posted by like_that
Ptown for unverified hearsay report of something Trump said: "guys this is really bad, and the nation is just sick of these stories from trump."
Ptown when controversy emails are posted tied to Biden: "lol, do you think anyone cares."
I actually agree with you, that the country is facing Trump fatigue and sick of it. That's why I think Biden wins. I've already said it before, but I mainly find it funny you claim you're this reasonable right moderate, and yet you downplay every single report harping on the left, while taking over single report against trump for face value. We already know how you will react to any bad news once the Biden administration is in play.
I have never claimed to be a moderate. That is your interpretation. I have made it quite clear I am not. Reasonable right conservative would be a more correct description. In other words I can engage in political discourse without being a dick and actually listening to the other side.. I lean more libertarian on the federal level and less on state and local.
I am a registered Republican that stopped giving my hard earned money to the RNC like well over a decade ago. The vast majority in my voting life the Republican candidate for president that I voted for in the primary is not the nominee (including Trump). I have voted for guys like Ron Paul in R primaries.
I have made no bones about my historical dislike of the past of the Democrat party nor certain current party members. There is a context to certain arguments however so you have to keep that in mind. I have always made it a point to steer clear of the "well Obama did this" (I get the hypocrisy) or also for instance I made a choice to stay out of the Biden dementia discussion because I don't know.
I'll leave it at this. Do my political leanings affect what I take the time out of my life to choose to post on a political message board of course. Do my political leanings cause me to ever have an instant bend on media reports of course. Do I have to exercise mental discipline, logic, reasoning, and evaluation of facts and the opinions of others to overcome that at times yes.
It's kind of like what Milton Friedman said, "Where are we going to find these angels to organize society for us?" Where are these unbiased moderates? It's like when he said of course none of us are greedy its only the other guy that's greedy. Substitute the word greedy with biased. I don't believe pure as the wind driven snow moderates exist. This is why my skin crawls with the term "blue ribbon commission".