2024 Election thread

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Senior Member

22,817 posts
Fri, Oct 6, 2023 3:37 PM
posted by jmog

He was laughed out by the left, but the math works, its literally 6 years of 1% reductions in spending and normal 2.38% increase in revenue to get back to budget surpluses even at $5.7T spending and $4.7T revenue.

I ignored the 1% reduction - in any event, that's only another 2-3 years.

Zero doubt they will inflate their way out of the SS and Medicare problem.  But they also need to increase FICA, especially given the larger retiree base relative to the workforce.

And that's going to be hugely unpopular.  Just imagine the outrage over a 50% increase in FICA, which would put us on par with most of Europe.  But don't forget about the employer portion - that's roughly 3.32% less take-home pay in your check, PLUS another 3.32% in lower overall pay (your employer will pass the tax on to you).


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Sat, Oct 7, 2023 2:04 AM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Yes. Mccarthy set himself up to fail as he did agree to the condition that any one member can bring a motion. That is what happened.

The funny thing is, we all know it on here,but it rarely gets mentioned: if we really, really want to tackle the debt, be honest about it. It means drastic cuts to the entitlement programs and the defense budget. But, Republicans know that would get them no where as those are really popular. So,they argue about 20% of federal spending,  while ignoring the real causes. 

There is a lot of fat in the DOD that can be cut, and they still would be the world’s most powerful military by miles. 


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Sat, Oct 7, 2023 12:17 PM
posted by like_that

There is a lot of fat in the DOD that can be cut, and they still would be the world’s most powerful military by miles. 

It's a bit weird - social security actually took in $1.09T last year, against payments of only $1.14T.  The big gap seems to be medicare - $988B in receipts, $1.3T in payments

And $700B in net interest....so, really, the major driver of the problem is piling up debt to fund deficits.

Stop the budget tricks for new programs and entitlements that aren't actually fully funded.  We didn't get here because of social security - it's been a progressive 15+ year march of unfunded spending, and both parties do it.

Since the financial crisis, we've added $20T in debt in just 15 years....end the unfunded programs yesterday.


Senior Member

10,828 posts
Mon, Jan 22, 2024 9:57 PM

Can someone ELI5 how the dems are going with Biden again. Four years ago he was too old, and a lot of people went with him because he wasn’t Trump. I don’t know if that works out for him this time around. How did four years pass and they couldn’t find anyone else to take the reins? He’ll be fucking 86 at the end of the next term if he wins. And obviously Trump is barely younger and probably in worse health but we know how we got here with him. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,720 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 8:19 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

Can someone ELI5 how the dems are going with Biden again. Four years ago he was too old, and a lot of people went with him because he wasn’t Trump. I don’t know if that works out for him this time around. How did four years pass and they couldn’t find anyone else to take the reins? He’ll be fucking 86 at the end of the next term if he wins. And obviously Trump is barely younger and probably in worse health but we know how we got here with him. 

No idea why anyone would think the best option is an 80+ man.  It is ridiculous.


Senior Member

30,978 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 8:25 AM

Sounds like the Dems are praying Michelle Obama throws her name in the hat. That would be great....not


Senior Member

15,318 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 3:55 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Can someone ELI5 how the dems are going with Biden again. Four years ago he was too old, and a lot of people went with him because he wasn’t Trump. I don’t know if that works out for him this time around. How did four years pass and they couldn’t find anyone else to take the reins? He’ll be fucking 86 at the end of the next term if he wins. And obviously Trump is barely younger and probably in worse health but we know how we got here with him. 

This captures my opinion very well.  I would add that in 2020, the Dems should have picked a VP that would have been groomed and marketable for the 2024 election.

(I had to look what ELI5 meant 😀)



10,680 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 4:05 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Can someone ELI5 how the dems are going with Biden again. Four years ago he was too old, and a lot of people went with him because he wasn’t Trump. I don’t know if that works out for him this time around. How did four years pass and they couldn’t find anyone else to take the reins? He’ll be fucking 86 at the end of the next term if he wins. And obviously Trump is barely younger and probably in worse health but we know how we got here with him. 

The incumbent President is running. Rarely does the incumbent President get a primary challenge. 1968 and 1980 are only ones I can think of in recent memory. 68, Johnson did not run again in a surprise late announcement and Carter did fend off Teddy Kennedy in 80.

I too wish Biden wasn't running, but trying to unseat a popular (which Biden is to democrats) is nearly impossible. 


Senior Member

16,793 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 4:39 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Can someone ELI5 how the dems are going with Biden again. Four years ago he was too old, and a lot of people went with him because he wasn’t Trump. I don’t know if that works out for him this time around. How did four years pass and they couldn’t find anyone else to take the reins? He’ll be fucking 86 at the end of the next term if he wins. And obviously Trump is barely younger and probably in worse health but we know how we got here with him. 


The entire landscape of US politics is embarrassing. 



67,719 posts
Tue, Jan 23, 2024 5:16 PM

I’m 49 and I feel I’m out of touch….can’t imagine being nearly 2 generations older and have a grasp on all things


Senior Member

10,366 posts
Wed, Jan 24, 2024 9:25 PM

So we are going to have to choose between old asshole and dementia again….

Wonderful. Our country is full of morons on both sides. NEITHER of these 2 should be the nominee for their side.  



Senior Member

8,936 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 7:52 AM
posted by Ironman92

I’m 49 and I feel I’m out of touch….can’t imagine being nearly 2 generations older and have a grasp on all things

I'm roughly halfway between you and Joe, and I know I'm not as sharp as I was even a few years ago. I could still perform my old jobs adequately, but the job of POTUS should be held by someone at the peak of their mental game.


Senior Member

30,978 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 8:58 AM
posted by jmog

So we are going to have to choose between old asshole and dementia again….

Wonderful. Our country is full of morons on both sides. NEITHER of these 2 should be the nominee for their side.  

Wouldn't it be great if there were candidates that gave a shit about the people, and what made common sense, versus toeing the party line?

I'm not quite sure what I am (politically) as I lean conservative on taxes, guns, protecting the borders, etc yet I don't give a shit about legalizing weed, abortion (as long as it's not used repeatedly as birth control) and gay rights (love everyone you want, DGAF).



37,924 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 10:03 AM
posted by BR1986FB

Wouldn't it be great if there were candidates that gave a shit about the people, and what made common sense, versus toeing the party line?

I'm not quite sure what I am (politically) as I lean conservative on taxes, guns, protecting the borders, etc yet I don't give a shit about legalizing weed, abortion (as long as it's not used repeatedly as birth control) and gay rights (love everyone you want, DGAF).

The problem is this is majority. And not a slight majority. It's probably like 85% of the population that has leans on main party issues, but then is indifferent or leans the opposite direction on other issues. 

...yet we cant get an independent to get 5% of the vote. The vocally deafening on each side makes it so those in office think thats how the ENTIRE party thinks. 



10,680 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 10:27 AM

Both parties caved.

If Democrats would have been more adamant that Biden serve only 1 term, we would be in a different place.

If Republicans would have stuck to their January 7th,  2021 statements instead of caving to Trump we would be in a different place. 

As a result, here we are. 


Son of the Sun

22,573 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 11:41 AM
posted by jmog

So we are going to have to choose between old asshole and dementia again….

Wonderful. Our country is full of morons on both sides. NEITHER of these 2 should be the nominee for their side.  

With the added "benefit" that old asshole is potentially showing signs of adding dementia to what he brings to the table. At the least, he has history of the Alzheimer's in his family with his dad (and there are hereditary aspects to that disease) and he's turning into quite the gaffe machine in recent times with things like confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi in talking about Jan. 6 security stuff, getting Jeb and former president George Bush Jr. mixed up and apparently thinking a key to winning the Revolutionary War involved controlling the airports.

Makes me worry that another Trump term would just be four more years of an addled old guy who needs handlers with his hands on the reins...with the minor exception of this one being much angrier and more vindictive and WAY more likely to tell any handlers to GFY while doing whatever his whims at the time are telling him.



7 gram rocks. how i roll.

9,155 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 3:47 PM
posted by Heretic

With the added "benefit" that old asshole is potentially showing signs of adding dementia to what he brings to the table. At the least, he has history of the Alzheimer's in his family with his dad (and there are hereditary aspects to that disease) and he's turning into quite the gaffe machine in recent times with things like confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi in talking about Jan. 6 security stuff, getting Jeb and former president George Bush Jr. mixed up and apparently thinking a key to winning the Revolutionary War involved controlling the airports.

Makes me worry that another Trump term would just be four more years of an addled old guy who needs handlers with his hands on the reins...with the minor exception of this one being much angrier and more vindictive and WAY more likely to tell any handlers to GFY while doing whatever his whims at the time are telling him.

but if the old asshole picks a good running mate, we could deploy the 25th amendment and get a decent person in the chair. the other side will give us the goofy giggler in that spot and i'd rather have dementia sitting there.


Son of the Sun

22,573 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 4:18 PM
posted by j_crazy

but if the old asshole picks a good running mate, we could deploy the 25th amendment and get a decent person in the chair. the other side will give us the goofy giggler in that spot and i'd rather have dementia sitting there.

Yeah, but will he pick a good one or just the one who (a) kisses the best ass and/or (b) checks off one box or another as far as "covering all bases" among as many prospective voters as possible?


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 4:58 PM

Too many team players voting and not enough people willing to vote off-party.



10,680 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 7:40 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Too many team players voting and not enough people willing to vote off-party.

If only the libertarians on here actually put their efforts toward findings those people instead of just complaining...



10,680 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 7:43 PM

Also, Trump trying to kill a Congressional deal on immigration and Ukraine/Israel funding is typical Trump.

Some Congressional Republicans are now likely to not approve any deal in immigration reform this year because it may help Biden. 

I guess if it such an important issue, why not work to fix it now? 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 7:46 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

If only the libertarians on here actually put their efforts toward findings those people instead of just complaining...

Is this you and forgot what you just posted earlier or are you just trying to be a jackass towards me?



10,680 posts
Fri, Jan 26, 2024 6:46 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Is this you and forgot what you just posted earlier or are you just trying to be a jackass towards me?

The posters that are more libertarian on here would say they are not Republicans. 

So, I was referring to the parties. 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,880 posts
Fri, Jan 26, 2024 7:00 PM



Senior Member

22,817 posts
Fri, Jan 26, 2024 7:30 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

If only the libertarians on here actually put their efforts toward findings those people instead of just complaining...

Maybe the libertarians don't believe in intimidating or shaming people into voting a certain way.  Must be what makes them right wingers.