Nope, he wasn't in the office today. But the 8 of us in the meeting are all in agreement that it's a poorly thought out idea that could have pretty bad consequences for the company. The 2 managers have attempted to talk to him about it, as well as another VP that is part of our extended team. Another VP told us to just not come in, he doesn't think he'd fire us.
Our managers are convinced he listened to a podcast that said this was the way to go to improve productivity, so I'm not sure he really gave them a convincing argument for his decision. When they pushed back and said the team might lose two members with very important skillsets he responded with something to the effect of "they'll get used to it and end up loving it."
We'll see how it goes, I have until January 6th before the mandate goes into effect. I think the other guy is going to leave regardless of how it plays out. I'm willing to let things ride for a bit and see how far I can push the issue. I am "happy" (willing) to go in 4-5 times a month. Depending on what I'm working on, some weeks would be zero days, but some could be two days.