posted by like_that*grabbing popcorn*
I'm not too interested... We already know how this will go. DNC will never let Bernie win their nomination. Bernie Bros wont vote for anyone but Bernie. Trump wins again.
posted by like_that*grabbing popcorn*
I'm not too interested... We already know how this will go. DNC will never let Bernie win their nomination. Bernie Bros wont vote for anyone but Bernie. Trump wins again.
posted by kizer permanenteI'm not too interested... We already know how this will go. DNC will never let Bernie win their nomination. Bernie Bros wont vote for anyone but Bernie. Trump wins again.
That's about how I see it. All the people who might have pledged their delegates for a VP spot are out. Also, I believe Biden is actually ahead of Sander in the popular vote now (which would be hilarious to see Bernie flip-flop, again, on the nomination process).
But will Clinton show-up in Milwaukee and say "hey everyone! I'm available!"
posted by gutThat's about how I see it. All the people who might have pledged their delegates for a VP spot are out. Also, I believe Biden is actually ahead of Sander in the popular vote now (which would be hilarious to see Bernie flip-flop, again, on the nomination process).
But will Clinton show-up in Milwaukee and say "hey everyone! I'm available!"
Wouldn't surprise me. And Dems are dumb enough to try it again.
posted by kizer permanenteWouldn't surprise me. And Dems are dumb enough to try it again.
Ha! I think it will be a brokered convention, but maybe not all that dramatic if Biden has the most votes AND most delegates. I just hope he doesn't pick Klobuchar as his VP.
Third parties aside, Trump, at 73, is now the youngest male candidate currently vying for President.
I'm most interested to see how many votes $500M buys Bloomberg
Warren appears committed to the bitter end. I'm not sure what her strategy or endgame is in a brokered convention. But I wonder if party power brokers are propping her up to take some of Bernie's support
"You know the thing."
Over/under on how many days until Biden is found wandering the WH lawn at night in his underwear?
So the party of identity politics forced out a women and gay man to immediately pledge their support to a 77yr old straight white male.
posted by majorsparkSo the party of identity politics forced out a women and gay man to immediately pledge their support to a 77yr old straight white male.
And Bernie is running around saying the "establishment" is conspiring to stop him. That's going to be super for party unity!
I wouldn't be surprised to see Sanders and AOC form a 3rd party. 4 more years of Trump would be a completely inconsequential cost for the true believers.
I don't think people turnout to vote against someone. The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed, again, and they'll stay home.
Bernie should screw all of them by running as an idependent or forms another party. Gets trump reelected and likely makes Democrats 3rd party in a 3 party race.
posted by gutI'm most interested to see how many votes $500M buys Bloomberg.
After watching the Fox "townhall" with Bloomberg he is clearly banking on a brokered convention. He is looking to buy as much leverage as he can in that process.
Kloubechar talking at Biden rally is fake as crap.
Total railroad job by DNC to get her out.
posted by gutWarren appears committed to the bitter end. I'm not sure what her strategy or endgame is in a brokered convention. But I wonder if party power brokers are propping her up to take some of Bernie's support
Political power. She is hedging her bet that staying the race through super tuesday yields her a more valuable political broker.
posted by gut
I don't think people turnout to vote against someone.
As of right now, that is exactly what I intend to do.
I’m going to the primary and declaring Democrat. I’ve been a registered GOP since 1976, however I am currently taking the status of Independent.
I just read an article about Biden choosing Obama as his running mate and the constitutionality of it.
Of course, we all know that a person can’t be an ELECTED president more than two terms. But if Biden would happen to choose Obama, even if the courts would rule that he could not be president if something were to happen, it would be an interesting ticket. And maybe a winner.
I’m guessing that it would be ruled, in case something happened, that the next in line for succession.........Speaker of the House. 😎
posted by BRFI just read an article about Biden choosing Obama as his running mate and the constitutionality of it.
Very interesting. I'm only partially joking when I say Biden could end-up being ruled incompetent. He looks like he's slipping, and sometimes the decline can be pretty rapid. But he's probably convinced himself he's the only one who can beat Trump, and once he gets elected he can resign.
Another interesting thing is Buttigieg spoke with Obama, supposedly after he dropped out of the race. It's assumed the purpose was to encourage him to endorse Biden. Just seems a little odd considering Obama has yet to endorse Biden himself. If Obama really thinks Bernie is bad for the party and country, then he should show some leadership and guts and get behind Joe.
posted by gutIf Obama really thinks that Bernie is bad for the party and country, then he should show some leadership and guts and get behind Joe.
posted by gutAnd Bernie is running around saying the "establishment" is conspiring to stop him. That's going to be super for party unity!
It doesn't seemed that far fetched. Buttigieg was in the top 3 it seemed like and still dropped out. And then they brought fucking O'Rourke out of the woodwork yesterday to show support for Biden. It seems like a total DNC effort to keep Bernie from winning.
posted by iclfan2It doesn't seemed that far fetched. Buttigieg was in the top 3 it seemed like and still dropped out. And then they brought fucking O'Rourke out of the woodwork yesterday to show support for Biden. It seems like a total DNC effort to keep Bernie from winning.
Of course it is lol.
It will split the party right in half again too. They've essentially conceded to Trump.
posted by kizer permanenteOf course it is lol.
It will split the party right in half again too. They've essentially conceded to Trump.
Basically could see it coming from miles away. From the "gotta get Trump out" message of 2017 to the "no no nononononono, it can't be you, it has to be US!!!" message that both sides of the Ds are giving each other". The advent of the uber-progressive movement perfectly played into Trump's hands, setting up a situation where, regardless of who gets the nominations, the party likely will be splintered and a significant section of it will come into the general election with apathy.
posted by HereticBasically could see it coming from miles away. From the "gotta get Trump out" message of 2017 to the "no no nononononono, it can't be you, it has to be US!!!" message that both sides of the Ds are giving each other". The advent of the uber-progressive movement perfectly played into Trump's hands, setting up a situation where, regardless of who gets the nominations, the party likely will be splintered and a significant section of it will come into the general election with apathy.
"Vote blue, no matter who ... except don't let it be that guy."
It really is quite fascinating. I thought this kind of fracturing was going to happen in about 2012 with the Tea Party movement, but the RNC just kind of absorbed that back into itself. I'm curious to see where these DNC factions go after this election.
DNC: We love Progressives! for us in midterms... gtfooh in Presidential elections.
posted by O-Trap...I thought this kind of fracturing was going to happen in about 2012 with the Tea Party movement, but the RNC just kind of absorbed that back into itself.
It got hijacked by the religious right. Unfortunately for the party of atheism, that isn't really an option.
If you look at other countries, they all have an uber-progressive/liberal party. So it may be inevitable.
posted by O-Trap"Vote blue, no matter who ... except don't let it be that guy."
It really is quite fascinating. I thought this kind of fracturing was going to happen in about 2012 with the Tea Party movement, but the RNC just kind of absorbed that back into itself. I'm curious to see where these DNC factions go after this election.
In some ways, the Tea Party movement absorbed the Republican party. The traditional Rockefeller GHW Bush Republican is no longer a factor in the party. The vocal far right wing/Evangelical be let c is firmly in control and tolerates no deviation. Trump was not a new angle. He really exemplified this movement in the extreme.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieIn some ways, the Tea Party movement absorbed the Republican party. The traditional Rockefeller GHW Bush Republican is no longer a factor in the party. The vocal far right wing/Evangelical be let c is firmly in control and tolerates no deviation. Trump was not a new angle. He really exemplified this movement in the extreme.
Seems that the same is happening in the DNC.....the more moderate, centrist Dems are being absorbed into the new, Socialist party. The traditional JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton Democrat is no longer a factor in the party. The vocal far left wing Socialist Democrat is firmly in control and tolerates no deviation.