posted by QuakerOats
A huge difference.
Take care.
PS - we should all vote on the same day, in person. That way, we all have the same information as of the same day that we all vote together. Imagine having upwards of 30 million votes cast by October 30th, and then on November 1st, Biden is indicted for bribery and racketeering and money laundering. We would have a real problem. We should all vote on the same day, in person, with ID's = 100% election integrity and no way for anyone to allege fraud.
If that is the case, then you are against absentee then? That is not in person.
I also 100% predict if Trump loses this election, you are going to say it was rigged.
I'm in agreement with a lot of people on here that I think if we are going use absentee, they should be requested by people and not just automatically sent to people. I also think this late in the year, I'm not sure states are ready and prepared for a flood of ballots that could take a while to count.