posted by jmogFinally watched M. Night Shamalamadingdong's Split.
I went in with mixed expectations. I remembered liking Unbreakable, but knew all the recent movies from M. Night have been absolutely horrendous.
However, since Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable is in Glass as well as the character from Split...I didn't want to go watch Glass before seeing Split.
So, I went in thinking it could be terrible or amazing, overall it wasn't bad at all.
I would say a solid 7/10.
James McAvoy's acting was amazing, being able to basically play all the different personalities/roles very well. If anything, the only drawback on the movie was that it took too long to develop the pseudo-science (won't spoil) and come out with the final "character/personality".
Definitely makes me look forward to going to see Glass, will probably wait until its out in the cheap theatres now since it is only a couple weeks from that.
I was sadly mistaken. Glass was a 4/10. Not as bad as some of M. Night Shamalamadingdong’s recent movies but actually boring.
McAvoy was the only bright spot in the movie his acting was on point again.