posted by SportsAndLadyLol, you don’t have to get so worked up over this. You guys wanted an example of why I thought this place is heavily right winged, and I provided one. Relax
I don't think anyone ever argued that the OC wasn't right winged. Even when the bulk of the left wing posters were active on this site, it was still a right leaning website. If you didn't know that, you obviously were not active in the politics forum enough to give a fuck.
My question as it was 2-3 weeks ago, was what is your basis for saying this site all of a sudden moved much more to the right? I can see the argument that the left wing posters aren't around anymore to counteract the right wing arguments, but that was not your argument. You claimed this site has moved further to the right (as in the posters ideologies have moved to the right) and so far the only argument to support this is you saying "if you can't see it I don't know what to tell you." Thus why I said it was a weak and lazy argument. I think most of the active political posters on this site have remained principled with their beliefs whether you like them or not.