Beer snob discussion thread

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O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Jul 12, 2012 9:52am
Wooball;1224028 wrote:Buehlers in Dover has it, surprised the Wooster one doesn't.
The one in Medina had it last time I looked as well.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 12, 2012 9:53am
Wooball;1224051 wrote:The DuClaw Colossus(21% abv) is something you've got to try at least once.
I want to try that, but the $30+ price tag for a bottle is bit extreme for me.
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Jul 12, 2012 9:58am
Wooball;1224051 wrote:Nice list. The Baltimore/DC area is great for beer. A friend lives in Columbia, MD and I've been to Clipper City(Heavy Seas), DuClaw and Pub Dog. The DuClaw Colossus(21% abv) is something you've got to try at least once. For 21% abv it is pretty drinkable, but a little too sweet for my tastes. Pumped to head back for the Browns v Ravens game in September, think we are heading over to Delaware to Dogfish Head.

tough to make a suggestion, but there are plenty of quality breweries listed. Some personal favorites there are Porterhouse Oyster Stout, Oskar Blues Old Chub(great beer in a can), Troegs Mad Elf and Troegenator, Victory Golden Monkey and Storm King. Pretty much anything from DFH, Great Divide, Stone and Southern Tier.
This is a good brew - and a GOAT name. I might pick up Golden Monkey, Victory has some great beers.
Wooball's avatar
Posts: 1,325
Jul 12, 2012 9:58am
Commander of Awesome;1224054 wrote:I want to try that, but the $30+ price tag for a bottle is bit extreme for me.
I'd suggest going in with 2 or 3 people. It's a bomber and i can't imagine drinking the entire bottle, unless you want to pass out.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Jul 12, 2012 10:35am
Raw Dawgin' it;1224020 wrote:I haven't had a quality beer in a while. Here's the list of brews at my local beer store, what are some you'd recommend i pick up for the weekend?
I don't have access to Oskas Blues so that's what I would get. Read a lot of good things about Dales, Ten Fidy and Old Chub.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Jul 12, 2012 10:50am
Allagash White
Breckenridge 471
Delirium Tremens
Anything Dogfish Head
Heavy Seas Siren Noire
Maui Coconut Porter (This shit is delicious, get it if they actually have it)
Oskar Blues Dales Pale Ale
St. Bernardus ABT 12

Just a few of the ones I like. If they actually have all the ones on that page you've got a lot of great beers to choose from.
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Jul 12, 2012 11:05am
Had the Great Lakes Lake Erie Monster for the first time a couple days ago.

Solid. 9.1% never fails. A bit bitter; had the taste still in my mouth until I ate something about 20 minutes later, but would drink again.
Raw Dawgin' it's avatar
Raw Dawgin' it
Posts: 11,466
Jul 12, 2012 11:06am
BORIStheCrusher;1224107 wrote:I don't have access to Oskas Blues so that's what I would get. Read a lot of good things about Dales, Ten Fidy and Old Chub.
It's $18 bucks for a 6 pack there and i actually remember hating it but it has high reviews on BA.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 12, 2012 11:08am
Raw Dawgin' it;1224150 wrote:It's $18 bucks for a 6 pack there and i actually remember hating it but it has high reviews on BA.
$18 for a can 6er?! I can almost get Oaked Aged Arrogant Bastard for that.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Jul 12, 2012 11:10am
Commander of Awesome;1224152 wrote:$18 for a can 6er?! I can almost get Oaked Aged Arrogant Bastard for that.
Oskar Blues Dales Pale Ale is one of the best beers being canned right now and there's a lot of good beers going that route.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Jul 12, 2012 11:14am
I Wear Pants;1224156 wrote:.. there's a lot of good beers going that route.
I love cans, wish more breweries would get on it.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 12, 2012 11:16am
No issue with canned beer, as its better for the enviroment. However canning is cheaper than bottling and thus prices should follow. This doesn't seem to the case though. I still prefer a bottle. Dales also isn't $18 for a 6er, can be had for much cheaper.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 12, 2012 11:17am
BORIStheCrusher;1224163 wrote:I love cans, wish more breweries would get on it.
If I'm going to drink from a container I prefer a can, but I rarely don't drink out of one of my glasses.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Jul 12, 2012 11:23am
Commander of Awesome;1224164 wrote:No issue with canned beer, as its better for the enviroment. However canning is cheaper than bottling and thus prices should follow. This doesn't seem to the case though. I still prefer a bottle. Dales also isn't $18 for a 6er, can be had for much cheaper.
Not to mention it saves the beer from being hit with the evil skunking force of UV light.
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jul 12, 2012 1:53pm
I am coming back to Ohio for work in a couple of weeks. Anyone interested in a NE Ohio OC gathering at the Canton Winking Lizard July 31-August 2nd?
Wooball's avatar
Posts: 1,325
Jul 12, 2012 2:23pm
OneBuckeye;1224354 wrote:I am coming back to Ohio for work in a couple of weeks. Anyone interested in a NE Ohio OC gathering at the Canton Winking Lizard July 31-July 2nd?
Possibly. Probably prefer August 1st so we can get our "glass of the month".
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jul 12, 2012 2:31pm
Opps i meant July 31- Aug 2nd. My bad.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Jul 12, 2012 3:25pm
Not a terrible idea.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Jul 12, 2012 4:24pm
I'd be game. Definitely.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Jul 12, 2012 4:35pm
I'd be game but I will be in Florida those dates.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 13, 2012 8:11am
I won't be there.

Had a Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere last night. Pretty good, interesting to try a beer with New Zeland hops.
BORIStheCrusher's avatar
Posts: 1,893
Jul 13, 2012 9:34am
Opened the Granite City Bock growler last night while watching the USA game. I remember liking it a lot a few years ago but now know my palate has really changed over time. I could barely finish one glass; it was just not good. I remember them telling me they won some award for their Bock, but I don't know how. Between this, their Pale ale and the Pilsner I had at the bar their beers are pretty bad.
vdubb96's avatar
Posts: 2,210
Jul 13, 2012 9:50am
Had myself a Stone IPA last night. Great as always.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jul 13, 2012 10:22am
Love Stone IPA.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Jul 13, 2012 11:41am
Has anyone in NE Ohio been to the Lockview in Akron? Seems like that would be a great place for a gathering, selection-wise. I'm going to get an official estimate on the number of beers available, but it might be damn-near 100+, and they're almost all the good stuff.

From their Facebook page on June 1th (;)):

"New Beers! Suck on that Giant Eagle!

As an aside, they also are the place to go for gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches.