Progressives, part 3...

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1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 4:08 AM

So, Schiff knew about the complaint prior to the whistleblower submitting his/her complaint. Are the Dems just going to keep recycling the kavanaugh playbook?

I know Republicans are full of shit and are sleazy, but LOL at anyone that thinks the Dems set the high standard  for integrity and morality. It’s an argument between two shit sandwiches, but you can make easily make an argument that the Dems are the far bigger scumbags.  Spare me the bullshit that everything will be perfect if the Dems ever gain back full control.


inb4 “blah blah trump blah blah.”



10,689 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 6:34 AM
posted by like_that

So, Schiff knew about the complaint prior to the whistleblower submitting his/her complaint. Are the Dems just going to keep recycling the kavanaugh playbook?

I know Republicans are full of shit and are sleazy, but LOL at anyone that thinks the Dems set the high standard  for integrity and morality. It’s an argument between two shit sandwiches, but you can make easily make an argument that the Dems are the far bigger scumbags.  Spare me the bullshit that everything will be perfect if the Dems ever gain back full control.


inb4 “blah blah trump blah blah.”


If you actually read the story and look at the actual process, you see the whistleblower actually followed the proper procedure.

Plus, just last week the DNI said the whistleblower report was credible and went through the proper channels. 

Finally, just so we are clear, what's inaccurate so far in the report? Shit, the call summary confirms what's in the report.



Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 10:43 AM

Trump at the 'choppa calling for Ukraine and China to investigate Biden....that's pretty much unimpeachably impeachable rhetoric.   Just imagine Obama saying something like that and watching right-wing heads explode.

A new normal for conservative media where suddenly public statements can't be corrupt because they're transparent [and public].


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 11:03 AM


We have a treaty with Ukraine that calls for cooperation in rooting out corruption.  Trump is fulfilling his duties following through with those requirements.  A former sitting vice-president used US taxpayer money to bribe a foreign government for the purpose of having them stop an investigation into the Vice-President’s son’s corrupt business.  That is exactly the type of corruption that needs to be exposed and dealt with ……..whether or not that former Vice-President is running for office again.  Obviously it is uncomfortable for the left to have their criminality exposed, but Trump has an obligation to US taxpayers/citizens.


Senior Member

6,059 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 11:07 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


If you actually read the story and look at the actual process, you see the whistleblower actually followed the proper procedure.

Plus, just last week the DNI said the whistleblower report was credible and went through the proper channels. 

Finally, just so we are clear, what's inaccurate so far in the report? Shit, the call summary confirms what's in the report.


If you think some "process" was followed is ridiculous.  Also lets stop calling this person a "whistle blower"  He took info (supposedly) from the whistle blower the info then he reported it.  He isnt "THE" whistle blower

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,734 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 11:27 AM
posted by QuakerOats


We have a treaty with Ukraine that calls for cooperation in rooting out corruption.  Trump is fulfilling his duties following through with those requirements.  A former sitting vice-president used US taxpayer money to bribe a foreign government for the purpose of having them stop an investigation into the Vice-President’s son’s corrupt business.  That is exactly the type of corruption that needs to be exposed and dealt with ……..whether or not that former Vice-President is running for office again.  Obviously it is uncomfortable for the left to have their criminality exposed, but Trump has an obligation to US taxpayers/citizens.

 "Trump has a obligation to US taxpayers"?  Here's where you lose credibility. 


I agree that Biden had a conflict of interest.  The prosecutor he and others wanted fired was looking at corruption and maybe that would have entailed this gas company.  What in God's name Hunter Biden was doing on the board of that company is beyond me.  And let's just say hypothetically that the prosecutor was never intending to investigate the company where Biden Jr was a board member.  Just having a conflict of interest like that should have been so obvious to Joe Biden.  He completely put himself into position be in this mess.




Let's not pretend Trump was pushing the Ukrainians to investigate Biden out of some obligation to the US taxpayers.  He wanted to take down a rival - pure and simple.  In a phone call between the leader of the Ukraine and the president of the United States, there is a huge power imbalance.  Trump clearly is using this to go after an specific individual.  Just like Biden, he put himself into this mess.


Partisans like you - left and right - who never admit that their side has any fault are what is wrong with he current political debate.  It's why everything is so hostile.  You spoke of being "intoxicated" by the DC media machine.  Can't you see that this is exactly as your come across - completely intoxicated by the right wing media complex?


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 11:30 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1


If you actually read the story and look at the actual process, you see the whistleblower actually followed the proper procedure.

Plus, just last week the DNI said the whistleblower report was credible and went through the proper channels. 

Finally, just so we are clear, what's inaccurate so far in the report? Shit, the call summary confirms what's in the report.


Schiff holding the information from the committee is the standard operating procedure? GTFO. I am not saying anything is inaccurate. Trump releasing the transcript pretty much put an end to any hearsay. It’s the whistleblowers second hand account of trump’s call vs the actual transcript. It has nothing to do with what the whistleblower did. The fact of the matter is Schiff had early access to it, held it from the committee, and played it up in the media. That’s a scumbag tactic no matter how you spin it.  Again, it’s the Kavanaugh playbook recycled. The Dems are just as pure trash as they claim the Republicans are. 



10,689 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 1:42 PM
posted by gut

Trump at the 'choppa calling for Ukraine and China to investigate Biden....that's pretty much unimpeachably impeachable rhetoric.   Just imagine Obama saying something like that and watching right-wing heads explode.

A new normal for conservative media where suddenly public statements can't be corrupt because they're transparent [and public].

Yeah, the President of the United States just stated he wants a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That seems like it is abuse of power and warranted of at the very least looking into by the House. 

Also, didn't the President just confirm he asked Ukraine to look for information on a political rival as well, yet calling the House investigation a witch hunt? You just confirmed it man, it isn't a witch hunt. 

posted by QuakerOats


We have a treaty with Ukraine that calls for cooperation in rooting out corruption.  Trump is fulfilling his duties following through with those requirements.  A former sitting vice-president used US taxpayer money to bribe a foreign government for the purpose of having them stop an investigation into the Vice-President’s son’s corrupt business.  That is exactly the type of corruption that needs to be exposed and dealt with ……..whether or not that former Vice-President is running for office again.  Obviously it is uncomfortable for the left to have their criminality exposed, but Trump has an obligation to US taxpayers/citizens.


Cool. So, why didn't the President first seek information from our own government before seeking a foreign country to do it? 

posted by like_that

Schiff holding the information from the committee is the standard operating procedure? GTFO. I am not saying anything is inaccurate. Trump releasing the transcript pretty much put an end to any hearsay. It’s the whistleblowers second hand account of trump’s call vs the actual transcript. It has nothing to do with what the whistleblower did. The fact of the matter is Schiff had early access to it, held it from the committee, and played it up in the media. That’s a scumbag tactic no matter how you spin it.  Again, it’s the Kavanaugh playbook recycled. The Dems are just as pure trash as they claim the Republicans are. 

No. Read the story again. It wasn't Schiff. It was the Committee staff that learned of the issue. 

It actually doesn't matter because the President is out here just confirming all the details. 



Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 1:55 PM

The whole thing is so bizarre.  Completely inappropriate, and crossing a line, to ask Ukraine and China to investigate ANY American the same time, it stinks to high hell and probably should be investigated.  But that's for the DOJ to decide, and the POTUS should never direct the DOJ to investigate an individual.

The phone call wasn't that big of a deal, but now Trump is out there calling a political opponent crooked and demanding investigations.  I'm not sure where the line is in political mudslinging, but pretty sure Trump crossed it.   To be fair, Schiff and Schumer and several other Dems have been doing the same thing to Trump for years now.  They're all abusing their power, but 90% of the country won't do a thing about it.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 2:34 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

 "Trump has a obligation to US taxpayers"?  Here's where you lose credibility. 


I agree that Biden had a conflict of interest.  The prosecutor he and others wanted fired was looking at corruption and maybe that would have entailed this gas company.  What in God's name Hunter Biden was doing on the board of that company is beyond me.  And let's just say hypothetically that the prosecutor was never intending to investigate the company where Biden Jr was a board member.  Just having a conflict of interest like that should have been so obvious to Joe Biden.  He completely put himself into position be in this mess.




Let's not pretend Trump was pushing the Ukrainians to investigate Biden out of some obligation to the US taxpayers.  He wanted to take down a rival - pure and simple.  In a phone call between the leader of the Ukraine and the president of the United States, there is a huge power imbalance.  Trump clearly is using this to go after an specific individual.  Just like Biden, he put himself into this mess.


Partisans like you - left and right - who never admit that their side has any fault are what is wrong with he current political debate.  It's why everything is so hostile.  You spoke of being "intoxicated" by the DC media machine.  Can't you see that this is exactly as your come across - completely intoxicated by the right wing media complex?


I appreciate your comments.  Most of us are simply tired of the blatant bias of the media reporting.  On the one hand, despite Biden clearly admitting to criminal activity and incriminating himself, it is completely ignored as though it never happened; on the other hand, Trump is throw to impeachment for asking another leader to look into corruption in his country.  We are sick of it. The media needs to do its damn job – period.  Had they deployed any sense of balance and fairness in reporting, we would not be at this point.



Senior Member

14,851 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 2:39 PM
posted by gut

The whole thing is so bizarre.  Completely inappropriate, and crossing a line, to ask Ukraine and China to investigate ANY American the same time, it stinks to high hell and probably should be investigated.  But that's for the DOJ to decide, and the POTUS should never direct the DOJ to investigate an individual.

The phone call wasn't that big of a deal, but now Trump is out there calling a political opponent crooked and demanding investigations.  I'm not sure where the line is in political mudslinging, but pretty sure Trump crossed it.   To be fair, Schiff and Schumer and several other Dems have been doing the same thing to Trump for years now.  They're all abusing their power, but 90% of the country won't do a thing about it.


Amazing.  So it was perfectly fine for Hillary to declare Trump crooked and hire foreign spies and foreign countries to provide damning opposition research (ALL LIES) to take him down.  But Trump asking a foreign government to investigate corruption in that country is impeachable.


Mind numbing.


Senior Member

22,824 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 2:44 PM
posted by QuakerOats


Amazing.  So it was perfectly fine for Hillary to declare Trump crooked and hire foreign spies and foreign countries to provide damning opposition research (ALL LIES) totake him down.  But Trump asking a foreign government to investigate corruption in that country is impeachable.

When have I ever said the Dossier was fine?  He's doing the same shit he's cried about for 2.5 years.

Also, Trump asked China to investigate Biden, too.  That would be the Bank of China.  LMAO he's asking communist China to investigate itself for corruption.  Maybe slap some more sanctions on them.  That should get the job done.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 3:50 PM



When does the media or a congressional committee interview Hunter Biden?



Never mind, what a silly question.



If it was Don Jr. they would have him on the guillotine platform at this point.


Senior Member

6,451 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 9:49 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yeah, the President of the United States just stated he wants a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That seems like it is abuse of power and warranted of at the very least looking into by the House.

Didn't the minority leader of the Senate state that our domestic intelligence agency can get the current POTUS six ways from Sunday if they want.  That seems to me to be an abuse of power that should be investigated as well.



Senior Member

6,451 posts
Thu, Oct 3, 2019 10:01 PM
Cool. So, why didn't the President first seek information from our own government before seeking a foreign country to do it? 

Just a question how do you no he did not?


333 - I'm only half evil

9,903 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 8:28 AM

I get the idea that Trump is loving this and even encouraging it. Is it to get his base riled up?

I'm not sure this is the best way to get your base riled up, if that's the case...


Honorable Admin

46,095 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 9:26 AM

Pretty sure that lady was a hoaxer. I'm putting the odds at 100%.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 9:30 AM
posted by justincredible

Pretty sure that lady was a hoaxer. I'm putting the odds at 100%.

Haha I assumed so too. AOC was calling her retarded though so I wasn't 100%.  Per twitter, she might be part of some weird political cult called LaRouche or something. 


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 9:41 AM
posted by iclfan2

Haha I assumed so too. AOC was calling her retarded though so I wasn't 100%.  Per twitter, she might be part of some weird political cult called LaRouche or something. 


She said “retarded”, not ‘mentally disabled’?  Wow, how offensive.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 9:43 AM
posted by geeblock

witch hunt? Lollololol



Witch hunt is essentially going after somebody when there is no ‘there’ there.


Properly investigating a crime that has been committed and publicly admitted to, is not a witch hunt.


Take care.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,437 posts
Fri, Oct 4, 2019 9:46 AM
posted by QuakerOats


She said “retarded”, not ‘mentally disabled’?  Wow, how offensive.

She said mentally unstable, I went with retarded.