posted by ptown_trojans_1Ok, fair enough.
So, when should government set the line? When exactly should an abortion be legal and not legal? What week?
How is that determined and who exactly determines it within government?
Where is the line where the government is restricting the rights of the women and forcing them to do what they may not want to do?
It seems like Republicans the last two years are way out is step on this issue as they cannot come up with a good answer to that question. Hence why the abortion measures in states are passing because voters like the option and do not want government totally making the decision for them. People like options, cause the real world is messy.
1. When science confirms where life begins. That’s the line. Government isn’t choosing the line, religion isn’t choosing the line, biologists do.
2. The argument that it’s forcing birth, or forcing women to do what they don’t want to do is asinine, here’s why. Let’s remove the case of rape for a minute as that isn’t consensual. When a woman consents (and a man too) to sex, they KNOW that even with contraception they risk the chance of pregnancy. They knowingly accept that risk by having sex. Knowing that they are chancing a life coming into the world they accept the responsibilities of it. The argument of “forced birth” is the most removed from reality and asinine logic I have ever heard. Again, assuming we are talking about consenting adults.