What irritates you....

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Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 26, 2010 3:38pm
j_crazy;462735 wrote:to be fair if i own and iPod or an iPhone, i'm clearly better than you. you should be glad you have the privilege of listening to MGMT and John Mayer when I'm nearby.

Let me add my macbook pro to this list as well, deal with it!!

stroups's avatar
Posts: 3,223
Aug 26, 2010 4:26pm
People who talk in the Library..... especially foreigners. I can't think of one thing more distracting then a bunch of people yelling gibberish when I am trying to study or write a paper. Then when you tell them to keep it down they just look at you with a stupid look on their face.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 26, 2010 8:23pm
Heelz;462280 wrote:People with long ass lists
I see what you did there.....

I was in the mood to rant

two more

having a game blacked out when it makes no sense, IE The reds are playing the Mets, but it is blacked out in Wyoming. Seriously, WTF?
Having the Reds on TV, but not being able to watch them because there are two regional games and the other happens to be the Rockies.
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Aug 26, 2010 8:25pm
newarkcatholicfan's avatar
Posts: 3,199
Aug 26, 2010 10:54pm
Stupid ass people who smoke in the car when their little kids are in the back with the windows rolled up.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 27, 2010 12:15am
People who come and here and talk about how successful other website message boards are.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Aug 27, 2010 12:25am
the Amish.
Heelz's avatar
Posts: 780
Aug 27, 2010 6:47am
I see what you did there.....

I was in the mood to rant

two more

having a game blacked out when it makes no sense, IE The reds are playing the Mets, but it is blacked out in Wyoming. Seriously, WTF?
Having the Reds on TV, but not being able to watch them because there are two regional games and the other happens to be the Rockies.

I was in the mood to rant

Haha I just wanted to see if anyone would notice.

People who have 3-4 young kids in the car and none of them are restrained, no seat belts, booster seats or anything just a bunch of kids playing in the backseat of some shitty car while the mom is smoking in the car.
Heelz's avatar
Posts: 780
Aug 27, 2010 6:51am
redfalcon;462929 wrote:I see what you did there.....

I was in the mood to rant

two more

having a game blacked out when it makes no sense, IE The reds are playing the Mets, but it is blacked out in Wyoming. Seriously, WTF?
Having the Reds on TV, but not being able to watch them because there are two regional games and the other happens to be the Rockies.

Haha just wanted to see if anyone would notice

People who have young kids in the back of the car that are unrestrained while driving, most of the time in the back of some shitty car while the mom is smoking.
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Aug 27, 2010 6:58am
Fat chicks in yoga pants.
Posts: 138
Aug 27, 2010 10:32am
Kids that have the Justin Bieber hair cut.
BuckeyeBlue's avatar
Posts: 561
Aug 27, 2010 9:35pm
-People who constantly feel sorry for themselves and expect you to do the same, but aren't willing to go the extra mile to improve their situation.
-People who seem to always be bitching about something. We all know a few people who just aren't happy unless there is something to complain about.
-Bad drivers
-People who use/wear Bluetooth headsets oustide of a vehicle.
-Fat/overweight people who always talk about starting to workout. Then when they do they go to the gym for a day or two, decide its too hard, and quit.
-The people in the gym who sit on the same piece of equipment doing countless sets for a ridiculous amount of time. I have never seen a workout plan that calls for 17 sets of the same lift.
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Aug 27, 2010 11:48pm
FAT People only drive by the gyms on their way to the buffet.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 28, 2010 9:33am
Fab1b;462738 wrote:Let me add my macbook pro to this list as well, deal with it!!


For the record... I have a 17" MacBook Pro, 13" MacBook (2010), 8GB iPod Touch (3G), 32GB iPod Touch (4G), Airport Extreme, iPod Shuffle. Suckas!
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 28, 2010 9:35am
One uppers.
Heelz's avatar
Posts: 780
Aug 28, 2010 10:19am
Two uppers