posted by Laley23
I think it would be fine, so long as they let everyone vote and have enough stations for that. No more of the bullshit in Houston years ago.
But then you’d need multiple days. No way could everyone get in during the 10 hour period.
We did it not that long ago. Yeah, the occasional 2-3 hour wait sucks and should be avoided. But, as you said, it's primarily an issue of how many voting locations you can staff.
If you lack staffing, then you might need some early voting days. But it doesn't seem that complicated. We've complicated the hell out of the process, which is only further exacerbated by calling Republicans racist every time a proposal makes voting slightly more onerous than going to McDonalds.
Mail-in voting or online voting should be fine, but the counting/security/verification process makes all that inherently problematic. Seeing how easily the best efforts of govt and big business are thwarted by hackers doesn't make me optimistic we can do online voting securely any time in the near future.