I think "safe, legal and rare" is the way to go. Generally speaking that would cover rape, life of mother, forced incest and so on. I know that that broad scope was supported by Reagan to Hillary to Trump, which encompasses a wide variety of groups.
Should everything come down from DC? I don't think so. Laws closer to home matter more on a variety of things, this being one of them.
Time and time and time again Democrats have had every opportunity to codify Roe V Wade. In fact, remember when Obama said that he would handle that on day one of his presidency? Of course, once he got into office he then said that it was not his top priority.
The unlikable fact is that Dems had zero intention on ever doing it because it has always been one of their main money makers for campaigning. It was a problem that could never be solved. That's just the truth of it.
If anybody wants to work up a good lather from self righteous fury, they should look to the people who have always dangled the carrot but never let them eat it. But we all know THAT will never ever ever ever ever ever happen.