Ridgewood def. Fredricktown 21-14 (12-0)

Football 232 replies 9,385 views
Posts: 188
Nov 21, 2009 7:31am
Congrats to Ridgewood!
Posts: 342
Nov 21, 2009 8:50am
Great job Generals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only have you made your school and town proud........but I bet the Chicken was flying high last night. Congrats again to all of the coaches , players, and fans. You are making a statement for your league also......maybe it isn't so weak ;) 2 more to go boys.......makes no sense to stop now!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 342
Nov 21, 2009 8:52am
oops......almost forgot......Linda Bayless????????? What happened to skip? guess you know who wears the pants in that family ;)

The chicken and the dog are my heroes!
Posts: 17
Nov 21, 2009 9:37am
General I know at halftime every tree down by the baseball field had someone behind it...
Posts: 6
Nov 21, 2009 9:44am
People were blaming the OHSAA for this pick, but I saw an old basketball coach from Johnstown all decked out in Ridgewood gear last night and I know he moved from Jtown a few years ago, so that could have played a part. I did notice the smell, but I don't think it had anything to do with the school. (Water treatment plant is nearby, so that could have been it). I agree, no excuse for them not having more bathrooms. They should have at least brought in a few more port-a-pots and lots of folks were complaining about a lot of the sandwichs gone before the half and having to pay for popcorn at a separate location. Other than that, I thought Johnstown did a good job. Also, someone said that Zanesville sat empty. Once again, not everyone wants to host nor can they all get volunteers to work! No school can do this without volunteers. I seriously doubt Zanesville would just throw their keys out and say "have at it folks and just lock up when you're done". lol! You need huge participation by the host school. I heard Johnstown had trouble getting the amount of volunteers they had, especially in the concession stand. Johnstown will learn from last night and if they ever host again, they will make adjustments. Hoepfully they will get to phase II of the renovations by then.

Great game Freddies. Even though you didn't get the "W" you made the MBC proud.
Posts: 39
Nov 21, 2009 9:47am
It was overheard that RW sold over 800 tickets and Ftown sold over 1300, thats alot of people for that size venue....oh well next weeks location should suffice!
Jimmie Copas
Posts: 53
Nov 21, 2009 10:02am
I don't know what you people are complaining about.What is wrong with a half hour wait for a portable toilet visit,half enough seating,sewer odor,lack of concessions,and parking circus. Otherwise a great night.
Linda Bayless
Posts: 7
Nov 21, 2009 10:05am
tigerfan...Skip and I wear the same pants. He has nothing up front to fill them out.
Posts: 91
Nov 21, 2009 10:08am
Jimmie Copas wrote: I don't know what you people are complaining about.What is wrong with a half hour wait for a portable toilet visit,half enough seating,sewer odor,lack of concessions,and parking circus. Otherwise a great night.
Oh yeah, forgot about the parking. Only took me 30 minutes to get out of the parking lot.
Posts: 35
Nov 21, 2009 10:19am
Nobody has said anything yet but i know everybody that was at the game is thinking about it.

Are the officiating crews reviewed by the OHSAA? The guys that did this game need reviewed. I haven't seen this poorly of called game all year and then for this bad of a crew to pop up in the regional finals was pathetic.
Posts: 17
Nov 21, 2009 11:01am
All in all it was a great night for football, we can all complain about everything but look its prolly not going to change anything. So lets forget about it make a new thread for this weeks game and discuss the new problems...
Jimmie Copas
Posts: 53
Nov 21, 2009 11:04am
Gotta love the WHIZ video clip of postgame with Coach Slusser and his Mentor looking on in the background.
Posts: 39
Nov 21, 2009 7:22pm
Yeah krebs it was rather obvious with the refs, I'm sure you heard me at one time or another!
Posts: 3,582
Nov 21, 2009 8:20pm
rwoodgen23dad wrote: Yeah krebs it was rather obvious with the refs, I'm sure you heard me at one time or another!
Were you the one yelling "Homer" anytime the Wood got called for a penalty?
Posts: 39
Nov 21, 2009 8:42pm
no but he was close by and if a tif broke out, i think i'd be right beside him cuz he was ticked! i was behind the student section
Posts: 1
Nov 21, 2009 9:44pm
I would have to Agree with HOMER.....The refs were defintely 1 sided ..What F-town have,... 2 false start flags???

It seemed everytime we broke 1, a flag was thrown from the home team bleachers..And what about the 1st down given to F-Town on that last drive..I was siting right in front of that play when the ref. picked up the ball from the original down mark and moved it up 1 1/2 yards to give them the 1st...THAT WAS AN OBVIOUS HOMER CALL.......

That just shows how STRONG we are not only did we beat the Freddies but we kicked the REFS a$$ too........GO GENERALS
Posts: 35
Nov 21, 2009 10:11pm

Tell me I'm wrong
Posts: 3,582
Nov 22, 2009 12:03am
1. You're wrong.
2. You set poor examples for the young men playing the game.
3. Be thankful your team has more class than you fans.
Posts: 35
Nov 22, 2009 1:55am
1. Sorry, but must respectfully disagree. You're wrong. The whole setup was a homer job. The game was to be at a "neutral" site. Not 20 minutes from 1 team and 2 hours from the other. Wood fans do not mind traveling 2 hours to watch their team play but it would obviously be better to be further away from F-town. The officiating crew was obviously local and not neutral by any means.

2. The attempted theft of a regional championship from a group of young Champions by an officiating crew is a far poorer example to those young men than simply stating that it happened.

3. If you consider somebody stating a truth classless, then put me first in line to be classless. You may have and keep your PC "class".
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Nov 22, 2009 2:03am
Fact is..it is rarely an actual 'neutral' site. That's just the way it goes. Logan played Brookhaven at Hamilton Township this year..for Logan..about an hour and 20 minutes..for Brookhaven..probably not even 30 minutes..last year..Logan played Louisville at Zanesville..for Logan..a little under an hour drive..for Louisville..about an hour and 40 minutes. It happens..and it happens a lot..I'd bet most games aren't actually a 'neutral' site. They probably almost always favor one team or another. The refs are human too..plus..this is the playoffs..I'm sure the officiating crew had NO ties towards either school and if you do some research..it probably wasn't a local crew either. I highly doubt OHSAA would have allowed that at all. Just to cover there hind ends so they don't have to listen to any complaining or protests.
Posts: 35
Nov 22, 2009 2:18am
Well gochiefs, you're probably right about whether they were a local crew or not but the fact remains that if the crew chief (the main offender) wasn't "pulling" for F-town he was definitely inept and derelict. Not sure that is much better but I'm done with this one as it didn't affect the outcome of the game.
Posts: 25
Nov 22, 2009 9:38am
Penalties that should have been called against F-town
1. Offensive Pass interference
2. Block in the back right as F-Town scored a touchdown.
3. Holding all night long on our defense.
But thanks to a great group of young men and a great coaching staff Ridgewood was able to over come these problems and win. I am not saying that Ridgewood did not do anything wrong but if you are going to call it on one team then you need to call it the same for the other team.
Posts: 497
Nov 22, 2009 9:57am
I have never heard so much whining form the fans of a team that won a game in all of my life. Crying about the facilities. Crying about the refs. Crying about the drive. I have only seen a couple of you that give any credit at all to Fredericktown and their boys. Saying that you think the game was a "homer" for Fredericktown is shameful and juvenile. I want to support Ridgewood the rest of the way but some of you are making it pretty hard to do.

As a previous post mentioned, it's a shame that Ridgewood's fans don't have as much class as their players.
Posts: 5
Nov 22, 2009 10:16am
God I love Ridgewood's offense. Beautiful stuff and quick boys to execute it. Jet Sweep, Buck Sweep, Dive, Jet Sweep, Jet Sweep, Buck Sweep, Buck Sweep, Buck Sweep, Dive. Love it.
Posts: 39
Nov 22, 2009 11:01am
Is that really you Woody????????? Boy is it good too be back in LA.