posted by kizer permanenteI love the idea that QO thinks he can realistically calculate the cost of undocumented people. Since.. you know... they’re undocumented. So any and everything would purely be an estimate. Also.. a wall can’t remove people who are already here. Or people that didn’t come from the southern border. Or people who are paying taxes under fake id’s that would now be taken away. Or... well you get the idea, right?
Lord, where to begin. There are a plethora of cost estimates related to the illegal immigration crisis. Medical costs, educations costs, welfare costs, housing costs, border security costs, and on and on and on. Many of the estimates are in the $150 billion per year range. Then there are the opportunity costs that are not even factored into those costs, which could easily be in the tens of billions on top of the $150 billion. So pick a number to apply to the wall - $5 billion, $25 billion, $50 billion …any of them have a 1 year payback or less, not even counting the elimination of future costs that will continue to skyrocket so long as we do nothing now and continue to kick the can down the road.
The Wall --- obviously it will not be a solid concrete/steel wall the entire length of the southern border, contrary to the absurd noise from the left trying to pin that on those in favor of a wall. ‘The wall’ will be built in segments in areas where it makes the most sense, and in areas where other means of deterrence to entry work better, different solutions will be used. Pick any of hundreds of border chiefs and agents and they will tell you that such a ‘wall’ will be of huge importance in stemming the invasion. This is not rocket science; this is something nearly every democrat supported, that is, before Trump was elected.
Ending this crisis and solving this problem for the long-term will save taxpayers hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. There is no more time to waste; it is long, long past time to act.