posted by gutLOL, trolling comes so naturally to Trump. Throws the "I'm taking hydroxy" grenade to the press and does a mic drop.
While I think it's hilarious watching the TDS brigade twist themselves in knots over hydroxy, I thought Trump should have taken more care with this announcement. Although I guess he did say he consulted with his doctor. But I felt more emphasis was needed on why he was taking it (he can't truly shelter in place because of the job) and the precautions being taken (I would guess he is being monitored constantly, and probably never more than 100 feet from a doctor).
Followed by Pelosi expressing concern for him due to taking an experimental, unproven drug with possible serious side effects because of worries about his health because he's "morbidly obese".
At the very least, our political people have gotten really good at throwing shade at each other! Very entertaining, even if the concept of any of these people having any say in anything that may impact me gets more terrifying by the day.