Movies/Songs that refer to Ohio...

Serious Business Backup 86 replies 2,410 views
Posts: 34
Dec 7, 2009 5:33pm
Has anyone heard mention of a film entiled "Ohio" that is soon to be released? From what I understand it is based on the Kent State Shootings.
Tim Tebow
Posts: 241
Dec 7, 2009 5:35pm
The television show Greek is based in Ohio.
Posts: 82
Dec 7, 2009 5:44pm
Tim Tebow wrote:
TCSoup wrote: Defiance, Ohio was also the site of the facts based account of that Woman who won all those contest by filling out entry forms and doing puzzles and writing jingles for new products. Can't think of the name of it now.
As I stated a few posts above... "The Prize Winner of Defiance, OH"
Duh. !!!!
Posts: 20
Dec 7, 2009 6:27pm
some people are crazy - Billy Currington....he meets the old man in ohio
Posts: 20
Dec 7, 2009 6:33pm
also a song called Ohio-bowling for soup (i believe?)
Posts: 47
Dec 7, 2009 9:17pm
Although "A Christmas Story" was based in Indiana, there were several scenes fron Cleveland including Public Square where the parade was held and Higbees Department Store where Santa was.

Also some of the early scenes in "Rainman"..."I'm not wearing any underware" were filmed in Cincinnati.
Posts: 802
Dec 8, 2009 1:46am
This goes back awhile "The Jesse Owens Story".
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Dec 8, 2009 1:56am
Drums of War wrote: Anyone ever notice in "Tommy Boy" there is a scene in the "Sandusky" airport. Pretty sure Sandusky does not have an airport, or at least on with a full size terminal. The movie made it look like a major airport. Maybe they should have went with a bus station instead.
We have an airport, though it's not a full size commercial airport. It's mainly private jets and small planes. You can also get flying lessons there.
NOL fan wrote: the very beginning of "A Christmas Story" shows public square in downtown Cleveland with Terminal Tower and Higbee's

The start of "Wild Hoggs" is based in Cincinnati (though in one shot that's supposed to be of a downtown Cincinnati building they actually show the BP building in Cleveland)

"Guarding Tess" is based in Ohio
Not too mention the constant sight of Ohio plates on their vehicles/motorcycles in the movie 'Wildhogs'..

Also, I believe each of the 3 Spiderman movies had parts filmed in Cleveland. I'm not 100% sure about 1&2, but I know the 3rd one had the Spiderman- Sandman scene where they were fighting in the armored vehicle was filmed in Cleveland...
coyotes22's avatar
Posts: 11,298
Dec 8, 2009 10:50am
I believe in the movie Vegas Vacation, in one of the casino scenes, a man is wearing a pin that says something to the effect of:

"I love Massillon Ohio"
grodt's avatar
Posts: 1,588
Dec 8, 2009 3:16pm
The band Relient K was formed by three guys from Canton, Ohio
Posts: 749
Dec 8, 2009 3:24pm
Reckless a movie from early 80's with Daryll hannah and Jennifer grey was filmed in Mingo.Mingo High School had a big part in it.It is Indian Creek Junior high now.
Speedofsand's avatar
Posts: 5,529
Dec 8, 2009 3:52pm
Olivia Newton-John

On the Banks of the Ohio