posted by ptown_trojans_1
Cite me the passage in the Constitution where it sets the number of justices? It is simply set by Congress. Congress can thus pass a new law and expand it if they want and the courts would have zero reason to strike it down.
Congress could also get creative and start to reform or set new standards on how justices are appointed and confirmed if they wanted to. Mayor Pete had a few interesting ideas, but I've also seen where they can say each President can nominate 1 or 2 every four years.
I think all options are on the table and we could use this time to actually reform our broken nominating process.
Quote the part of my post that said the number was in the Constitution? I said it was the law of the land and hasn’t been altered in 150 years.
So, once again you messed up, I didn’t say it was in the constitution.
They also can’t change how the nomination is done or alter the number a President can nominate without a Constitutional Amendment (good luck getting that passed by 38 states.
The fact that you are somewhat defending packing the court is rather telling on your supposed “middle of the road” political beliefs.