Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 5, 2012 11:04am
Mass-produced lagers are often made with cheap, starchy adjuncts like rice and corn and even flavorings, and are honestly bland and devoid of almost any nutritional value … Craft beers for the most part are made with only malted barley, hops, yeast and water. They offer rich, full and diverse flavors and provide protein, potassium, niacin, folic acid, and B vitamins,” Thibodeau said.
Just Pwned InBev. Because Fuck InBev.
Mass-produced lagers are often made with cheap, starchy adjuncts like rice and corn and even flavorings, and are honestly bland and devoid of almost any nutritional value … Craft beers for the most part are made with only malted barley, hops, yeast and water. They offer rich, full and diverse flavors and provide protein, potassium, niacin, folic acid, and B vitamins,” Thibodeau said.
Just Pwned InBev. Because Fuck InBev.

Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Dec 5, 2012 12:12pm
It's wonderful as I've had it before, but it wasn't much more than a sip.Commander of Awesome;1336789 wrote:Let us know what you think when you find it!

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 5, 2012 12:19pm
Do a side by side with Abt 12!

Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Dec 5, 2012 10:45pm
Commander of Awesome;1336833 wrote:Do a side by side with Abt 12!
If I get it I might. Having had both before I can say from what I remember is the Westy is like the Abt 12...on Roids.

Posts: 24,984
Dec 5, 2012 11:40pm
It's a
Nice day
For a
White Russian!
Nice day
For a
White Russian!

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 6, 2012 1:51pm
ernest_t_bass;1337234 wrote:It's a
Nice day
For a
White Russian!

Posts: 7,349
Dec 6, 2012 3:01pm
Had a White Russian Christmas last night. Just like a regular White Russian, but you also add in some peppermint schnapps. It was really good.ernest_t_bass;1337234 wrote:It's a
Nice day
For a
White Russian!

Posts: 24,984
Dec 6, 2012 3:05pm
I've been making mine with cheap shit.sherm03;1337490 wrote:Had a White Russian Christmas last night. Just like a regular White Russian, but you also add in some peppermint schnapps. It was really good.

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 6, 2012 3:23pm
Shocking.ernest_t_bass;1337496 wrote:I've been making mine with cheap shit.

Posts: 24,984
Dec 6, 2012 3:24pm
LOL. Reps.Raw Dawgin' it;1337513 wrote:Shocking.

Posts: 3,394
Dec 6, 2012 3:34pm
and nothing near Columbus.Curly J;1336769 wrote:I know it was brought up many pages back, but it looks like I know where I'll be next Wednesday. Maybe even The Wife too. --> http://beerpulse.com/2012/12/westvleteren-xii-locations-revealed-and-more-on-challenges-of-a-one-time-u-s-release/

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 6, 2012 5:10pm
Had a Racer 5 at lunch bc IDGAf.

Devils Advocate
Posts: 4,539
Dec 6, 2012 5:56pm
Drained the last growler of Oaked Arrogant Bastard at my brew pub. It it is a sad day.
On the bright side, there is a keg of Stone Russian Imperial Stout coming up.
On the bright side, there is a keg of Stone Russian Imperial Stout coming up.
Dec 6, 2012 8:43pm
Stone Self Rightous Ale & </SPAN>Lost Abbey Deliverance (12.5%). Both excellent ales.</SPAN>

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 7, 2012 7:30am
check out this outlaw! lolCommander of Awesome;1337561 wrote:Had a Racer 5 at lunch bc IDGAf.
I love beers during the work day - over did it once and drank an entire pitcher of yuengling. I locked myself in my office when I got back and put on my best sober face. I didn't turn in any work that and the next day when I checked it, it had a shit load of mistakes ha.

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 7, 2012 11:00am
Raw Dawgin' it;1337833 wrote:check out this outlaw! lol
I love beers during the work day - over did it once and drank an entire pitcher of yuengling. I locked myself in my office when I got back and put on my best sober face. I didn't turn in any work that and the next day when I checked it, it had a shit load of mistakes ha.

At 4%, a WHOLE pitcher is almost like one real beer. Way to go tough guy.

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 7, 2012 11:38am
lol because yelling IDGAF about having one beer during work doesn't make you one? Hey pot...kettle here. Way to take a joke too seriously, snob.Commander of Awesome;1337978 wrote:
At 4%, a WHOLE pitcher is almost like one real beer. Way to go tough guy.

Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Dec 7, 2012 12:20pm
Yo bro, was it really a whole entire Yeungling Pitcher? You chug it down straight out of the the pitcher like a boss? How fast you down that bad boy?

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 7, 2012 12:50pm
Did you wear your monocle while drinking your highly sophisticated beer?Commander of Awesome;1338013 wrote:Yo bro, was it really a whole entire Yeungling Pitcher? You chug it down straight out of the the pitcher like a boss? How fast you down that bad boy?

Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Dec 7, 2012 1:56pm
I do. Wouldn't have it any other way.Raw Dawgin' it;1338027 wrote:Did you wear your monocle while drinking your highly sophisticated beer?

Posts: 14,994
Dec 7, 2012 2:51pm
I wear it for teh lulz, but if I'm drinking good beer, I don a monk's robe. Monks always knew how to make some good brew.Raw Dawgin' it;1338027 wrote:Did you wear your monocle while drinking your highly sophisticated beer?
Gotta draw the line at shaving a bald spot in the middle of my head, though.
Seriously, though, I'll never get why enjoying quality makes one a snob. My taste in wine sucks, but I don't call wine connoisseurs snobs.
Or why don't I ever get called a cigar snob or Scotch snob?

Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Dec 7, 2012 3:31pm
Cigar Snob !!! Scotch Snob !!! Now you have !!!O-Trap;1338114 wrote:
Or why don't I ever get called a cigar snob or Scotch snob?

Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Dec 7, 2012 3:47pm
just a little ball busting, no need to over think the room here.O-Trap;1338114 wrote:Seriously, though, I'll never get why enjoying quality makes one a snob. My taste in wine sucks, but I don't call wine connoisseurs snobs.
Or why don't I ever get called a cigar snob or Scotch snob?

Devils Advocate
Posts: 4,539
Dec 7, 2012 4:23pm
Maybe you prefer to be called a Pee Pee head?O-Trap;1338114 wrote:Or why don't I ever get called a cigar snob or Scotch snob?

Posts: 1,893
Dec 7, 2012 6:57pm
Starting my 'vertical' a little early. Drinking my Stone VE 09-09-09 right now and liking it quite a bit. A very unique beer, like a belgian stout with strong chocolaty, fruity and hoppy flavors. I'd buy more of this if Stone brought it back as a seasonal.