When cooking in the oven do you preheat

Serious Business Backup 30 replies 1,065 views
Posts: 24,795
Oct 6, 2010 12:46pm
yes, unless it's frozen, upon which I'll put in the oven while it's preheating (except for pizza or baked goods)...it's a thawing thing
Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Oct 6, 2010 9:51pm
Baked goods (cakes, bread, etc) : Always preheat - being just a few degrees off early in the process can really screw up the chemical reaction with the flour and yeasts.

Frozen stuff (pizzas, etc) - preheat if the cooking time is less than thirty minutes , particularly if the direction call for a high temperature (above 375 degrees) or if you have use different temperatures during the process.

Meats, or big frozen stuff (like a lasagna) - anything that cooks for more than an hour at a single temperature doesn't need a preheated oven.

It's also a good idea to check the temperature in the oven a couple of times a year, or if you're burning stuff - a lot of them can be off by 50 degrees or more.
Posts: 8,167
Oct 6, 2010 10:44pm
Cat Food Flambe';510081 wrote:It's also a good idea to check the temperature in the oven a couple of times a year, or if you're burning stuff - a lot of them can be off by 50 degrees or more.

So if you find it off, is there a way to get it correct, or do you just keep the difference "in mind" and off-set the temp setting each time you use the oven?
Cat Food Flambe''s avatar
Cat Food Flambe'
Posts: 1,230
Oct 6, 2010 10:57pm
You can replace the temperature sensor, or just figure out the difference and set the oven accordingly.

The oven in our first house was something like 30% hotter than the setting - if we set the temp at 300 degrees, the oven would actually cook at 390 degrees. Since were young and broke, we just put a "real temp" list on the wall behind the range and set the stove accordingly :).

If you're mechanically included, you could probable replace the sensor or the control box for the cost of parts. A service technician could probably narrow down the exact problem - but the service call and parts would probably be as much as a new stove.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Oct 6, 2010 11:13pm
To be technical, ovens don't exactly hold a certain temperature anyway. They are made to cycle on and off and they have a range of temperatures around the target that they will hit.