Progressives, part 3...

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Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Thu, Dec 5, 2019 1:55 PM
posted by Heretic

Considering how Biden's recent response to a question about his age was to say he's not sedentary and then go on to challenge whoever brought it up to a push-up contest and IQ test to prove it, it'd be like two guys staring into a mirror and seeing each other. The winner would be the guy who made the most out-there baseless claim about himself!

Lol he called him fat too, and a damn liar. Great clip.


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Thu, Dec 5, 2019 2:01 PM
posted by Heretic

Considering how Biden's recent response to a question about his age was to say he's not sedentary and then go on to challenge whoever brought it up to a push-up contest and IQ test to prove it, it'd be like two guys staring into a mirror and seeing each other. The winner would be the guy who made the most out-there baseless claim about himself!


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Dec 5, 2019 2:34 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Pelosi prays for Trump every day, huh?

Somewhere there's a joke in there about what Dems always say about thoughts and prayers....



Senior Member

6,451 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 8:48 AM
posted by gut

Pelosi prays for Trump every day, huh?

I am guessing she prays for Trump about as much as she prays for babies in the womb. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 10:11 AM
posted by Heretic

Considering how Biden's recent response to a question about his age was to say he's not sedentary and then go on to challenge whoever brought it up to a push-up contest and IQ test to prove it, it'd be like two guys staring into a mirror and seeing each other. The winner would be the guy who made the most out-there baseless claim about himself!

I've been under a rock the last week and a half (nasty cold that won't quit).  I'm going to need to find this.




Senior Member

22,824 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 1:35 PM

At this point, I think we're beyond Biden as a gaffe machine and I'm really starting to believe he's in the early stages of dementia.


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 2:34 PM

Biden is toast.   Right after the impeachment in the house, the Senate will smear his name pretty good.  It's a shame the Senate impeachment hearing will rob us of those debates.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 2:47 PM
posted by Spock

Biden is toast.   Right after the impeachment in the house, the Senate will smear his name pretty good.  It's a shame the Senate impeachment hearing will rob us of those debates.

While it seems no one is really going to change their mind, I'd look forward to seeing Ted Cruz grill Schiff and Biden.

It would be hilarious if Schiff ends-up being the one who gets impeached.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 7:13 PM

Starting to emerge why the Dems and their media have worked so hard to discredit AG Barr and paint him as a Trump lackey.

If things were reversed, this would get non-stop coverage for weeks.  I mean, that's a BOMBSHELL from Durham if rumors of grand jury indictments are true.  For reference, the IG report today said no bias and the investigation was justified (while citing over two dozen errors).  And here you have Barr, and more directly and clearly, Durham, saying the investigation was not properly predicated.  Durham has a lot more power and broader scope than IG Horowitz.

If this ends-up being a nothing-burger then I think I'll have to admit Barr and Durham are lackeys.

“The inspector general’s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Mr. Barr said in a statement.

“Last month, we advised the inspector general that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the F.B.I. case was opened,” Mr. Durham said.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 8:10 AM

Lol Time picks Greta “I’m brainwashed by my parents and mentally unstable” as person of the year. So woke.



10,689 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 8:30 AM

Yeah, that was a stretch.

I would have picked the Hong Kong Protesters. 


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 8:46 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, that was a stretch.

I would have picked the Hong Kong Protesters. 


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 8:47 AM



Senior Member

14,851 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 9:51 AM
posted by iclfan2

Lol Time picks Greta “I’m brainwashed by my parents and mentally unstable” as person of the year. So woke.


Representative of the brilliance of the MSM.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 10:29 AM
posted by Spock

Biden is toast.   Right after the impeachment in the house, the Senate will smear his name pretty good.  It's a shame the Senate impeachment hearing will rob us of those debates.

I don't think Biden is toast.  Our modern shit show allows for too many politicians to survive things that would have torpedoed their careers a decade or two ago.

posted by iclfan2

Lol Time picks Greta “I’m brainwashed by my parents and mentally unstable” as person of the year. So woke.

I would have just loved to see her questioned about the details of her diatribe to see how much of it was just the regurgitation of rehearsed talking points.  Rather, I would have loved for everyone to be able to see that.




3,492 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 10:33 AM
posted by O-Trap



I would have just loved to see her questioned about the details of her diatribe to see how much of it was just the regurgitation of rehearsed talking points.  Rather, I would have loved for everyone to be able to see that.


make it a double feature and do the same for candace owens


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 10:35 AM
posted by geeblock

make it a double feature and do the same for candace owens

I'm here for that.

The entertainment value of this upcoming election is going to be at an all-time high.  I can't wait.  The memes will be glorious.


Senior Member

8,937 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 10:53 AM
posted by iclfan2

Lol Time picks Greta “I’m brainwashed by my parents and mentally unstable” as person of the year. So woke.

Perhaps "Unfit Parents" magazine could give her folks their people of the year award.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 2:29 PM
posted by O-Trap

I don't think Biden is toast.  Our modern shit show allows for too many politicians to survive things that would have torpedoed their careers a decade or two ago.

Just tracking the Trump saga....pretty much half the country automatically thinks he's guilty without any evidence, while the other half thinks he's innocent regardless of how much evidence there is.  In other words, the vast majority of registered voters (registered Dems or Repubs) are no different than your typical slobbering drunk sports fan.

So, yes, the people who might vote for Biden are probably unaffected by the gaffes and scandals.

Only about 20% of voters are "up for grabs", but realistically it never amounts to more than 2 points to either candidate.  Which means turnout - actually getting people who would vote for you to go vote - is the more practical focus.  Along with convincing the other candidate's base not to vote.


Also, you can't reason with the slobbering drunk sports fan.  Dems have understood this for a while, which is why they tend to demonize their opponents and make appeals to emotion.  Republicans haven't really understood this until Trump.  THAT is really what Dems see as so dangerous about Trump.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 2:38 PM
posted by O-Trap

I would have just loved to see her questioned about the details of her diatribe to see how much of it was just the regurgitation of rehearsed talking points.  Rather, I would have loved for everyone to be able to see that.

Climate change is basically the new sugar daddy for science.  If you want funding and recognition, just blame whatever on climate change.  You aren't even expected to prove the link any more.  People have become so brainwashed on climate change that most will believe almost anything is the result of climate change.  Can't cover any weather event without blaming climate change - doesn't matter if it's not true, you just follow the script because you want to keep your job.

The science itself really isn't that bad, but if you care about your career you don't dare correct misleading or bad information.  There is a fascist group of activists who literally seek to destroy anyone who dares to question the "existential threat".


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 6:32 PM

Trump signs Executive Order on anti-Semitism.

I mean, he's a really, really lousy White Supremacist.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Wed, Dec 11, 2019 6:37 PM
posted by gut

Trump signs Executive Order on anti-Semitism.

I mean, he's a really, really lousy White Supremacist.

The left was just painting him as anti-Semitic a day ago. And if this is for the nationality thing to give protections on college campuses, they called him anti-Semitic and Hitler for that too. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Thu, Dec 12, 2019 1:59 AM
posted by gut

In other words, the vast majority of registered voters (registered Dems or Repubs) are no different than your typical slobbering drunk sports fan.

I think you just explained that better than I've ever heard anyone explain it.

posted by gut

Climate change is basically the new sugar daddy for science.  If you want funding and recognition, just blame whatever on climate change.  You aren't even expected to prove the link any more.  People have become so brainwashed on climate change that most will believe almost anything is the result of climate change.  Can't cover any weather event without blaming climate change - doesn't matter if it's not true, you just follow the script because you want to keep your job.

The science itself really isn't that bad, but if you care about your career you don't dare correct misleading or bad information.  There is a fascist group of activists who literally seek to destroy anyone who dares to question the "existential threat".

I know a couple people personally who are in research in that or related fields.  In personal conversations with them, they've been pretty candid that their own charting and observation doesn't indicate it as "settled."

Having said that, they do also all seem to have seen something to make them think there's some merit to the man-influenced climate change to a negative degree, but they all essentially agreed that it's been grossly exaggerated based on anything they can tell.

Obviously, that's not meant to convince anyone.  These were casual conversations on the topic.  They do give me some pause, though.



Senior Member

10,397 posts
Thu, Dec 12, 2019 9:15 AM
posted by O-Trap

I know a couple people personally who are in research in that or related fields.  In personal conversations with them, they've been pretty candid that their own charting and observation doesn't indicate it as "settled."

Having said that, they do also all seem to have seen something to make them think there's some merit to the man-influenced climate change to a negative degree, but they all essentially agreed that it's been grossly exaggerated based on anything they can tell.

Obviously, that's not meant to convince anyone.  These were casual conversations on the topic.  They do give me some pause, though.


I used to do research in a similar field (moved on to much better paying jobs than research). To be specific I did baseline research on industrial furnace emissions and proper burner (things making the fire) design to mitigate/lower the emissions out of the furnaces. And I am talking huge industrial furnaces, not small mom and pop stuff. 


I can tell you my view is about the same as your acquaintances. Are humans having some negative effect? Most likely (although to be 100% candid we are doing MUCH better now than we did in previous decades...CFCs, VOCs, etc that tore the Ozone layer have almost been eliminated...and the ozone layer has repaired itself). Is the world coming to a crashing end due to climate change? Almost certainly not.


People don't realize how much better/cleaner our emissions aer now than it was a couple decades ago. Heck, just a catalytic converter on cars alone has cleaned up most cities air quality. 

Things we REALLY need to worry about are being taken care of (CFCs, VOCs, NOx, SOx, CO, CH4, etc) however, CO2 isn't really that harmful to the environment and we still are trying to lower it anyway just in case.


Remember, CO2 is actually making the planet greener (think an actual greenhouse, they increase their CO2 on purpose to make plants grow faster). The world has actually gotten more "green" in the last couple decades. Now, I am not saying "pump more CO2!". I am saying that there are positive effects that help offset the negative at times.


With all that said, I have driven fuel efficient cars (Focus) for the last 15 years, as I see no need to dump more CO2 into the air than I personally have to.