Threats against Democrats

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Posts: 1,071
Mar 25, 2010 11:04pm
"We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!"
-Patrick Henry, March 23rd 1775
Posts: 3,582
Mar 25, 2010 11:29pm
eersandbeers wrote: "We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!"
-Patrick Henry, March 23rd 1775
Gotta love P. henry.
pmoney25's avatar
Posts: 1,787
Mar 25, 2010 11:47pm
"Who are the real patriots
Who are the real traitors
Who will stand up
Who will be the new leaders
If you love this country, take it back, from those who will destroy it
Protest is patriotism
Protest is patriotism"

However, I do not support threats or physical violence to get your point across. The above quote is not just for the health care bill, it is for everyone. As long as we continue to elect and put people in charge that are clueless and idiotic then we might as well accept the fact this country will meet its end sooner than later.
Posts: 2,504
Mar 26, 2010 12:52am
pmoney25 wrote: "Who are the real patriots
Who are the real traitors
Who will stand up
Who will be the new leaders
If you love this country, take it back, from those who will destroy it
Protest is patriotism
Protest is patriotism"

However, I do not support threats or physical violence to get your point across. The above quote is not just for the health care bill, it is for everyone. As long as we continue to elect and put people in charge that are clueless and idiotic then we might as well accept the fact this country will meet its end sooner than later.
There is nothing clueless or idiotic about the health care bill. It is something this country has needed for a long time. The situation as it has occurred for years was not sustainable.

I'm glad most of our Democratic Congresspeople had the balls to do what was right. I will gladly vote for the Dems this coming November.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Mar 26, 2010 1:06am
stlouiedipalma wrote: No, fish, shame on you. You think that you can dismiss threats and violence with a smart-assed retort. This is serious stuff going on here and for you to make a feeble attempt at humor only makes me believe that you secretly want to see acts of violence, as if it will give credence to your cause.
No one has been killed or to my knowledge physically harmed. What violence? The democrats are trying to make political hay out of this. Their best bet is to carry on with business and not play this stupidity up.

Our nation has been through far worse political turmoil. Obviously nothing compares to the Civil War, but if I remember correctly from JJ (could be wrong in my memory) you are old enough to have been around during much greater political turmoil. Take just the 60's and early 70's. Watts/Detroit racial riots, JFK/RFK/MLK political assassinations, bank burnings, and the Kent State killings of Vietnam war protesters, just to name a few of the time.

Lets put this all in perspective. We are nowhere near the political chaos experienced in recent history. The presidencies of Ford, Carter, Reagan, BushI, Clinton, BushII, and so far Obama don't come close to scratching the surface of political unrest of the recent past.

In fact many on the left would herald the activities of those acting against the federal government in defiance of its policies in Vietnam. Some nutbag cutting a gas line to a congressman's grill does not remotely compare.

When the tea party movement and those opposed to federal government's intervention in health care resort to these tactics of the recent past linked below lets talk.

Gibby, you are a young man, educate yourself on some real political violence.,CST-NWS-ayers18.article
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Mar 26, 2010 1:38am
FairwoodKing wrote:
pmoney25 wrote: "Who are the real patriots
Who are the real traitors
Who will stand up
Who will be the new leaders
If you love this country, take it back, from those who will destroy it
Protest is patriotism
Protest is patriotism"

However, I do not support threats or physical violence to get your point across. The above quote is not just for the health care bill, it is for everyone. As long as we continue to elect and put people in charge that are clueless and idiotic then we might as well accept the fact this country will meet its end sooner than later.
There is nothing clueless or idiotic about the health care bill. It is something this country has needed for a long time. The situation as it has occurred for years was not sustainable.

I'm glad most of our Democratic Congresspeople had the balls to do what was right. I will gladly vote for the Dems this coming November.
That's your opinion. A large(majority) portion of the country would disagree with you.
Posts: 258
Mar 26, 2010 2:13am
Jeez, all these acquisitions of threats by Progressives, but do they really forget just a couple years ago.... .... I mean come on, the Progressive party is littered with the same stuff they are now denouncing. Members of Congress actually called President Bush a murderer. What would they say if we said the same about Obama (if Bush was a murderer, Obama now is as well)? We'd be called radical racistists that don't care about minorities, but it's ok for them. Such a double standard.

I hate both parties, but man, the Progressive party is just filled with the slime of the earth as leaders and losers who couldn't make it in the real world and need government to "make it fair" for them as party members.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Mar 26, 2010 2:20am
[size=medium]When teabaggers as many of you like to call them, start engaging in this type of activity, I will listen to those whining about political violence. History is a great teacher. Observe some past radical left wing discontent with the policies of the federal government.[/size]

[size=medium]Of course anyone on the right who fears government power are nutbags. If only our friends on the left could remember the recent past.[/size]

RedBlackAttack's avatar
Posts: 133
Mar 26, 2010 2:36am
^^^Pictures are worth a thousand words.

....which might be the reason people are a little frightened when extreme right-wingers start working themselves into a frenzy and waxing on about how progressives are trying to due away with the Constitution and that we are eventually going to end up in internment camps...

Then, you throw in the extreme wing of the anti-abortion movement as evidenced by senators having "baby-killer" hurled at them on the floor of Congress.... I think that having a certain level of alert is warranted.
Posts: 2,504
Mar 26, 2010 2:49am

Your pics of Kent State bring back some painful memories. I was a senior at KSU on May 4, 1970, and I witnessed the whole thing. A good friend of mine was shot.

I hope I never live to see anything like this again in this country.
Posts: 2,504
Mar 26, 2010 2:57am
tk421 wrote:
FairwoodKing wrote:
pmoney25 wrote: "Who are the real patriots
Who are the real traitors
Who will stand up
Who will be the new leaders
If you love this country, take it back, from those who will destroy it
Protest is patriotism
Protest is patriotism"

However, I do not support threats or physical violence to get your point across. The above quote is not just for the health care bill, it is for everyone. As long as we continue to elect and put people in charge that are clueless and idiotic then we might as well accept the fact this country will meet its end sooner than later.
There is nothing clueless or idiotic about the health care bill. It is something this country has needed for a long time. The situation as it has occurred for years was not sustainable.

I'm glad most of our Democratic Congresspeople had the balls to do what was right. I will gladly vote for the Dems this coming November.
That's your opinion. A large(majority) portion of the country would disagree with you.
You're wrong about this. There is a loud minority that disagrees with me, but I think that the country is coming around to the fact that our government had to do something about health care. A few Dems may lose their seats in November, but I think the total will be surprisingly small.

I will admit to you that I support this bill because of my own selfish reasons. I am on disability and have not worked for six years. I have several serious health issues. I survive on Medicare and my supplemental insurance policy. This year my insurance provider (Regence Blue Shield) increased my premiums by 64% and increased my co-pays by 150%. They also refused to pay for a needed biopsy. I was forced to drop them and to sign on with someone else. I just hope that my new provider (Humana) will do a better job for me. If they fail to pay for my medical attention because of pre-existing conditions, I will really be screwed. Yes, I did ask about this before I signed on, but I really don't trust any insurance provider.

This bill will eventually protect people like me. That's why I support it.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Mar 26, 2010 3:55am
FairwoodKing wrote: Majorspark--

Your pics of Kent State bring back some painful memories. I was a senior at KSU on May 4, 1970, and I witnessed the whole thing. A good friend of mine was shot.
Small world a fellow graduate of Kent State
FairwoodKing wrote: I hope I never live to see anything like this again in this country.
I agree.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Mar 26, 2010 4:33am
RedBlackAttack wrote:Then, you throw in the extreme wing of the anti-abortion movement as evidenced by senators having "baby-killer" hurled at them on the floor of Congress.... I think that having a certain level of alert is warranted.
When the extreme left-wing of the Democratic Party unilaterally flips a middle finger at the will of the American people a certain level of alert at the abuse of Federal power is also warranted.
fish82's avatar
Posts: 4,111
Mar 26, 2010 7:14am
stlouiedipalma wrote:
fish82 wrote:
gibby08 wrote: You didn't denounce it did you?
I hereby strongly denounce threatening or any other malicious mischief against the whiny radicals. Bad....bad right-wingers. Shame on you!

Will you shut the hell up now?
No, fish, shame on you. You think that you can dismiss threats and violence with a smart-assed retort. This is serious stuff going on here and for you to make a feeble attempt at humor only makes me believe that you secretly want to see acts of violence, as if it will give credence to your cause.
Y'know what? It isn't serious stuff. 2/3 of Congress gets whacked out threats every day of the year. Same with most other public figures. What I do have a problem with is two things:

1. The shocking turn of events that mere threats of violence (or whatever, since no one has actually bothered to tell us what the threats are) are suddenly a big farking deal to you people, after you looked the other way all summer as teabaggers were getting the shit beat out of them by supporters of Obamacare. Smell the hypocrisy, my friend.

2. You people are blatantly and obviously being drama queens over this in a transparent attempt to whip a few isolated incidents into yet another "dangerous, violent Repubs" campaign...merely to score some political points.

So yeah, I don't take this all. Do I condone it? No...and I find the assertion that because I don't wear a fucking poster board around my neck saying so, that I somehow root for it to happen too funny and ridiculous to even comment on.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Mar 26, 2010 7:48am
Alright, stop with the personal attacks, or I'll shut down the thread kids.
fish82's avatar
Posts: 4,111
Mar 26, 2010 9:33am
What personal attacks? :huh:
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Mar 26, 2010 9:35am
fish82 wrote: What personal attacks? :huh:
There's been a few over the last couple pages.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Mar 26, 2010 1:52pm
Democrat Kill Presidents

Simple reading ...enjoy
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Mar 26, 2010 2:03pm
Where was all this angst when Bush was president and people were talking openly about killing him -- and not a word was being said in the media about how awful and frightening this language was?

You see, you simply can't have it both ways.

You can't be on the side that espouses vitriol and hatred toward a president and his policies for eight years, and be connected to groups that riot and do serious damages, and then turn around and shake your head in judgment when there's even a little bit of anger being expressed toward your guy.

Oh wait...I guess when the media is on your side, perhaps you can.

The same media that IGNORED all of the awful things said and written about Bush are now pushing the idea that some anger by Americans over a bill that takes over one-sixth of our economy is somehow evidence that a frightening "right wing extremist" movement is growing.


This is nothing more than liberals using age-old tactics to try and diminish their opponents' voices by painting them as extremists outside the norm of American thinking.

It's not going to work; first because it isn't true -- and also because people are well aware of this tactic now and can see right through it.
Posts: 2,504
Mar 26, 2010 5:41pm
^^^^ People have talked about killing the president ever since Abraham Lincoln, but very few have attempted to do anything about it. I'm sure there are threats on Obama's life every day.

Today's conservatives are extremists outside the norm of American thinking. The days of smaller government are over. Every country in the developed world has more government services than we do.

Socialized medicine works. I experienced it first-hand when I lived in Germany. My medical attention was good and at no cost. I think if Americans ever tried it, they would like it as much as I do.

Republicans have one simple problem: The world has changed but Republicans haven't. Gay rights are becoming the norm, not the exception. A woman's right to choose is also becoming more popular. Today's young people are much more open-minded than people of my generation, and voting patterns will soon prove it.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Mar 26, 2010 6:26pm
FairwoodKing wrote: ^^^^ People have talked about killing the president ever since Abraham Lincoln, but very few have attempted to do anything about it. I'm sure there are threats on Obama's life every day.

Today's conservatives are extremists outside the norm of American thinking. The days of smaller government are over. Every country in the developed world has more government services than we do.

Socialized medicine works. I experienced it first-hand when I lived in Germany. My medical attention was good and at no cost. I think if Americans ever tried it, they would like it as much as I do.

Republicans have one simple problem: The world has changed but Republicans haven't. Gay rights are becoming the norm, not the exception. A woman's right to choose is also becoming more popular. Today's young people are much more open-minded than people of my generation, and voting patterns will soon prove it.
Totally off the mark, in so many ways.

The point (which sailed over your head, deliberately, I'm sure) was that what we're seeing now is no different than any other time -- despite what the media (and liberals) are trying to sell.

If Americans are forced to have socialized medicine (the real deal, not the hybrid we now have) they won't have a choice to change back. Once that teat gets sucked, it's over. People become dependent on government for the service and EXPECT to be taken care of. That's why it's a dangerous slope to keep sliding down.

I'm not gonna argue with you about gay rights because I agree it's an area that Republicans need to step up on. And guess what: more of us are doing that every day, despite the crap you hear from the left.

Abortion is an ugly thing and should NEVER become a political slogan. Ironically, the polls say people are becoming more conservative with regard to that issue here in the US, and I would hope when we're talking about a human life that would be the case.

The social issues you bring up are one VERY MINOR aspect of being conservative for many of us. I know liberals like to sell that aspect as "hatred" etc., but the truth is that MOST OF US WHO CALL OURSELVES CONSERVATIVE DO IT BECAUSE WE HATE THE IDEA OF GOVERNMENT CONTROLLING TO MUCH OF OUR LIVES.

It is almost purely an economic stance.
fish82's avatar
Posts: 4,111
Mar 26, 2010 6:34pm
Writerbuckeye wrote:
FairwoodKing wrote: ^^^^ People have talked about killing the president ever since Abraham Lincoln, but very few have attempted to do anything about it. I'm sure there are threats on Obama's life every day.

Today's conservatives are extremists outside the norm of American thinking. The days of smaller government are over. Every country in the developed world has more government services than we do.

Socialized medicine works. I experienced it first-hand when I lived in Germany. My medical attention was good and at no cost. I think if Americans ever tried it, they would like it as much as I do.

Republicans have one simple problem: The world has changed but Republicans haven't. Gay rights are becoming the norm, not the exception. A woman's right to choose is also becoming more popular. Today's young people are much more open-minded than people of my generation, and voting patterns will soon prove it.
Totally off the mark, in so many ways.

The point (which sailed over your head, deliberately, I'm sure) was that what we're seeing now is no different than any other time -- despite what the media (and liberals) are trying to sell.

If Americans are forced to have socialized medicine (the real deal, not the hybrid we now have) they won't have a choice to change back. Once that teat gets sucked, it's over. People become dependent on government for the service and EXPECT to be taken care of. That's why it's a dangerous slope to keep sliding down.

I'm not gonna argue with you about gay rights because I agree it's an area that Republicans need to step up on. And guess what: more of us are doing that every day, despite the crap you hear from the left.

Abortion is an ugly thing and should NEVER become a political slogan. Ironically, the polls say people are becoming more conservative with regard to that issue here in the US, and I would hope when we're talking about a human life that would be the case.

The social issues you bring up are one VERY MINOR aspect of being conservative for many of us. I know liberals like to sell that aspect as "hatred" etc., but the truth is that MOST OF US WHO CALL OURSELVES CONSERVATIVE DO IT BECAUSE WE HATE THE IDEA OF GOVERNMENT CONTROLLING TO MUCH OF OUR LIVES.

It is almost purely an economic stance.

The only thing the left has to run against is the "uber-religious hate-filled family values lunatic" they bust their asses 24/7 to try and keep that going, despite the fact that that animal up and died about 6 years ago.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Mar 26, 2010 6:36pm
FairwoodKing wrote: ^^^^ People have talked about killing the president ever since Abraham Lincoln, but very few have attempted to do anything about it. I'm sure there are threats on Obama's life every day.

Today's conservatives are extremists outside the norm of American thinking. The days of smaller government are over. Every country in the developed world has more government services than we do.

Socialized medicine works. I experienced it first-hand when I lived in Germany. My medical attention was good and at no cost. I think if Americans ever tried it, they would like it as much as I do.

Republicans have one simple problem: The world has changed but Republicans haven't. Gay rights are becoming the norm, not the exception. A woman's right to choose is also becoming more popular. Today's young people are much more open-minded than people of my generation, and voting patterns will soon prove it.
People like you frighten the crap out of me. The idea that we need more government in this country is a terrifying idea. I don't care one bit what the rest of the world is doing. In case you haven't noticed, the rest of the world can barely pay for it's services, even with tax rates around 50%. We can not become more like Europe. It will be the end of this country and the freedoms we have if we do.

Our government should not and can not guarantee the citizens of this country any minimum quality of life. The European models of government that the left like to gush about in this country are not sustainable. I seriously think that people who think as you do are one of the greatest threats to our freedoms in this country. More government intrusion is not welcome in our lives.
Posts: 258
Mar 27, 2010 12:33pm
FairwoodKing wrote: Today's young people are much more open-minded than people of my generation, and voting patterns will soon prove it.
You're right, but it's not for liberalism. Being a member of the college age generation, I can say without hesitation that the ideas of freedom are very important to today's youth. A lot of youth got lied to by Obama, and lied to by Bush. They are tired of it. Young people leaned toward Obama last election cause he promised what they wanted to hear (he's broken almost every campaign promise, except the socialism ones). The young people want limited government and their freedoms back, not redistribution of wealth, socialized healthcare, and limited freedoms. We want our opportunities.
Posts: 147
Mar 27, 2010 2:01pm
eersandbeers wrote: The politicians are finally learning there are consequences for their actions. They should have learned that lesson during the Bush era, but they will now.

By the way, the Dems and their media pawns largely lied about the racist threats being thrown out. They love the race card though.
Oh I see now. Those were actors I saw on the TV and the internet. No your the one trying to spread lies. You and Faux.