posted by HereticAt this stage of the game, they're more or less worthless unless you're just looking for some sort of soundbite to make your point about how one or more people either gets it or is delusional. There just are too many people looking for air time and too little time to elaborate on points to make them have any real meaning beyond that. They're a bit more worthwhile when the field is trimmed to 2-3 primary contenders or it's the actual presidential ones, but I still find skipping them and just hooking myself up with a few articles on what happened to be far more palatable than listening to people give canned answers to generic questions, while trying to throw in whatever catchphrases they're working on as often as possible.
Pretty spot on. I can't imagine anyone watching the whole debate though. Twitter politicos post all the relevant clips to make the other side look crazy. I think it actually hurts the left to still let people like Beto up there, because his gun confiscation talk is not good for them. We all know it is going to be Warren, Biden, and Bernie, the rest is just noise.