Republican candidates for 2012

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Posts: 8,740
Sep 8, 2011 3:39pm
Why republicans continue to agree have the enemy asking the questions is curious. As a group, it is about time they tell the leftstream media to forget it.

And, as an aside, I like the idea for tonight of not even responding to another obama redistribution speech -- that is a good move. Let the guy sink all the way on his own without pounding it in.
bigdaddy2003's avatar
Posts: 7,384
Sep 8, 2011 3:48pm
I really like Herman Cain. I wish he had a better shot of winning.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Sep 8, 2011 4:00pm
QuakerOats;887660 wrote:Why republicans continue to agree have the enemy asking the questions is curious. As a group, it is about time they tell the leftstream media to forget it.

And, as an aside, I like the idea for tonight of not even responding to another obama redistribution speech -- that is a good move. Let the guy sink all the way on his own without pounding it in.
Maybe the Repubs would be smart to let Fox News host their debates and then let moronic milquetoast anchors like Williams lob softballs at the Bammer and let the final Repub candidate answer the hard ball questions.

I'm glad the Repubs are not doing a rebuttal on Barry's desperation speech tonight. If it pisses off Nancy Pelosi, it has to be a great move!
fish82's avatar
Posts: 4,111
Sep 8, 2011 5:19pm
bigdaddy2003;887670 wrote:I really like Herman Cain. I wish he had a better shot of winning.
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 8, 2011 5:22pm
bigdaddy2003;887670 wrote:I really like Herman Cain. I wish he had a better shot of winning.
Ty Webb's avatar
Ty Webb
Posts: 2,798
Sep 8, 2011 7:27pm
That Social Security comment may not do Perry in during the primary....but it will during the General Election.

Romney has already started hitting him on it
BGFalcons82's avatar
Posts: 2,173
Sep 8, 2011 9:44pm
Ty Webb;887913 wrote:That Social Security comment may not do Perry in during the primary....but it will during the General Election.

Romney has already started hitting him on it
Perry told the truth. It is a Ponzi scheme that will fail very soon if it isn't drastically modified. Waasa matra...can't handle the truth???
Ty Webb's avatar
Ty Webb
Posts: 2,798
Sep 8, 2011 9:54pm
BGFalcons82;888158 wrote:Perry told the truth. It is a Ponzi scheme that will fail very soon if it isn't drastically modified. Waasa matra...can't handle the truth???
You're funny....that one singular comment may cost Rick Perry being President. I have already heard it compared to McCains economy comment...and this isn't Democrats saying's Republicans
BGFalcons82's avatar
Posts: 2,173
Sep 8, 2011 10:00pm
Ty Webb;888166 wrote:You're funny....that one singular comment may cost Rick Perry being President. I have already heard it compared to McCains economy comment...and this isn't Democrats saying's Republicans
And your marxist leader's plan to fix the insolvency of social security and medicare is.................
Ty Webb's avatar
Ty Webb
Posts: 2,798
Sep 8, 2011 10:08pm
This discussion isn't about President's about Rick Perry....and how I've heard at least 10 Republicans(including 2 other candidates) say if they nominate Rick Perry after he said this that they will lose. That should be worrisome to anyone who supports Gov.Perry

Also,do you know the true meaning of the word Marxist? If you or anyone here did they wouldn't use it againist President Obama...because he is not even close to being a Marxist

As much as you don't like it BG.....he is your President too.

You used to be one of the best posters here BG....but in the last few months and really badly since Perry got into the race,you have become a bullet-point spewing right wing bot
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Sep 8, 2011 10:54pm
Rick Perry is a big government buffoon who I doubt has any idea what a ponzi scheme is or what Keynesian economics are. He his reciting his talking points that he stole from Ron Paul, only Paul knows what he is talking about when he says them.
jhay78's avatar
Posts: 1,917
Sep 8, 2011 10:57pm
Ty Webb;888166 wrote:You're funny....that one singular comment may cost Rick Perry being President. I have already heard it compared to McCains economy comment...and this isn't Democrats saying's Republicans
So you're admitting that A) he told the truth and B) telling the truth is a bad idea politically?
Posts: 62
Sep 8, 2011 10:59pm
Herman Cain's response to Obama's speech:
jhay78's avatar
Posts: 1,917
Sep 8, 2011 11:01pm
Cleveland Buck;888335 wrote:Rick Perry is a big government buffoon who I doubt has any idea what a ponzi scheme is or what Keynesian economics are. He his reciting his talking points that he stole from Ron Paul, only Paul knows what he is talking about when he says them.
True- after all we all know that pretty much everything conservative, including the Tea Party itself, possibly even the Constitution itself, originated with Ron Paul. :p
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Sep 8, 2011 11:04pm
Cleveland Buck;888335 wrote:Rick Perry is a big government buffoon who I doubt has any idea what a ponzi scheme is or what Keynesian economics are. He his reciting his talking points that he stole from Ron Paul, only Paul knows what he is talking about when he says them.
Rick Perry is not a libertarian. One could argue he is big state government. But he is not a big central government buffoon. He knows the role of the federal government. I would be happy for a president that works to get the feds out of ever increasing aspects of the states and the peoples affairs.
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Sep 8, 2011 11:15pm
jhay78;888362 wrote:True- after all we all know that pretty much everything conservative, including the Tea Party itself, possibly even the Constitution itself, originated with Ron Paul. :p
The Tea Party did originate with Ron Paul. The mainstream Republicans took it over and pretty much turned it into a platform for tax cuts and social conservatism, but before that it was a platform for tax cuts, not just spending cuts, but cutting the role of the federal government, and for individual liberties.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Sep 8, 2011 11:27pm
Ty Webb;888166 wrote:You're funny....that one singular comment may cost Rick Perry being President. I have already heard it compared to McCains economy comment...and this isn't Democrats saying's Republicans
Establishment republicans. Of the big central government kind.
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Sep 8, 2011 11:32pm
majorspark;888368 wrote:Rick Perry is not a libertarian. One could argue he is big state government. But he is not a big central government buffoon. He knows the role of the federal government. I would be happy for a president that works to get the feds out of ever increasing aspects of the states and the peoples affairs.
Candidates lie. You can only look at a candidate's record to tell how they will govern.

Texas spending increased some 70% during his tenure as governor, nearly on par with the growth in federal spending over the same period, and Texas' debt nearly tripled under his regime.

Perry supported bailing out the failed banks in 2008.

He wrote Hillary Clinton a letter applauding Hillarykare a few years after he switched parties when he decided he couldn't win anything as a Democrat.

He mandated that girls as young as 12 be vaccinated for HPV. The vaccine, Gardasil, was Merck's new drug at the time, and they were and are generous donors to Rick Perry campaign and several of their lobbyists worked in Perry's administration.

There is no reason to believe he is any different than any other scumbag politician in Washington, in fact he is one of them.
Posts: 9,265
Sep 9, 2011 12:13am
Cleveland Buck;888395 wrote:The Tea Party did originate with Ron Paul. The mainstream Republicans took it over and pretty much turned it into a platform for tax cuts and social conservatism, but before that it was a platform for tax cuts, not just spending cuts, but cutting the role of the federal government, and for individual liberties.
You forgot about ending all foreign intervention, foreign aid elimination, and the reduction of bloated social programs.
BGFalcons82's avatar
Posts: 2,173
Sep 9, 2011 9:39am
bigdaddy2003;887670 wrote:I really like Herman Cain. I wish he had a better shot of winning.
Awesome responses by Herman Cain in the face of lame arguments -

Hey Sergeant Schultz - Can you beat that class warfare drum any louder? What he fails to realize that in Cain's 9-9-9 plan, the last "9" is a retail tax. This means even the evil scum rotten rich must pay 9% on every yacht, Mercedes, and sterling silver set they purchase. It also means the drug dealers, income-tax evaders, foreigners, and money-launderers have to pay their 9% as well if they plan on eating, driving, smoking, etc. Wonder how much $$ that creates, Schultz???

I'm seriously considering Herman right now. Every time he says something, I find myself agreeing more and more. Hell, team up with Colin Powell and let him have domain over foreign policy as a VP. Might be unconstitutional, but we're living in that realm right now with Barry.
Skyhook79's avatar
Posts: 5,739
Sep 9, 2011 9:41am
Ty Webb;888166 wrote:You're funny....that one singular comment may cost Rick Perry being President. I have already heard it compared to McCains economy comment...and this isn't Democrats saying's Republicans
Definition of a Ponzi scheme:A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors and to use for personal expenses, instead of engaging in any legitimate investment activity.

Sound familiar?
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Sep 9, 2011 10:02am
I like Herman Cain also but he not going to get the nod . However I could really support the ticket that take Mr. Cain as a VP running mate. His ideas and talent should not go for not.
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Sep 9, 2011 10:51am
MSNBC's First Read continues attracting votes for its post-Presidential Republican Debate poll. As of 3:30 a.m. Sept 9, more than 205,000 votes have been cast. Ron Paul has widened his lead over Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. Paul has 57.1%, Romney 14.5%, and Perry 12.4%.

Ron Paul widens lead in MSNBC debate online straw poll

Despite the thunderous “thumbs up” for Paul, mainstream media continues to virtually ignore the poll results and the comments about a candidate that the public has enshrined yet the media continues to write him off as not a serious contender for the Presidential nomination. MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, and L.A. Times all called the debate a Romney vs. Perry event.

“The New York Times, like everyone else, frames last night’s debate a clash between Perry and Romney,” states First Read from MSNBC/NBC.

Those writing short comments in the poll have even slammed the website for disproportionate graphs of the on line straw vote results. Paul’s green line reflecting 57% (over 117,500 votes) is only twice as long as that of second place finisher, Romney, who has received about 25,500 votes.

A non-supporter of Paul stressed the bar graph is “really deceptive,” then ponders whether the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart is “on to something about Ron Paul and the media.” Another admits that in 2008 he voted for Obama. However, the “independent” voter repeats that three years ago the candidates were elitists chosen for us. “They are trying to do it again. The press will not make my choice. Dr. Paul does not waiver and explains himself well. We the people are fed up with elite telling us how we should think.”

A California attorney also questions the pre-determined Romney/Perry express:

“The media attention to those two losers calling them a winner, compared to the poll by the American people that clearly shows Ron Paul by more than 2:1 over Romney? This is just more proof that the media is attempting to control the political outcome. People, do not be fooled. Ron Paul says what he means and means what he says. How come they are so afraid of Ron Paul? Is it because that the federal reserve is going to be shutdown? I mean how the hell can they print money with no value and lend it to us at interest? Biggest scam of them all if you ask me......”

One writer stated on Sept. 8 at about 4 a.m. that the Paul poll win was fueled solely by Paul supporters using the internet. But, the writer’s prediction backfired --- “by midday tomorrow, Paul will have slid to his proper place, midway to the bottom.”

Instead , he has widened his lead in first place.

Perry appears upset that Ron Paul mentioned his prior support of Hillary Clinton's health plan

Respondents emphasize that Paul received only three questions during the debate, but “every time he was allowed to talk, he rocked it.”

More specifically, “Dr. Paul is the only one who has never wavered from his set goals which are truly in line with liberty and real conservative values,” a respondent wrote.

“Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library” has attained over 50 pages of comments from poll voters. And, those commenting have Ron Paul on their mind.

“Ron Paul is the only guy who understands what truly ails America,” the most recent posting reads. Another stated, “the cowardly media is despicable for ignoring him.”

Following President Obama’s jobs speech, John Huntsman, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum have appeared, for instance, on Fox News.

One writer admits that he does not agree with all that Paul advocates. Still, he believes the words from a twelve term Congressman resonate:

I mean the guy is a 12-term congressman, so obviously when people are allowed to actually hear his message it resonates with them.
Paul confronted at debate by Perry

Furthermore, these debates are structured in such a way that makes genuine discussion about the issues very difficult. Candidates get a limited amount of time to respond, which is understandable, but it means that they have to condense their arguments into easily digestible sound bytes. It waters down the issues and it makes the American people stupider because they are only exposed to simple arguments and not given the chance to listen to a more articulate and complex argument, like the kind Dr. Paul makes.”
One “vexed” respondent stated that Paul knows “nothing about national security.” But, the writer has obviously not spoken with military families --- Paul already leads a poll amongst those serving in the Armed Forces. He’s also a member of another minority --- he’s one of the few veterans running for the Presidential office.
Interestingly, one writer complains about Paul, but he states that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, another candidate overlooked by media, “did a much better job than all the rest.” Still, Newt’s not his choice for the job: “If Sarah Palin runs, I’m campaigning for her, Obama out 2012.”
Finally, one of those voting in the poll analyzes that “Paul by his 40 plus years of writing and speaking to youthful populations, Ron Paul has already set [the nation] on a path to healing. Due to the life and times of Dr..Ron Paul we now have what we need to overcome.” The writer suggests that whether he wins the most votes in the dash for the Oval Office, “ Ron ,Paul has already won” by shaking and waking Americans to see through the myths foisted upon them by the media. In essence, the popularity of Dr. Paul means that Americans are done with apathetic listening, now, they are ready to think seriously about the responsibility and consequences of choices made at the ballot box.

So, what's next? CNN's Tea Party debate. Will that network be more objectivie? So far, they have limited their poll to only THREE GOP candidates? Guess they do not have the ball to put all the names in the poll and let the internet voters do the rest.. But if they have only three listed candidates, they have removed America's right to vote for the candidate of not the media's choice, but the people's choice.
Posts: 9,265
Sep 9, 2011 6:00pm
I love Ron Paul. Someone should start a thread on what a Paul presidency would actually entail. The only fundamental difference I have with the pure libertarians....that unbridled capitalism will lead to fair competition. It did in the day of Adam Smith, but that was then...and this is now.

The libertarians denounce regulations of the free market...yet they also complain about special interest groups power over the government. They also complain about the collective oligopolies of the corporate elite and their pulling of the politician puppet strings....thus hurting main stream America. Well.....a world of unfettered capitalism, by pure definition, will lead to these very things.

But Paul is right about inflation robbing the middle class and the poor. He is correct that deficit spending is only temporary relief from a very serious condition. Running a total debt empire with a GDP/debt ratio closing in on 100% is akin to popping 2 ibuprophin tablets when one has pancreatic cancer.

But the main reason that Paul is ostracized from the media is his paleoconservative, pro Constitutional view of anti Empire. We as a society, love our wars...we always have. Neocons pound their puny puds to the drum beat of war and the concept of American exceptionalism. Paul says no to all of that...and he is right.

We spend about 1.1 trillion dollars per annum in funding the military institution and all of it's ancilliary organizations. Much of which is wasted money spent....on the property destruction and society destruction of people that have no intention nor ability to harm us. We have spent 62 billion, mostly through no bid contracts to rebuild the infrastucture of which we used our bombs to destroy 7 years ago.
Skyhook79's avatar
Posts: 5,739
Sep 9, 2011 7:20pm
BGFalcons82;888158 wrote:Perry told the truth. It is a Ponzi scheme that will fail very soon if it isn't drastically modified. Waasa matra...can't handle the truth???

The NY Times writer didn't handle it very well either.
