What irritates you....

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gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Aug 24, 2010 1:39pm
FatHobbit;460548 wrote:I was two cars behind an asshole this morning on a 4 lane highway. He stopped in the fucking fast lane beside a semi that was stopped in traffic and put his right blinker on. Not behind the semi so the car behind could let him in. Not in front of the semi so the semi could let him in. Right fucking beside his trailer. The right lane wasn't moving. There was nobody in front of him for as far as I could see. Fucking moron.

Love tap?
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Aug 24, 2010 1:56pm
gerb131;460562 wrote:Love tap?

There were cars between us. :) I wanted to tap him right in his damn head.
GOONx19's avatar
Posts: 7,147
Aug 24, 2010 2:54pm
Gifs. They're rarely funny.
gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Aug 24, 2010 5:26pm
FatHobbit;460583 wrote:There were cars between us. :) I wanted to tap him right in his damn head.

I hear ya that would irritate me.
KR1245's avatar
Posts: 4,317
Aug 24, 2010 5:58pm
People that dont know how to fill out a scantron..........it really pisses me off
Bio-Hazzzzard's avatar
Posts: 1,027
Aug 24, 2010 8:00pm
KR1245;460838 wrote:People that dont know how to fill out a scantron..........it really pisses me off
New word to me I've never heard of a scantron...I assume I just pissed you off.

It pisses me off when people don't understand the concept of snap-ties in a grade beam...I really can't understand why some people don't understand the purpose of snap-ties and whaler brackets, I just don't get it.
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Aug 24, 2010 8:15pm
stroups;460017 wrote:One of my best friends is a girl and one of her ex boyfriends had a big problem with this. We used to date but went to separate colleges causing us to breakup on but stayed really good friends in the process. It's not an awkward friendship because it's been years since we hooked up and neither of use have any intentions on getting back into a relationship with each other. Well some guy, after only dating her for like a month, decided to say something to me because I hung out with her a bunch. Well I pretty much told him nothing was going on and we have been friends for a long time and I wasn't going to stop. To me that was like telling one of my guy friends girlfriend to fuck off. She broke up with him a short time later because he couldn't get over it which was good because I could of seen myself punching that dude for being a bitch.
I would have had no problem with the guy I am talking about he and my fiance were friends all through middle, and high school. I pretty much trusted him when we lived in GA and she came back home here to Ohio. I had no problem with her hanging out with him as well trust me there are no insecurities here. But here is where the problem started, my fiance had dated a lot of douchebags in the past and this dude assumed that I was one as well and we wouldn't last. Since he was here in Ohio and we were in Georgia there was too much distance in between them.

Fast forward my fiance told him that she was moving back to Ohio and dude assumed that it was just her. When she told him I was moving here as well his response to her was that I would not be able to find a job in Ohio and he told her that I would begin to rely on her again. When I graduated from college my fiance had a job and we lived together and I did not have a job for two months, but I still paid my half of the bills. When she told him that wasn't the case this dude prettty much said she was covering for me like she did her previous bf. Well I pretty much took it at this point that he was just being like a brother to her and dismissed it. When she told him that I took a job transfer things went down hill even worse. Once we were here dude would call at 2AM, 3AM, or 4AM I let it slide. But then dude started following me around and would be at places I was which was weird. When he started telling my fiances parents that I was cheating on her she still talked to the dude because she felt sorry for him. When we announced our engagement this asshole went nuts and like I stated had it not been for my future father in law throwing his ass out it would have gotten ugly.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 25, 2010 8:47am
It really disturbs me when trying to converse with somebody and their lips move every time you talk. Freakin weird.

Yesterday I went to drop off some work that I had done for my uncle at his place of business. While waiting for him to get there so we could go over some of it, one of his employees walks in and we start talking. This guy, everytime I was talking his lips would move. I didn't know whether to laugh or to be annoyed. It kinda freaked me out lol!
All I could think was thank God he didn't work with the public haha!
kritzell's avatar
Posts: 257
Aug 25, 2010 3:30pm
Pregnant women that smoke.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 26, 2010 12:29am
Without getting political, the blatent amount of racism that goes on in this forum. Seriously, be better than that.

On a lighter note,

1) Anyone who writes a check with people behind them in line
2) People who buy lottery tickets and then want to scratch them off while people are waiting in line.
3) people who buy 87,000 different scratch off lottery tickets whie people are waiting in line
4) People that try and give driving advice. Seriously? I drive over 40,000 miles a year, that number keeps getting higher, I've been driving since I was 15, and I have driven professionally and never had an accident. STFU already.
5) anyone who writes anything in internet slang other than a short little lol.
6) Uneducated people. This can be anyone from a third grade dropout to someone who holds a doctoral degree. Seriously, I've meet people who never went to school and are geniuses and I know dumbasses who completed their masters at age 21
7) People who live in Wyoming but think they are gangsta
8) People that live in Wyoming but complain that it is cold (seriously???)
9) People that think they are special because they have lived in the same town their entire life that the previous 8 generations in there family did. Seriously, if you really like there, thats cool, but I am where I am by choice, you are where you are (in many cases, not all) because you are too fucking scared to leave the area)
10) People who think that because they are in a certain religion they are going to a better heaven than I am
11) Anyone affiliated with the Tea Party
12) Anyone who watches Bravo or E!
13) I have to say, coming from an Air Force family, that one of the greatest things you can do is put your life on the line for your country, but anyone who has the attitude that this automatically makes you a better person than me needs to get a reality check
14) The South
15) People that think their baby is cute. Seriously, for every cute baby, there are three ugly ones.
16) since it was mentioned earlier, anyone who opposes the ground zero mosque. First off, its not a mosque. Second, its not on ground zero. Third, there is a Christian church right next door. Fourth, Muslims died, too. Lets not forget this.
17) Notre Dame Fans
18) Hand Dryers in restrooms.
19) Having the dealer turn up a face card when you are delt and 11
20) Walmart (nothing political, its just cheap junk and rednecks)
21) Peopke with B.O,
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 26, 2010 12:47am
22) Mac Computers
23) Ketchup and other condiments
24) corporations such as Viacomm
Trueblue23's avatar
Posts: 7,463
Aug 26, 2010 1:04am
Slutty women with 5 kids, 5 different fathers. They're all lazy as fuck and collect welfare.

People who BLAST their ringtone. So stupid, but it pisses me off.
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Aug 26, 2010 1:41am
trublue23 I got one for you. I hate people with ringtones that do not match. I mean you are a 50 year old dude you should not have "Pretty Boy Swag", on your fucking phone!
Heelz's avatar
Posts: 780
Aug 26, 2010 9:17am
People with long ass lists
se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Aug 26, 2010 10:03am
People who use Facebook to promote their business or sell everything they own!!
Posts: 24,795
Aug 26, 2010 10:33am
Self-righteous posters who feel inclined to criticize the grammar and punctuation of posts--ON AN INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD!!!
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 26, 2010 10:36am
Self-righteous. Get it right.
Posts: 24,795
Aug 26, 2010 10:42am
thanks--what he said :cool:
Posts: 12,198
Aug 26, 2010 10:54am
very little
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 26, 2010 3:28pm
redfalcon;462175 wrote:Without getting political, the blatent amount of racism that goes on in this forum.

ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 26, 2010 3:29pm
People who refuse to turn the volume down on their:


Yes, we all know you have something cool, but we don't want to hear everything your damn device does.
FatHobbit's avatar
Posts: 8,651
Aug 26, 2010 3:33pm
ernest_t_bass;462723 wrote:Que?

People who don't speak english
-Society-'s avatar
Posts: 1,348
Aug 26, 2010 3:33pm
ernest_t_bass;462723 wrote:Que?

I think he wanted you to refer to this one:
6) Uneducated people. This can be anyone from a third grade dropout to someone who holds a doctoral degree. Seriously, I've meet people who never went to school and are geniuses and I know dumbasses who completed their masters at age 21
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Aug 26, 2010 3:36pm
ernest_t_bass;462724 wrote:People who refuse to turn the volume down on their:


Yes, we all know you have something cool, but we don't want to hear everything your damn device does.
to be fair if i own and iPod or an iPhone, i'm clearly better than you. you should be glad you have the privilege of listening to MGMT and John Mayer when I'm nearby.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 26, 2010 3:37pm