Men's Room at Sporting Arenas

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Al Capone
Posts: 1,727
Jan 5, 2010 3:22pm
Been to 3rivers stadium when guys wouldn't wait in line, they would just pee in the corners. By the end of the game there would be a 1/2 inch of urine on the floor.
Gymshoe's avatar
Posts: 157
Jan 5, 2010 3:27pm
How bout the time a Chiefs fan went to whizz at a restroom in Oakland during a Chiefs/Raiders game...............a Raider fan knocked the guy out, and, instead of anyone helping the guy, all the Raider fans just took turns pissing on the poor Chiefs fan.
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Jan 5, 2010 5:57pm
There was once a thread like this "long ago".

And great stories were told about old Municipal Stadium.

Ahhhhh, the good old days.

I, and others will tell stories later.
Posts: 15,058
Jan 5, 2010 7:18pm
fortfan wrote: Was at the Shoe one time years ago before the expansion. There were troughs that faced each other. The line to the womens restroom was ungodly long. This guy comes in and says "You guys mind if I bring my girlfriend in here to pee...she won't look-I promise" Well, who is going to say no to that!! she came in and went into an empty stall and did her thing...and everybody was happy!:D
Haha, I would have said "she has to use the trough".