Just got done reading the 5 page Wayne County Mafia Basement Thread…….lots of LOL’s from 13 years ago. (a ton of GFY’s hurled around 😁)
Devils Advocate
Brudda o da bomber
Devils Advocate
Brudda o da bomber
The accepted abbreviation for Wayne. County is GFY
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
I can't embed screenshots but I'm not sure if that's because of my phone (Pixel) or if it just hasn't been done yet?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
CenterBHSFan wrote:I can't embed screenshots but I'm not sure if that's because of my phone (Pixel) or if it just hasn't been done yet?
You should be able to upload a photo to the site, I've had no issues and I've seen others do it.
Is this what you're trying to do?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Doing some code pushing and server tinkering tonight, so the site may be broken here and there. I apologize in advance if I flip a switch right when you post something and it doesn't go through. I wouldn't post anything long until I've given the all clear.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
I'm done for the night, site shouldn't go down again.
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
justincredible wrote:
You should be able to upload a photo to the site, I've had no issues and I've seen others do it.
Is this what you're trying to do?
Sorry I just now saw this. I think it was my phone. Because I've since been able to embed images after a restart.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Glad to hear it.
A relatively simple feature I would like to add next is that if you start typing a new post it will autosave your progress in case you accidentally refresh your page or navigate away. I've done that before where I'm typing out a long post and accidentally swipe and navigate away and have to type it all over again. Not sure if anyone else has ever dealt with that.
333 - I'm only half evil
333 - I'm only half evil
justincredible wrote:Glad to hear it.
A relatively simple feature I would like to add next is that if you start typing a new post it will autosave your progress in case you accidentally refresh your page or navigate away. I've done that before where I'm typing out a long post and accidentally swipe and navigate away and have to type it all over again. Not sure if anyone else has ever dealt with that.
That's a really great idea. I've done the same thing too many times to remember. Thumbs up from me!
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Ok that should be working now.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Site should load quite a bit quicker now.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
I temporarily broke a few things but I think they're back to normal now.