Children's Soccer

Serious Business Backup 27 replies 761 views
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Aug 24, 2010 6:53pm
Snot... a couple ideas:

1. Make your kid the star player like was mentioned earlier, no matter how good he is. Make sure you do and say things to the players and parents that your kid is the best kid out there and the other kids are pieces of crap. It won't take long before the parents want you gone and you'll never be asked to help again.
2. Get drunk before every practice and game then be as obnoxious as you can be. Parents won't want you around their kids and you will soon be gone.

You can thank me later.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 24, 2010 7:27pm
Grow your hair into a greasy Euro Trash mullet. Wear a suit on the sidelines and disagree with the referee on every call that doesn't go your way. Unless you pick up a few red cards you will be coaching this team the rest of your life.
Posts: 7,361
Aug 24, 2010 11:31pm
World Cup is a great game for kids that age basically kick a ball out and whoever scores advances to the next round. When it gets down to the final two each round the one who doesnt score is eliminated. Also work on passing with the inside of their foot and trapping the ball. Also teach the kids to kick with their shoelaces and not their toes.