posted by Spock
The wheel and fire are 6,000 years old also.......should we get rid of them? The people that say "walls dont work" are idiots. I bet half of you have privacy fences to keep people out of your yards
Fire is older and occurs in nature independent of man. You can't "get rid of" fire.
As for the wheel, it's still around, but it's not the best method of transportation today. Compare it to a plane, and it becomes embarrassing.
Many people probably do have privacy fences. Theyre good for privacy as long as nobody is trying to get in. On the other hand, if somebody IS trying to get in, they're a minor inconvenience.
Anyone who thinks a wall is going to significantly curb the problem is either a fool or a partisan hack. If the latter, they should at least have the decency to stop pretending to have the fiscal responsibility high ground.