Rep. Green or those that also supported the Stop the Steal movement? 



Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:41 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Interesting black and white logic for sure. 

Question, does your logic also apply to say Rep. Green or those that also supported the Stop the Steal movement? 

I don’t know how one can actually watch/listen to what Trump, Waters, Pelosi, etc all said and not see how they either all incited violence or none of them did.

No unbiased person could possibly believe other wise. I could see how someone would call it all inciting. I personally don’t think any of them did however. It just makes zero sense to watch what they all actually said and only be mad at one side or only say one side incited violence.

I am not informed on Rep. Green and Stop the Steal. You will have to provide a link for me to form an opinion. 



8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:44 AM
posted by jmog

I don’t know how one can actually watch/listen to what Trump, Waters, Pelosi, etc all said and not see how they either all incited violence or none of them did.

No unbiased person could possibly believe other wise. I could see how someone would call it all inciting. I personally don’t think any of them did however. It just makes zero sense to watch what they all actually said and only be mad at one side or only say one side incited violence.

I am not informed on Rep. Green and Stop the Steal. You will have to provide a link for me to form an opinion. 

Interesting as the fact you are not informed about Rep. Green or the Stop the Steal Movement shows your own blindspot on things. 

Not agreeing or disagreeing with what you said, just that is may not be a complete picture. 

Just a quick google search will serve you well. 


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:50 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Interesting as the fact you are not informed about Rep. Green or the Stop the Steal Movement shows your own blindspot on things. 

Not agreeing or disagreeing with what you said, just that is may not be a complete picture. 

Just a quick google search will serve you well. 

So because I am not aware of every representatives actions in congress it shows my bias? 

Come on, be better than that.



Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 10:55 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Interesting as the fact you are not informed about Rep. Green or the Stop the Steal Movement shows your own blindspot on things. 

Not agreeing or disagreeing with what you said, just that is may not be a complete picture. 

Just a quick google search will serve you well. 

Ok, I did your quick google search, and you may want to stop being so uppity while misspelling the Rep's name. Its apparently Greene.

I read the "stop the steal" stuff calling Biden an "illegitimate usurper", telling people to be "ready to defend the Constitution".

I am curious, now reading all this, do you, ptown, truly believe that rhetoric was any worse than the shit we heard from democrats about Trump for 3.5-4 years? 

I seriously can't believe you would be so blinded to not see that the democrats spent 3.5 years calling Trump "illegitimate". So once again, while Greene and Gosar are wrong/stupid, they were acting no different than the idiot dems did forever. 

So, either they all incited violence or none of them did. I stand by my claim. 



8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 11:12 AM
posted by jmog

Ok, I did your quick google search, and you may want to stop being so uppity while misspelling the Rep's name. Its apparently Greene.

I read the "stop the steal" stuff calling Biden an "illegitimate usurper", telling people to be "ready to defend the Constitution".

I am curious, now reading all this, do you, ptown, truly believe that rhetoric was any worse than the shit we heard from democrats about Trump for 3.5-4 years? 

I seriously can't believe you would be so blinded to not see that the democrats spent 3.5 years calling Trump "illegitimate". So once again, while Greene and Gosar are wrong/stupid, they were acting no different than the idiot dems did forever. 

So, either they all incited violence or none of them did. I stand by my claim. 

Again, I find your all of nothing claim very black and white. Fine for you I guess. My thoughts are a little different because I think there can be levels of statements and areas of grey. 

You can say I am blind, I did not refer to anything the Ds have said, but you are the one that did not even know about the movements and the crazy things the right have been saying. I think you did not know who the Oathkeepers were. Anyone that has been paying attention to right wing violence circles would know who they are. 

If they are all bad, then by your own logic, you must include those statements by the right over the last few years. Again, your logic, not mine. 



Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 11:32 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Again, I find your all of nothing claim very black and white. Fine for you I guess. My thoughts are a little different because I think there can be levels of statements and areas of grey. 

You can say I am blind, I did not refer to anything the Ds have said, but you are the one that did not even know about the movements and the crazy things the right have been saying. I think you did not know who the Oathkeepers were. Anyone that has been paying attention to right wing violence circles would know who they are. 

If they are all bad, then by your own logic, you must include those statements by the right over the last few years. Again, your logic, not mine. 

I did include them, maybe you missed the part where I was talking about Trump’s speech?




8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 12:45 PM
posted by jmog

I did include them, maybe you missed the part where I was talking about Trump’s speech?

It is more than Trump's speech. But, again, you are blind to the right side of the equation. 


Senior Member

7,737 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 12:58 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

It is more than Trump's speech. But, again, you are blind to the right side of the equation. 

Coming from you that's hilarious. 



Honorable Admin

37,969 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 1:09 PM



8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 1:20 PM
posted by jmog

Coming from you that's hilarious. 

I could say the same about you. 

You obviously have been blind the last 5 years about the rise of right wing extremism and language, 




8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 1:21 PM
posted by justincredible



Son of the Sun

20,517 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 2:52 PM

So, this thread has turned into the blind arguing with the blind. I mean, it's not like it's nothing new, but at least it's starting to come out a bit more clearly. Now, if only someone would do a bit of self-honestly and say, "You're blind this way, like I'm blind this way, so maybe we both should try to be more well-rounded." instead of just pointing out the other person's blindness, we might actually get somewhere!


Senior Member

11,701 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 3:30 PM
posted by jmog

I had that argument with an ex-coworker on FB last week.

He is far left wing and definitely had TDS “orange man bad” syndrome the last four years.

I said the only way to have a non-hypocritical opinion about Trump “inciting violence” is if you believe he did and should be impeached then you should be calling for the impeachment of Pelosi, Waters, and ACO, etc to name a few. 

If you don’t believe those democrats should be impeached then neither should Trump. 

Either they all incited violence or none of them did. If your opinion is split that one side did and the other didn’t then your opinion is hypocritical.

He kept arguing that he was not being hypocritical, that Trump was worse, blah blah blah even after I posted videos of what those 3 women has actually said recently vs the 5-10 min window of Trump’s speech that the left is saying where he incited violence.

Even with the evidence right in his face he wouldn’t listen. 

He is like the left version of QO. 

......and you were doing so well .....


Senior Member

4,377 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 4:55 PM

Why does anyone expect more it of P-town anymore? He is literally just leftist QO. 


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 5:44 PM
posted by justincredible

Woooooaaaaahhhhhh - is this a new feature?

You realize what this means?  OC is so small time it's about the only site on the internetz that Youtube doesn't block embedding its videos!



8,788 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 6:25 PM
posted by superman

Why does anyone expect more it of P-town anymore? He is literally just leftist QO. 

Ah yes if I do not adhere to the OC conservative line of thinking, I am therefore a leftist. 

Good logic there. 


Senior Member

18,369 posts
Mon, Feb 1, 2021 6:39 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Ah yes if I do not adhere to the OC conservative line of thinking, I am therefore a leftist. 

Good logic there. 

LOL, you're so full of self delusion it's hard to imagine you weren't a Trump supporter



Senior Member

11,701 posts
Tue, Feb 2, 2021 6:11 PM

E. Warren introducing the wealth tax bill 

Marxist Witch



Senior Member

18,369 posts
Tue, Feb 2, 2021 6:23 PM
posted by QuakerOats

E. Warren introducing the wealth tax bill

I'll be surprised if it makes it out of committee.  "Committee" is a great boneyard for shit you promised your constituents but have no intention of ever bring to light.

Saw where Bernie & his comrades are using Gamestop to justify piling on trading fees again.  I think this idea might be even dumber than Warren's wealth tax.

Something has to give, though.  We're going to get slammed with tax increase at every level of government.  Goodness, already $4.5T in relief and Dems want ANOTHER $3-$4T.  I just have no idea what the markets and economy are going to look like after you effectively erased this recession with the printing press (which are a healthy part of the business cycle).


Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

3,345 posts
Tue, Feb 2, 2021 6:39 PM
posted by QuakerOats

E. Warren introducing the wealth tax bill 

Marxist Witch

Why the name?  You worth >$50 mil?