I saw where folks in Philly defaced the statue of a prominent abolitionist. Because he was an old white man, I guess?
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Reppin' the 330/216/843
LOL, country group Lady Antebellum has cancelled themselves and changed their name to Lady A, just in case anyone gave a shit about the word Antebellum. Virtue Signaling has hopefully reached it's peak.
posted by iclfan2LOL, country group Lady Antebellum has cancelled themselves and changed their name to Lady A, just in case anyone gave a shit about the word Antebellum. Virtue Signaling has hopefully reached it's peak.
I'm good with that.
I'm all for the phasing out of any southern language of phrases that stem from the Jim Crow era and Lost Cause southern ideology. The entire southern ethos is built on the backs of slavery and white supremacy. It belongs in the history book, not the active culture and society.
Son of the Sun
Son of the Sun
posted by iclfan2LOL, country group Lady Antebellum has cancelled themselves and changed their name to Lady A, just in case anyone gave a shit about the word Antebellum. Virtue Signaling has hopefully reached it's peak.
Because Grammar Signaling will never hit its peak!
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Senior Member
posted by iclfan2LOL, country group Lady Antebellum has cancelled themselves and changed their name to Lady A, just in case anyone gave a shit about the word Antebellum. Virtue Signaling has hopefully reached it's peak.
U mad?
Reppin' the 330/216/843
Reppin' the 330/216/843
posted by SportsAndLadyU mad?
Ha no, it's laughable. Everyone trying to be the most woke is pretty entertaining.
Senior Member
Senior Member
Perhaps the Democrat party should consider changing its name as well.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by iclfan2LOL, country group Lady Antebellum has cancelled themselves and changed their name to Lady A, just in case anyone gave a shit about the word Antebellum. Virtue Signaling has hopefully reached it's peak.
So it's now the A-word?
posted by majorsparkPerhaps the Democrat party should consider changing its name as well.
Maybe...but it is the Republican party that is largely defending keeping the racist/ white supremacy items up in the south....
Party of Lincoln huh?
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Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1I'm good with that.
I'm all for the phasing out of any southern language of phrases that stem from the Jim Crow era and Lost Cause southern ideology. The entire southern ethos is built on the backs of slavery and white supremacy. It belongs in the history book, not the active culture and society.
The word literally means "before the war" and was in common usage before the war you've decided it belongs to.
posted by queencitybuckeyeThe word literally means "before the war" and was in common usage before the war you've decided it belongs to.
Even more reason for it to be phased out and not celebrated or used in today's society.
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Senior Member
posted by justincredibleSo it's now the A-word?
There's an a-word for those who don't know what it means but decide it's another example of Southern bigotry.
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Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1Even more reason for it to be phased out and not celebrated or used in today's society.
Did you not understand my post? The word is not a civil-war era term.
posted by queencitybuckeyeDid you not understand my post? The word is not a civil-war era term.
Yeah....it refers to the period where there was slavery in the south. That period is glorified in the Lost Cause theory as what the south was fighting for and the ideal society. It deserves to be in the history books and museums, not celebrated or used in today's society as a name for a band.
Again, the entire southern ethos is build on the backs of slavery and white supremacy.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Definition of antebellum
: existing before a war
especially : existing before the American Civil War
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
I'm more offended by Lady, tbh.
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Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1Maybe...but it is the Republican party that is largely defending keeping the racist/ white supremacy items up in the south....
Party of Lincoln huh?
I'm guessing many Republicans in the South change their minds about the statues and heritage. As for the bust in the article I believe Forrest repented later in life. Not that it is why their is resistance to removing it.
Today's Democrats demand their quota of votes. Like Biden said "you ain't black".
And what to make of these Democrat controlled cities and the plight of the black community?
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1Yeah....it refers to the period where there was slavery in the south.
It doesn't. I'll accept that you were ignorant on the topic at first, now you're simply lying.
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Senior Member
posted by queencitybuckeyeThe word literally means "before the war" and was in common usage before the war you've decided it belongs to.
But can tearing down antebellum homes - a.k.a plantations - be far off? Agree "Lady Plantation" would have been a terrible name for a band.
Also, you can't really just change it to "Lady A", because everyone knows what the "A" stands for. I think you need to go with "The Band formerly known as Lady A".
Son of the Sun
Son of the Sun
I was apathetic towards the band I don't GAF about changing their name apparently due to connotations brought out by current events. I am amused at how that's branched into a discussion on what the word in their name is defined as and what it "really" means. For some strange reason, I'd be ecstatic if this turns into the next three days being nothing but nonstop talk on what the word "antebellum" means to all of us, complete with everyone arguing that everyone else is wrong because their meaning doesn't line up just right. MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!
Gut, I'm in favor of that. Because by doing that, they'd be following the example of Prince and, therefore, "The Band formerly known as Lady A" will become known by some bizarre symbol that no one will understand, but everyone will be tripping over each other to explain what it means.
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Senior Member
I guess my question is why do people care that they’re changing their name? If a band wants to change their name on their own because the name of their band MIGHT have racial connotations to it, why is there outrage over that?
I understand this is a thread dedicated to bashing progressives so maybe that answers my question, but what’s the harm in people changing something because they don’t like it’s “maybe-connection” to slavery?
posted by majorsparkI'm guessing many Republicans in the South change their minds about the statues and heritage. As for the bust in the article I believe Forrest repented later in life. Not that it is why their is resistance to removing it.
Today's Democrats demand their quota of votes. Like Biden said "you ain't black".
And what to make of these Democrat controlled cities and the plight of the black community?
Yeah, some Republicans are moving in that directions, others not so much. I'll be shocked if the party as a whole shifts toward the right side of history.
Yes Forest repented near his death, but does not justify him being honored with a bust. He massacred African American soldiers and created the KKK.
Hey, I am not saying the Ds are blameless here, just that that at least they are putting forth an effort to care.
posted by queencitybuckeyeIt doesn't. I'll accept that you were ignorant on the topic at first, now you're simply lying.
Educate me my friend. Does the antebellum south not refer to when there was slavery and it glorify that period?
posted by gutBut can tearing down antebellum homes - a.k.a plantations - be far off? Agree "Lady Plantation" would have been a terrible name for a band.
Also, you can't really just change it to "Lady A", because everyone knows what the "A" stands for. I think you need to go with "The Band formerly known as Lady A".
I've been to a few plantations in South Carolina and Louisiana. Some actually did a good job at covering history and the slave experience. Some were really open about how awful it was for slaves. Other homes...not so much. So, I'm good with keeping the homes, if they portray life in the correct way and do not try and sugar coat or white wash.
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by majorsparkI'm guessing many Republicans in the South change their minds about the statues and heritage. As for the bust in the article I believe Forrest repented later in life. Not that it is why their is resistance to removing it.
Today's Democrats demand their quota of votes. Like Biden said "you ain't black".
And what to make of these Democrat controlled cities and the plight of the black community?
Lol, yes. Republicans from the South are the good guys here. The dems are the eeeeevil ones!
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1I'm good with that.
I'm all for the phasing out of any southern language of phrases that stem from the Jim Crow era and Lost Cause southern ideology. The entire southern ethos is built on the backs of slavery and white supremacy. It belongs in the history book, not the active culture and society.
Because 99.9% of the US population doesnt know any origins to the name nor do they care.
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by ptown_trojans_1Even more reason for it to be phased out and not celebrated or used in today's society.
Wait, you can't be serious now ptown...you usually use logic and reason even if I don't agree with your beliefs. But you believe the word antebellum should be "phased out" because of what it literally means? (before the war)?
Am I missing something here?