Chrysler Autoworkers Caught on Camera Drinking Beer, Smoking Pot During Break

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majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Sep 26, 2010 1:03am
rydawg5;497452 wrote:Its not like they were doing crack

No they were not doing crack. Does it make it right? I am amazed by some of you that downplay this instead of condemning this type of activity. These employees not only endanger their fellow workers physically but financially as well. Any accident that happens while they are under the influence opens the company up to costly law suits. Their activities also reflect negatively on the company in the public's eye which will also cost the company financially. They are selfishly putting their fellow employees at risk.
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:06am
didn't hurt my feelings when you said the things about me. I still think you are a bitch though. But be honest. This can't be the 1st time you have been called a bitch.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:07am
endanger? i play against people who get high as shit and kick my ass in ps3 games.. games that take 100% eye coordination and reflexes to master.. it is amazing.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:08am
RelsonGracieBJJ;497542 wrote:didn't hurt my feelings when you said the things about me. I still think you are a bitch though. But be honest. This can't be the 1st time you have been called a bitch.

Probably not, but i didnt say much about you except that you are an internet hardass.. you call people a bitch on the intenet.. thats kinda dooshy
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:10am
I would call you a bitch to your face chump.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:12am
Thats like a real internet hardass.. damn.. anger issues... i was just kidding fo sho..
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:17am
No internet hard ass here. And no anger Issues. I just don't like people lol.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:18am
I understand that.. please accept my apology, im very drunk.
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Sep 26, 2010 1:19am
RelsonGracieBJJ;497549 wrote:I would call you a bitch to your face chump.

RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:19am
Np rydawg. No apologies necessary. This is all in fun :)
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:20am
DeyBitch . Been awhile. lol. You always chime in on any post I make. I do think you.. & FATzirg are bitches.
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Sep 26, 2010 1:26am
RelsonGracieBJJ;497561 wrote:DeyBitch . Been awhile. lol. You always chime in on any post I make. I do think you.. & FATzirg are bitches.

Oh come on now, it's been a while since I have commented on somethin you have said...I mean it was a classic line though, can't argue that one!
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Sep 26, 2010 1:28am
Not at all. I am sure you are a good guy in life. But Big(FAT)Zirg is still a bitch..
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Sep 26, 2010 1:38am
rydawg5;497543 wrote:endanger? i play against people who get high as shit and kick my ass in ps3 games.. games that take 100% eye coordination and reflexes to master.. it is amazing.

Are you serious? Comparing gaming on your own time to the real world? In the real world it does not matter if the operator of a piece of equipment flawlessly operated his machine with 100% precision. Accidents happen. They may not be the fault of the operator. But serious accidents that happen in the work place mean the operator gets to provide a stream of his finest. If any kind of controlled substance is involved the employer is at immediate financial risk. Especially if the employer does not have a controlled substance policy in place. Clearly you have never had the pleasure of employing anyone.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:42am
lol please dont reply so seriously to joking messages.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Sep 26, 2010 1:45am
rydawg5;497577 wrote:lol please dont reply so seriously to joking messages.
I always get serious when I have been drinking.
Posts: 2,849
Sep 26, 2010 3:31am
Serious business, yo.
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Sep 26, 2010 3:50am
I have to wonder how the "it's no big deal" guys would react if MSNBC got footage of Wall St. types, insurance executives and other white collar workers drining cocktails on their lunchbreaks. What if there was video of police workers passing a fatty? Ender W. would have an erection that would last much longer than four hours, if you know what I'm saying.

I have to find the article, but I remember hearing a story on a talk radio show a couple years ago about a book written by a former autoworker in Detroit. In his book he chronicled crazy stories about what went on inside back in the 70's, specifically I remember he said they had a bar that was set up inside and there was a female employee who turned tricks out in the parking lot for extra cash. Managment turned a blind eye to it all and in most cases participated. No one dared rat the fellow workers out for fear of their life.
HitsRus's avatar
Posts: 9,206
Sep 26, 2010 8:54am
Out of more than 2800 employees I bet you can find all kinds of knuckleheads.
Are you willing to extend that type of thinking to 'evil' wall street execs?

These people should be fired so that the dozens more doing this type of stuff who were not caught get a clear message that this will NOT be tolerated.
I'll be curious if the union tries to protect or defend these people. Nothing would be better for ALL involved if they would deliver a firm message to their members that this abuse hurts the American worker. It should NOT stand in the way of their dismissal. There are plenty of other laid off workers who would like those jobs.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Sep 26, 2010 9:05am
I think we've got to remember that there are alot of college guys posting on here. And if not still in college, still have the college state of mind. Not saying that that's a bad thing, either. It's just that when you're still young like that, you tend to see things a whole lot differently than when you get older.

Personally, I think the guys in the video have too much job security and got foolish with it and definitely took advantage of it.
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Sep 26, 2010 11:27am
^^ True. However, like Hits and I posted, if there a couple guys over at Lehman Bros. they'd all be appalled by their behavior.
Sep 26, 2010 12:56pm
majorspark;497493 wrote:You are blowing this out of proportion by insinuating the type of activity occurring at this plant is typical all over the country and the world.

Maybe not the same activity, but would you trust a car built by someone who has been working for 18 hours straight in China?

Didn't think so.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 26, 2010 1:01pm
dlazz;497822 wrote:Maybe not the same activity, but would you trust a car built by an 8 year old who has been working for 18 hours straight in China?

Didn't think so.

Big_Mirg_ZHS's avatar
Posts: 2,079
Sep 26, 2010 1:07pm
RelsonGracieBJJ;497568 wrote:Not at all. I am sure you are a good guy in life. But Big(FAT)Zirg is still a bitch..

Lol fat funny thats really orginal. Man that cut me deep. I havent been hearing that since the third grade or nothing. Im a bitch. lol Funny shit. Do you see me threatening anyone over an internet message board? Your brand of douchery is unmatched except by your brother.
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Sep 26, 2010 1:21pm
dlazz;497822 wrote:Maybe not the same activity, but would you trust a car built by someone who has been working for 18 hours straight in China?

Didn't think so.

we get cars from China?