Big Brother 12 discussion thread

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Posts: 96
Aug 12, 2010 7:49pm
I loved when Kathy beat Rachel in the Veto competition. wish Kathy would have gave Rachel a little Sheriff beat down!!
Go4alOngbOmB's avatar
Posts: 673
Aug 13, 2010 12:52am
I have to agree about Rachel. I just told my wife tonight that at 1st I thought DAMN she is good looking...and after learning her personality..I think she is maybe the ugliest person on the show, and ILl be a happier viewer not having to listen to her voice anymore!
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 13, 2010 5:43am
How awesome was it that CBS did the segment with Brendon's ex-fiancé? He's such a shitbag.


Brendon won HOH and it wasn't even close. Should be an interesting week.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 13, 2010 8:08am

Watched some of BBAD last night to see who won HoH.

Nearly the whole hour that I watched/fast forwarded through Brendon was all alone talking to no one. Was an interesting dynamic, apparently he chose Matt, Britney, and Regan as have nots (imagine that) as they were all in that room chatting. Everyone else was chatting together, and there's Brendon walking around all by himself.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 13, 2010 9:28am
Sounds like Ronnie last year when he won. Just stayed in the HOH room all week.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 13, 2010 9:46am
Wonder who he's going to pick for elimination. He pretty much hates everybody. I'm betting Britney and Regan.

I wonder if Matt will use the Diamond veto. If he does, then everyone will know he was lying about getting a nice reward for opening Pandora's Box and then he'll be on their shit-list, but if no one from the Brigade gets picked I doubt he uses it.
dat dude
Posts: 1,564
Aug 13, 2010 9:55am
jmog;450022 wrote:***********SPOILER**************

Watched some of BBAD last night to see who won HoH.

Nearly the whole hour that I watched/fast forwarded through Brendon was all alone talking to no one. Was an interesting dynamic, apparently he chose Matt, Britney, and Regan as have nots (imagine that) as they were all in that room chatting. Everyone else was chatting together, and there's Brendon walking around all by himself.

You must have only watched a few minutes. Brendon was chatting with Enzo and Kathy for a long time. Also, he thinks that him, Enzo, and Hayden now have a secret alliance.
Posts: 96
Aug 13, 2010 2:01pm
Are you serious Brendon Won. The Brigade can't win anything except matt of course. You would think lane might have pulled this win off since he from a cattle ranch. ( I think??). Matt might want to re-think his allience and get with some people who can actually win some competitions. Will be interesting to see what happens in the house since Brendon is HOH.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 13, 2010 2:34pm
If Matt would have been smart, he would have put up 2 of the Brigade members and aligned himself with Kathey, Britney and Ragen. He could have started to get rid of the brigade, and with his diamond veto he would have been protected for the next few weeks. I think once the brigade is left in the house, he will be the first member to go.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 13, 2010 3:39pm
I hope what Julie Chen said isn't true...that there's a chance Rachel could get back in the house.
Posts: 96
Aug 17, 2010 2:13pm
Lane and Kathy nominated who is going home. Got to think Kathy. Would Matt use Veto he got to save Lane.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 17, 2010 2:38pm
Wildcat might have wanted to put a SPOILER alert on his....


Ragan won Veto and that is why MATT (not Kathy) is now up with Lane.

This will force Matt to use the diamond power of veto and expose his own lie.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 17, 2010 3:04pm
wildcat87;454162 wrote:Lane and Kathy nominated who is going home. Got to think Kathy. Would Matt use Veto he got to save Lane.
jmog;454185 wrote:Wildcat might have wanted to put a SPOILER alert on his....
He didn't need a spoiler since his post was wrong. :) Lane and Ragan were initially put up.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 17, 2010 11:01pm
For some reason, I think Matt is going to eat the Diamond Veto and let Lane hang out to dry.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 17, 2010 11:14pm
GoPens;454634 wrote:For some reason, I think Matt is going to eat the Diamond Veto and let Lane hang out to dry.

Too risky, only person in BB history dumb enough to not use the veto on themself (once season 2 or 3 came along and you could use it on yourself) only Marcellas (sp?) was dumb enough to not use it. He thought he had the votes and didn't want to piss off the HoH or whoever else would get nominated.

He got voted off.

You HAVE to save yourself, things change minutes before a vote at times. Matt would be retarded to not use it, no matter how "sure" he was.
Posts: 94
Aug 18, 2010 3:23am
Evil Dick and his daughter each decided not to use the veto on themselves and used it on the other when they were both up on the block. I believe Dick did it first and she returned the favor a few weeks later.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 18, 2010 9:59am
Zen;454820 wrote:Evil Dick and his daughter each decided not to use the veto on themselves and used it on the other when they were both up on the block. I believe Dick did it first and she returned the favor a few weeks later.

You are right, but in that case, the season was a "we know each other" season where some teams were together before the show started. Of course one would use the veto on their daughter rather than themselves. It was still used to save one of them however both times.

Marcelles was the only person to ever just plain not use the veto when they were on the block.
Posts: 96
Aug 18, 2010 5:10pm
Sorry thats what happens when you stay up to late. start typing in the wrong names. So who goes up if Matt uses the veto on himself.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 18, 2010 9:27pm
With the diamond power Matt gets to choose, I say he chooses Kathy.
lhs07's avatar
Posts: 44
Aug 19, 2010 3:18am
Who else enjoyed Ragan RIPPING into Rachel. You could tell that by the end of his rant at her she was ready to burst into tears. I bet she thought she'd be the one dishing out the pain and not the other way around.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Aug 19, 2010 9:05am
jmog;455552 wrote:With the diamond power Matt gets to choose, I say he chooses Kathy.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 19, 2010 10:11am
Yea, Matt has to use it. Saw the post where it was Kathy and Lane nominated and didn't know it was Matt. If it HAD been Kathy I doubt he would have used it, but now he has to. I think he'll nominate Kathy and she's going home.

Regan was awesome last night ripping into that silicon brained bimbo.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 19, 2010 12:09pm
If Matt was the true genius he proclaims himself to be, he should start an alliance with Britney and Ragan and put up Enzo or Hayden. The "Brigade" is shot. Enzo and Hayden are already plotting about getting rid of him.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 21, 2010 6:30pm

Looks like Matt might be a backdoor target this week, unless he wins POV, which is going on right now.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 23, 2010 1:42pm
I think it would be interesting in the house if Brendon won POV.

I don't care for Brendon, just think it would be good TV.