Beer snob discussion thread

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Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 31, 2012 9:23pm
I Wear Pants;1309478 wrote:Stone 16th Anniversary IPA now.
Bit old now for an IPA right? How is it?
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 31, 2012 9:28pm
Commander of Awesome;1309497 wrote:Bit old now for an IPA right? How is it?
Haha, it's not 16 years old.
Mooney44Cards's avatar
Posts: 2,754
Oct 31, 2012 9:31pm
sherm03;1309486 wrote:Mooney, where did you find the White Rajah? I couldn't find it at Wine and Spirits when I was there the other day.
They have a table right near the counter sort of right in the middle of the wine section. They keep all the popular shit there like the Stone Mint Chocolate Stout, the Three Floyd's brews, and there was about 3 cases of White Rajah stacked on the floor with a few sixers on top.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 31, 2012 9:35pm
I Wear Pants;1309508 wrote:Haha, it's not 16 years old.
Yeah I know, its just over 3 months old. That's pretty old for an IPA.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 31, 2012 9:41pm
Commander of Awesome;1309519 wrote:Yeah I know, its just over 3 months old. That's pretty old for an IPA.
I'd say it's still within range. Only ones that need to be drank ASAP or within a month are like fresh IPAs and such.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Oct 31, 2012 9:42pm
I Wear Pants;1309534 wrote:I'd say it's still within range. Only ones that need to be drank ASAP or within a month are like fresh IPAs and such.

Learneded sumthing new
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Oct 31, 2012 9:43pm
Commander of Awesome;1309519 wrote:Yeah I know, its just over 3 months old. That's pretty old for an IPA.
Depends on the beer. The fresher the IPA the better, but it's not spoiled or anything.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Oct 31, 2012 9:44pm
Drank fresh br0z
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 31, 2012 9:47pm
ernest_t_bass;1309537 wrote:Learneded sumthing new
Don't get me wrong, all IPAs or really anything that relies on a high level of hop flavor will be best as fresh as possible. But most IPAs won't be ruined or anything 3 months down the line. I wouldn't age them for years or anything but a few months isn't going to kill it.
Posts: 70
Nov 1, 2012 2:47am
I think the page moved too quickly, any one ever do the Portland Oregon scene?

I is amazing.

A Micro on every corner.

What say you Mooney?

NE Ohio is no where close.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Nov 1, 2012 3:18am
MoldyDog;1309669 wrote:I think the page moved too quickly, any one ever do the Portland Oregon scene?

I is amazing.

A Micro on every corner.

What say you Mooney?

NE Ohio is no where close.
I don't think he was including the smaller breweries, which might indeed be fantastic in Oregon (I don't know, as I've never been). Hard to compare quality if you haven't sampled the goods on both ends -- a daunting task if we're including the local distributors as well. However, having that many nationally distributed breweries, all of whom tend to have a great reportoire, in such a confined space like NE Ohio does would indeed indicate that some really good beer is made here.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Nov 1, 2012 5:43am
Damn. Had the self-Righteous, one Fat Tire, and one ST Harvest Ale last night... And I'm hurtin! Damn I love good beer!
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Nov 1, 2012 7:25am
ernest_t_bass;1309686 wrote:Damn. Had the self-Righteous, one Fat Tire, and one ST Harvest Ale last night... And I'm hurtin! Damn I love good beer!
Never had the self righteous but i really like stone so i'll probably pick one up. Also a big fat tire fan.

I had a bottle of my Clown Shoes Brown Angel last night. Not like other browns i've had. It's stronger with a lot of different flavors. It has more hops than other browns i've had but it's not over powering. If you're ever in new england try and pick some up.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Nov 1, 2012 7:35am
Raw Dawgin' it;1309708 wrote:Never had the self righteous but i really like stone so i'll probably pick one up. Also a big fat tire fan.
Fat Tire is probably my new favorite beer. Glad I live so close to Indiana.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Nov 1, 2012 8:05am
BORIStheCrusher;1309472 wrote:Speaking of Stone Verticals, looking forward to getting 12-12-12 soon. Sucks I didn't buy any before 09, but at least glad I have a few to drink.
Same here. I didn't start until 06. I don't believe the 02-02-02 was even available in Ohio due to the high ABV.
Curly J's avatar
Curly J
Posts: 7,282
Nov 1, 2012 8:11am
sherm03;1309486 wrote:Mooney, where did you find the White Rajah? I couldn't find it at Wine and Spirits when I was there the other day.
They also had some at the Jungle in Eastgate when I was there. I'll be at the Fairfield location tonight for a Cigar tasting. I can check what they have, but they are usually out of it in less than a week out hitting the shelves.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Nov 1, 2012 8:21am
Anyone a part of any "Beer of the Month" clubs, or "Beers around the world?" I found this, but $37 seems a bit much for a 12 pack:
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Nov 1, 2012 8:24am
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Nov 1, 2012 8:25am
ernest_t_bass;1309739 wrote:Anyone a part of any "Beer of the Month" clubs, or "Beers around the world?" I found this, but $37 seems a bit much for a 12 pack:
I was for 3 months. I got it as a birthday gift but probably wouldn't pay for it on my own. It's really cool to get beers in the mail though and even better when it's your first time trying each one.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Nov 1, 2012 9:27am
Curly J;1309732 wrote:Same here. I didn't start until 06. I don't believe the 02-02-02 was even available in Ohio due to the high ABV.
Wasn't 02 a whitbier?
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Nov 1, 2012 9:44am
Commander of Awesome;1309773 wrote:Wasn't 02 a whitbier?
Yeah, which I don't understand. I like the idea of doing the vertical series but don't know why they would make them different beers, although they are all Belgian beers.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Nov 1, 2012 11:19am
BORIStheCrusher;1309783 wrote:Yeah, which I don't understand. I like the idea of doing the vertical series but don't know why they would make them different beers, although they are all Belgian beers.
Not only that, I can't imagine a whitbier holding up 2 yrs let alone 10+
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Nov 1, 2012 11:19am
ernest_t_bass;1309739 wrote:Anyone a part of any "Beer of the Month" clubs, or "Beers around the world?" I found this, but $37 seems a bit much for a 12 pack:
Hello? Anyone?
Mooney44Cards's avatar
Posts: 2,754
Nov 1, 2012 12:18pm
MoldyDog;1309669 wrote:I think the page moved too quickly, any one ever do the Portland Oregon scene?

I is amazing.

A Micro on every corner.

What say you Mooney?

NE Ohio is no where close.
Yeah I've heard some great things about Portland. They really got a head start on the rest of the country with the craft beer scene because they did away with any archaic prohibition laws forbidding brewing/brewpubs before anyone else did. That being said, I can't really name more than like 2-3 nationally known breweries out of Portland. One of which is Rogue which is pretty much found everywhere but not exactly highly regarded for any of their beers. There may indeed be tons of great beer at those tiny brewpubs on every corner but that really only matters if you live in Portland.

Don't get me wrong, I would prefer to live in a world where there was a brewpub on every corner.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Nov 1, 2012 12:20pm
ernest_t_bass;1309866 wrote:Hello? Anyone?
I'm not a part of any but heard the Michael Jackson club is awesome, but pretty pricey.