Former UFC fighter takes out woman beater in street brawl

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Bigred1995's avatar
Posts: 1,042
Aug 5, 2010 10:44am
Fab1b;442444 wrote:As of last night police went to the scene, no arrests were made, no warrants were issued. Don't forget this happened in Texas!!
Oh hell, since this happened in Texas, Roger Huerta may be given a ticket for not implementing the "Citizen's Death Penalty", it's a way for Texas to streamline their process! I think the ticket is only $150 or so! :D
Posts: 15,058
Aug 5, 2010 10:49am
Fab1b;442444 wrote:As of last night police went to the scene, no arrests were made, no warrants were issued. Don't forget this happened in Texas!!

Police could look the other way figuring justice was served, going as far as telling the thug if he wanted to press charges then he'd also be facing assault and domestic violence charges himself. Although, we don't know if police had this video at the time or not.

But, seeing as how this is America, it would not surprise me in the least to see a civil suit against Roger from this dude. If the guy goes in and files assault charges, with the video I'd think they have to arrest Roger.

I'd also agree it's pretty ridiculous, even if admirable, that he went after the guy. No need to become a vigilante and I can't condone it. He's lucky someone didn't pull out a gun and start shooting with a crowd of people around. Pretty damn irresponsible.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Aug 5, 2010 11:25am

Gets it.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 12:10pm
I think what really helps Roger is that he didn't jump the guy, the guy actually squares off to face him then everyone converges and you really don't see but the end result. It would even be hard to prove with that many people converging that it was only Roger doing the beating even though I am positive it was. The video quality is horrible, I personally don't think anything will happen to Huerta criminally but yes possibly civil but I don't think that goes far either, just my opinion.
darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 5, 2010 12:13pm
you never ever raise your hand to a woman.

Not a huge UFC fan, but good for that guy
Posts: 15,058
Aug 5, 2010 12:23pm
Fab1b;442545 wrote:I think what really helps Roger is that he didn't jump the guy, the guy actually squares off to face him then everyone converges and you really don't see but the end result. It would even be hard to prove with that many people converging that it was only Roger doing the beating even though I am positive it was. The video quality is horrible, I personally don't think anything will happen to Huerta criminally but yes possibly civil but I don't think that goes far either, just my opinion.

Well, he can be seen chasing after the guy, and then there's the photo of him stomping the guy. Criminally, he'd be up shit creek if they wanted to charge him, although without a complainant video is probably not enough. Civilly, I can't imagine a Texas jury (or any jury, for that matter) siding with this guy even though Huerta is clearly in the wrong here - the award would be of the $1 variety.
Posts: 7,117
Aug 5, 2010 1:27pm
He won't be changed with anything.
Ankle Breaker's avatar
Ankle Breaker
Posts: 398
Aug 5, 2010 1:45pm
I'd guess the dude who cowardly hit the woman won't press any charges because he could just as easily have charges pressed against him (gut already mentioned this) for sucker punching a woman. At least he had a chance to square off with a fella probably 50 lbs lighter than him. Sometimes we make mistakes and have to pay for them. I'm guessing this will be one of those cases. I mean, what kind of man would go to the law for help after there is a video of him punching a woman from behind? I wouldn't want anyone to know I did such a thing so I'd let the whole thing drop ASAP.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 1:51pm
I am actually surprised this isn't getting more press. Nothing in Yahoo, ESPN, MMAJunkie or most news outlets outside TMZ and a few mma sites.
Posts: 15,058
Aug 5, 2010 2:12pm
Fab1b;442650 wrote:I am actually surprised this isn't getting more press. Nothing in Yahoo, ESPN, MMAJunkie or most news outlets outside TMZ and a few mma sites.

That's because all available reporters are already assigned to the Favre retirement saga...
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Aug 5, 2010 2:18pm
Fab1b;442650 wrote:I am actually surprised this isn't getting more press. Nothing in Yahoo, ESPN, MMAJunkie or most news outlets outside TMZ and a few mma sites.

Its because TMZ is the only outlet who gets shit done. Everyone else steals their stories lol.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Aug 5, 2010 4:33pm
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 4:42pm
Steel Valley Football;442801 wrote:Here's how TMZ gets shit done:
And that may be why we haven't heard anything from Roger himself or any other major sports/news sites!!!! I guess more to come. After looking at the photo more closely on the freeze frame, it does not look like Huerta actually now. I did notice the other shirtless guy at the end of the video and even thought to myself where did Roger go??? This may just be the case. I don't think there is any doubt though unless they shopped the tattoo in, Roger was the one initially squaring off with the guy but because so many people converge in (and I said this in an earlier post) there is no way to tell from that point who was fighting and what went down until the man is laying bloody in the street.
Posts: 1,003
Aug 5, 2010 5:06pm
Couldn't huerta be charged with attempted murder if that is him stomping on the guy? That is taking it way, way too far IMO.
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Aug 5, 2010 5:18pm
If you're a professional mixed martial artist, dont you get in more trouble then the average joe for physically harming someone. Since you're trained to do so? Or is that completely wrong
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Aug 5, 2010 6:41pm
Any man that hits a woman is a coward. Roger let him off easy.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 7:01pm
Read those two links posted a few posts above it may not have been Roger that did the head stomp but he did whoop the guys ass for sure:
"I just don’t think that it's right to hit a woman. Period," Huerta told TMZ.

"I approached the man calmly and said, 'Do you know what you just did? You just knocked out this girl.'

But Huerta claims the other guy responded, "[Expletive] you, [expletive] these bitches, I'll knock out any [expletive] bitch that I wanna [expletive] knock out, I’ll knock your [expletive] bitch ass out."

Huerta added, "... and as he's saying this, he's taking off his shirt ... and at that point I was like, alright.' I got the better of him and I left," Huerta said.

The 27-year-old explained, "If that was my mom, if that was my sister, my spouse, anyone … I would’ve wanted someone to step in and do something about it."
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Aug 5, 2010 8:11pm
That guy is like most untrained fighters. aka. bitches.. ring a bell? lol. all bark no bite.
2kool4skool's avatar
Posts: 1,804
Aug 5, 2010 8:37pm
Zoltan;442849 wrote:Couldn't huerta be charged with attempted murder if that is him stomping on the guy? That is taking it way, way too far IMO.

There is no taking it "too far" for someone that sucker punch ko's a woman. Like I said earlier, I'd have applauded Roger even if he killed the guy.

Although it's looking now like someone else was the one that curb stomped the guy. Good for whoever that is, and good for Roger for stepping in. I'd hope any guy with a set of balls would do the same.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 9:31pm
Now on MMAJunkie
Austin police investigating Roger Huerta fight, manager says legal help offered
RelsonGracieBJJ's avatar
Posts: 528
Aug 5, 2010 9:33pm
Robert Downey Jr. Bring on the curb stomping. LOL.
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Aug 5, 2010 9:36pm
gut;442463 wrote:I'd also agree it's pretty ridiculous, even if admirable, that he went after the guy. No need to become a vigilante and I can't condone it. He's lucky someone didn't pull out a gun and start shooting with a crowd of people around. Pretty damn irresponsible.

You can't condone it? So people should just let it happen? Someone needs to stand up to the trash in society, and I for one am glad he did.
gerb131's avatar
Posts: 9,932
Aug 5, 2010 9:37pm
ccrunner609;442998 wrote:Give that punk ass bitch a redemption opportunity, maybe Dana White will put him in the ring with Roger and let it happen for real.

Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Aug 5, 2010 9:50pm
I really hope the police don't decide to go after Huerta, especially if they don't decide to go after the other guy as well. If and the video is not clear IF it was Roger that did the head stomp when the guy was already done and down it is NO DIFFERENT THAN THAT ASSHOLE SUCKER PUNCHING A WOMAN FROM BEHIND LET ALONE HITTING THE WOMAN AT ALL!!! I'm done yelling now!