Disgusted with the Biden administration

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10,681 posts
Fri, Feb 10, 2023 7:19 PM
posted by jmog

I still believe most people understand his cognitive function has diminished significantly since he was VP. If you want to call that Alzheimer’s, dementia, or  something else so be it.

That is still painfully obvious whenever watching him try to make it through any non prepared speech.

And I hope you pay attention to someone admitting their faults as maybe you won’t be nearly as pretentious in your virtue signaling and “oh, I’m middle of the road” schtick.

And as of a couple months ago the average American agreed he was in bad health and it was basically split even on his mentally being able to do the job.

So yeah, I’m the one off my rocker on this topic…


You know it is one thing to say he is old and a completely different one to say he has dementia?

You still have not figured that out.

I agree, he is too old, and should not run in 24. 

I just find it funny, a lot of your things you are wrong are on the social issues side. Again, just something to think about as we talk now a days on topics.

Oh, I've been wrong on a few things. The big one for me was Iraq. I supported the war back in 2003. 

A few Obama related items, wrong on. I thought Trump would be way worse, wrong on that one. He was terrible, but wasn't the disaster I thought. 

I was wrong on Dewine. Thought he would be a train wreck and have been surprised. 

Those are ones off top of my head. 


Senior Member

10,367 posts
Sun, Feb 12, 2023 10:09 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

You know it is one thing to say he is old and a completely different one to say he has dementia?

You still have not figured that out.

I agree, he is too old, and should not run in 24. 

I just find it funny, a lot of your things you are wrong are on the social issues side. Again, just something to think about as we talk now a days on topics.

Oh, I've been wrong on a few things. The big one for me was Iraq. I supported the war back in 2003. 

A few Obama related items, wrong on. I thought Trump would be way worse, wrong on that one. He was terrible, but wasn't the disaster I thought. 

I was wrong on Dewine. Thought he would be a train wreck and have been surprised. 

Those are ones off top of my head. 

There’s a difference in being old and being mentally compromised. Be real here.

The man loses track of where he is walking, forgets he just met some people, talks about dead people like they are alive, and can’t form full sentences when not reading off a teleprompter.

Playing if off that he is “just old” is asinine. He isn’t much older than my parents or a number of my coworkers and all of them can have lucid conversations and don’t fumble over every other word.

He literally read directly “repeat saying” on a teleprompter Ron Burgandy style rather than actually repeating the phrase like a cognitive human being would understand.

I had 2 different grandparents pass away in the last 5 years one from cancer and one from dementia.

My grandma that passed from cancer was older than Biden but up until the last couple days could talk to you like she was still 40 years old.

My grandpa who died from dementia was really out of touch with reality for the last couple years.

Which one do you think Biden is closer to? If you’re being honest you wouldn’t say the one that was 100% cognitive until the last couple days.


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Mon, Feb 13, 2023 2:04 PM
posted by Heretic

As I've said before, maybe the Rs should have tried running someone more qualified than a quack TV doctor against the stroke guy. They only have themselves to blame in some of these states (Georgia for another) because they trotted out complete clowns.

Oh, and since Pennsylvania's House representation is only 9-8 in favor of the Ds and voted for Trump in 2016, I'm guessing it's more a battleground state than one that only looks at the letter in front of the name. Senate might be 2-0 Ds, but like I said, that's on the Rs for putting up a joke candidate and hoping Trump's endorsement still carried enough weight.

Nothing else more needs to be said.  Rs lost this seat.  This was a very winnable seat.  Rs lost a lot of very winnable seats and only have themselves to blame. 


Senior Member

6,444 posts
Thu, Feb 16, 2023 6:18 PM

Biden is fit as a fiddle and Fetterman is hospitalized with "clinical depression".  You got to wonder how poisoned with politics these doctors have become. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,720 posts
Thu, Feb 16, 2023 10:07 PM

I’m 52 years old. Never in my life do I recall these doctors ever saying but “the (current) president is perfectly healthy”.  This despite the obvious fact that Uncle Joe should be facing a Bingo card as opposed to a Situational Report.  These checkups are rubber stamps and always have been. 


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Fri, Feb 17, 2023 1:15 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I’m 52 years old. Never in my life do I recall these doctors ever saying but “the (current) president is perfectly healthy”.  This despite the obvious fact that Uncle Joe should be facing a Bingo card as opposed to a Situational Report.  These checkups are rubber stamps and always have been. 

The reality is the POTUS is little more than Chief Propagandist these days.  Just the party spokeperson.

I've been saying for years the real power is Speaker of the House, and to a bit lesser extent Senate Majority Leader.

After Obama, Trump and Biden....if you still think the POTUS is some sort of puppet-master, then you haven't been paying attention. 


Son of the Sun

22,573 posts
Fri, Feb 17, 2023 12:44 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I’m 52 years old. Never in my life do I recall these doctors ever saying but “the (current) president is perfectly healthy”.  This despite the obvious fact that Uncle Joe should be facing a Bingo card as opposed to a Situational Report.  These checkups are rubber stamps and always have been. 

My favorite was the over-the-top style of Trump's doctor where he referred to him as the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency" and that his "physical strength and stamina are extraordinary". Despite how, you know, fat-ass whose main feats of athleticism involved golfing.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Feb 17, 2023 1:48 PM
posted by majorspark

Biden is fit as a fiddle and Fetterman is hospitalized with "clinical depression".  You got to wonder how poisoned with politics these doctors have become. 

No mention by the doctor of Dementia Joe's dementia or any mental health evaluation results.   Much rather have a mentally sharp pres in a wheelchair, than a dementia sufferer on a bicycle. 


Senior Member

6,444 posts
Fri, Feb 17, 2023 8:33 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

I’m 52 years old. Never in my life do I recall these doctors ever saying but “the (current) president is perfectly healthy”.  This despite the obvious fact that Uncle Joe should be facing a Bingo card as opposed to a Situational Report.  These checkups are rubber stamps and always have been. 

You missed the other side of the point.  The other guy who should also be facing a bingo card has been "voluntarily" incarcerated indefinitely at Walter Reed under the guise of "clinical depression". 


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Tue, Feb 21, 2023 9:58 AM

The president spends Presidents Day in Ukraine.  Ok.   Sure seems as if he and his puppet masters are inching us closer to full-scale war.  Blowing up Nordstream pipeline was probably the first formal volley last year; followed up with tens of billions of dollars, now tanks, then aircraft soon to follow.  

These are the people who said Trump would start WWIII.  How can this regime be trusted at all?


Senior Member

30,978 posts
Tue, Feb 21, 2023 10:22 AM
posted by QuakerOats

The president spends Presidents Day in Ukraine.  Ok.   Sure seems as if he and his puppet masters are inching us closer to full-scale war.  Blowing up Nordstream pipeline was probably the first formal volley last year; followed up with tens of billions of dollars, now tanks, then aircraft soon to follow.  

These are the people who said Trump would start WWIII.  How can this regime be trusted at all?

This whole thing is a clusterf#ck. We're given the impression "the US isn't involved in Ukraine" but they are. 

If I'm the Russians, I'm looking at all of this military support as a direct act of war. 

To put the shoe on the other foot, if Russia had supplied $100 billion (or whatever it is) in military support to a country we were at odds with, and that "support" resulted in thousands of lost US military lives, wouldn't WE be pissed?

I wouldn't be surprised if this uptick in these stupid balloons has something to do with the Chinese siding with the Russians to somehow mess with the US. I'm sure the Russians are in the ear of the US hating countries (China, Iran, etc) because of what's going on.


Senior Member

6,444 posts
Thu, Feb 23, 2023 9:05 PM
posted by BR1986FB

If I'm the Russians, I'm looking at all of this military support as a direct act of war. 

It is.  And so is invading a neighboring nation state you pledged to respect their borders if they gave you their nukes.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is akin to the German invasion of Poland in 1939 in that it is a last straw and appeasement is now over.  There are however two distinct differences:  1) The Russian invasion force going in shit the bed.  2) Several of the major belligerents have nukes. 

Given these two factors what exists currently is a contained world war.  Taiwan would be the Asian spark.


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Thu, Feb 23, 2023 9:15 PM

You guys remember we directly armed and trained the Taliban during the 10 years USSR invaded Afghanistan, right?


Senior Member

6,444 posts
Fri, Feb 24, 2023 12:08 AM
posted by gut

You guys remember we directly armed and trained the Taliban during the 10 years USSR invaded Afghanistan, right?

We did.  The USSR no longer exists.  Several states broke free of that leash and wish to never come back.  Some in the NATO alliance on the border.  The other big difference is we have armed the Ukrainians with far more.  Lethal potential that has caused Russian casualties and losses of equipment to be tenfold suffered in Afhanistan in just a year of warfare.  Western heavy tanks with trained Ukrainian crews are soon to be crossing the border.  Patriot missile defense and likely at some point western warplanes.  Most of this a year ago considered impossible, a red line.  This will only accelerate until one side is forced to bend the knee.

Ukrainian casualties are likely 100k+ the Russians +more. This indicates the Russian population is all in at this point as the war will not be brought to them directly.  This is not your 80's proxy war.  Ukraine is a large European nation with vast natural resources that seeks to align with the West.  That is your casus belli for the Russians.  The Nazi rhetoric is for domestic consumption. 


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Mon, Feb 27, 2023 1:54 PM
posted by gut

You guys remember we directly armed and trained the Taliban during the 10 years USSR invaded Afghanistan, right?

And the soviet union aided N Vietnam during the Vietnam war.   This has been going on for decades. 


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Tue, Mar 7, 2023 9:59 AM

Wasn't sure where to discuss this, but can some of you left leaning posters (including the self proclaimed moderates) answer the following questions regarding 6 Jan?

-Why did the 6 Jan committee not share the footage of the police escorting the super horned qanon man, including unlocking doors for him?

-Why did the 6 Jan committee edit the famous Senator Hawley running clip to make it seem like he was the only one running for his life, when in reality the unedited footage shows him trailing at the back of the pack of many running lawmakers?

-Why did the media not question and still are not questioning our lawmakers on why the footage was withheld from the public?

I made a comment that the liberals of the past went missing and never came back after 2008.  Pre 2008 the liberals would ask these simple questions. 



Senior Member

14,851 posts
Tue, Mar 7, 2023 10:30 AM

Imagine withholding exculpatory evidence, and yet then referring the case to the justice department for prosecution.  And these are people who would rail against a police department covering up evidence.  Hypocrites is not even close to the proper word, how about treasonous bastards.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Mar 31, 2023 5:18 PM


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Fri, Mar 31, 2023 7:10 PM
posted by like_that

I made a comment that the liberals of the past went missing and never came back after 2008.  Pre 2008 the liberals would ask these simple questions. 

It's basically Fox vs. everyone else, which is why they all regularly attack Fox because it's the main organization standing in the way of their unified propaganda, errr I mean narrative, errr messaging, errrr "alternate facts"....I mean "news".

I have zero doubt that Tucker Carlson cherry-picked and misrepresented the footage.  Just as I have zero doubt the "bipartisan" Jan. 6th committee did.  The REAL outrage over that footage being given to Tucker wasn't national security or any other bullshit reason give....it was simply that there was now an equally biased counterpoint out there to oppose what was previously an extremely one-sided narrative.

The fact that the Libertarian party isn't massively surging after the last 6-8 years might say worse about the party itself than the general electorate.



Senior Member

6,444 posts
Fri, Mar 31, 2023 10:19 PM
posted by gut

The fact that the Libertarian party isn't massively surging after the last 6-8 years might say worse about the party itself than the general electorate.

The Libertarian party is not massively surging is because most Americans want to enforce their will on others.  It is like the clowns on the freeway that speed up when they see you moving into the passing lane cut over then slow walk you to pass the tractor trailer you both were coming up on.


333 - I'm only half evil

9,881 posts
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 4:44 PM

Have all the people arrested for J6 been formally charged? For some reason, I keep thinking that there are still 2 that are being held without charges. 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,881 posts
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 4:47 PM

As for the libertarian party, there is a lot of infighting going on under that umbrella. 

The Ron Paul church don't necessarily agree with the AnCap people.
The Mises Caucus doesn't agree with their retard faction.
And so on and so on. 



Senior Member

8,716 posts
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 10:56 PM

As someone who leans right but also likes a middle ground it’s because the Republicans are full of old fucks who are part of the problem and the left has gone crazy.  I need republicans to stop catering to the religious part of the party and focus on the economy again.


Senior Member

10,367 posts
Mon, Apr 3, 2023 8:37 AM
posted by sportchampps

As someone who leans right but also likes a middle ground it’s because the Republicans are full of old fucks who are part of the problem and the left has gone crazy.  I need republicans to stop catering to the religious part of the party and focus on the economy again.

Even as a "religious" person I agree. Focus on the economy and economic solvency (balanced budget first and foremost) and then worry about other crap. The economy should be the government's main priority after defense (notice I said defense, not war, our DOD budget could be cut in half if we stuck to only defending the USA).