Halo Reach

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Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Sep 17, 2010 5:20pm
Hmm, Ill pick this up tomorrow. Is there still 4 player Co-op for campaign?

We should get an OC group going.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 18, 2010 6:35am
Yes there is. And there's matchmaking for campaign as well as firefight too in case you have no one to play with but want to co-op.
Posts: 3,949
Sep 18, 2010 8:17am
My love for this game grows every day.

My fiance is actually trying to play it! She's starting to become a keeper!
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Sep 18, 2010 8:37am
Got to play some multiplayer last night and i definitely like it the best out of the Halo series. Got to play each map a couple times and dont really have a problem with any of them so far. Needler rifle is a BEAST. Still getting used to playing halo after a 2 year break but its starting to come back.
Posts: 3,949
Sep 18, 2010 11:33am
I like how they brought a few of the old maps back.
McFly1955's avatar
Posts: 1,441
Sep 20, 2010 9:22am
I still hate the matchmaking system of new games.....

I wish I could just say I want to play CTF on this map, and search....I'm a fan of objective based games for the most part, but it seems like the popular game types on the vote screen are not the games that I'd prefer..Ticks me off.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 20, 2010 11:00am
That type of system really doesn't work too well. I mean, sure you have exact choice then. But you end up with people waiting forever or half-filled games.
McFly1955's avatar
Posts: 1,441
Sep 20, 2010 11:08am
True, I just wish it was narrowed down a little more....Like how objective games only is 4v4, but big games of 8v8 sometimes have objective types (rarely), but then team deathmatch and snipers and crap are also mixed in, which get voted on usually, thus making 8v8 objective games very rare.

In the COD series, I can find a big game of Search and Destroy, headquarters, or CTF right away with no problem, it just seems like Halo makes it tough to play the type you want.

Plus I think headhunter is pretty sweet, and it seems to be passed up pretty much all the time.
Posts: 3,949
Sep 20, 2010 12:14pm
2 Things I Don't Like about Online Play

1) I hate how there are only 10 (I think) total maps for MP. Some of which, are game type specific. This is intentional because in 3 months, there will be a map pack out. I wish they would include more maps from the get go. I feel like I'm playing the same maps over and over already.

2) Big Team Battle is a little too broad, I think there should be more game types for 8v8. I haven't stepped into the Arena game types yet, but I hope there is something that gives you gratification for doing well in it. Once my buddies and I are more prepared, I'm sure we will be frequent players in there.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 20, 2010 12:20pm
Arena gives you a daily rating if you play three or more games and then if you're rated for (I think) at least seven games in a "season" you're put into a division where at the end you get to see how you stacked up against others in the division.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 22, 2010 12:27am

Mangold playing reach.
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Sep 22, 2010 8:16am
GOAT picture.