Big Brother 12 discussion thread

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killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Jul 8, 2010 6:44pm
Big Brother 12 premieres tonight at 8:00 p.m. on CBS. The "twist" this season is "the saboteur." One of the houseguests is there just to stir shit up. This is probably going to be similar to the "America's Player" twist from a couple seasons ago. Can't wait for the premiere tonight.

Who else will be tuning in? I know we have some Big Brother fans on here.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Jul 8, 2010 8:50pm
I think the professor from Cali is the saboteur.
Firad's avatar
Posts: 1,525
Jul 8, 2010 10:03pm
Didn't know the premiere was tonight. I'll have to catch it on Hulu the next couple of Days
Posts: 6,567
Jul 9, 2010 8:34am
Personally I can't stand the "Mensa" guy. Being smart is one thing, acting like you are smarter than everyone else and telling us that you are smarter than everyone else, is quite another.

I used to get a lot of those types of people in my engineering classes and they were annoying.

I also think he might be the "sabateur".
power i's avatar
power i
Posts: 1,296
Jul 9, 2010 12:13pm
Viva Las Vegas needs to be the first one out of there. She's dumber than a box of rocks. Also not a fan of the black girl. She seems pretty full of herself.
Posts: 6,567
Jul 9, 2010 2:39pm
Las Vegas is at least "playing up" the ditsy Vegas Showgirl card. I think in the initial interview segment it mentioned she was a chemist though. So she is either a great actress or one of the most annoying "smart people" I've ever seen.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Jul 9, 2010 8:42pm
I also think the gay professor is the saboteur
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Jul 11, 2010 8:49pm
It's looking like it's Andrew.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Jul 11, 2010 9:12pm
The female sheriff looked pretty bad in the challenge tonight. Could have thrown it.
killer_ewok's avatar
Posts: 11,379
Jul 11, 2010 9:28pm
Yeah, she was awful. Lane flew through that caramel.
lhs07's avatar
Posts: 44
Jul 12, 2010 4:09pm
The only reason I think Ragan is the saboteur is because when they show the censored version of the saboteur I think his body fits into the mold on the screen. Also, is it possible that when the lights went out on the first episode that a crew member from Big Brother was the one that put the lock of the supply door? I don't see how someone could have put that lock on there without some night vision goggles or something like that.
dat dude
Posts: 1,564
Jul 12, 2010 4:13pm
lhs07;421473 wrote:Also, is it possible that when the lights went out on the first episode that a crew member from Big Brother was the one that put the lock of the supply door? I don't see how someone could have put that lock on there without some night vision goggles or something like that.

That's what I was wondering as well. Andrew would be too obvious at this point because of what has already transpired. When I first saw that there was going to be a saboteur, I thought Enzo's expression gave him away. So I'm going to stick with him.
Go4alOngbOmB's avatar
Posts: 673
Jul 12, 2010 10:54pm
Im going to go with the Jewish guy as the saboteur. The simple fact that he got up, could FIND a pillow to throw at people in the pitch black (Like he pre planned his route and planted it), and he said he was a "Prankster" and liked messing with people in the segment when the lights went out. I watched the 1st 2 episodes today with my wife via DVR (the best invention EVER). Looks like it is going to be a pretty good season. They found a good mix of people that will either hate one another or click with one another. BTW, Lane is a BEAST! Im suprised he just didnt eat a path through the carmel and blow away the popcorn Chuck Norris style. He may be a little too quiet to go all the way...he will be a valuable alliance member to have watching your back tho.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Jul 13, 2010 12:26am
There's always one person that drives me crazy each year...this year it's Enzo. He loves himself a bit too much.
lhs07's avatar
Posts: 44
Jul 14, 2010 9:23pm
Wow, who does everyone think are the lifelong friends? My guess is Kathy and Britney. 1: because they're both from Arkansas (the only other people in the house from the same state are Matt and Monet, which while possible I think is unlikely). 2: who remembers the first episode where Britney fell? Kathy was the one who went to check on her. 3: I might go as far to say they're mother and daughter, because Kathy's old enough and they both look alike. 4: they were the two pictures who the saboteur put the X's on
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Jul 14, 2010 10:35pm
Good point, but do you think it's just the saboteur lying to cause trouble in the house?

Enzo...geez, every time someone sneezes, he goes "I'm suspecious of that..."
Posts: 96
Jul 15, 2010 9:46am
I think putting Annie on the block instead of Kathy was a big mistake.
lhs07's avatar
Posts: 44
Jul 18, 2010 11:42pm
Well I'm pretty happy Rachel put up the two biggest bitches of the house.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 5, 2010 11:50am
Not that much talk this season.

So far I'm glad Monet is gone, Annie I couldn't care less.

Andrew screwed himself, but his going away speech was priceless.

I hope Krystal goes this week, only Rachel is a more annoying female in the house.

I can't wait for Matt's lie about his wife to blow up in his face, I can't stand that guy.

So far my favorites personally are Brendon and Lane. My wife likes Brittany for some reason.

I also agree that Brittany and and Kathy are the ones that have known each other, and possibly mother/daughter.

Unfortunately I really like Brendon, he seems like a good guy, but he's "with" Rachel who I can't stand.

Edit: I think Lane is hilarious when they actually show him. On After Dark on Showtime, sometimes he is hilarious, but he doesn't get a ton of "air time" on CBS.
power i's avatar
power i
Posts: 1,296
Aug 5, 2010 1:48pm
I'm finding this season rather boring. I can't wait to see Kristen go tonight and once she leaves Hayden will be way better off. The Brigade is a joke, they haven't done squat and when they had the chance instead of getting Brendon or Rachel out they get the biggest floater Andrew? I liked Brendon until he showed how stupid he is by hooking up with Rachel. (Cannot wait to see her leave!) I thought at first that they were the two that knew each other because I've never seen anyone who has known someone for such a short time act like they do (besides my 17 year old son who falls in love with every girl he meets) but now I just think they are seriously two idiots who believe they've found their soul mates on a reality tv show. I love though how Brendon tells her what he 'thinks' she should do, she pouts about it then does exactly what he wants. Who knows? Maybe he is the best game player in the house.

I do have to say the whole meow-meow bit is priceless. :D
Posts: 6,567
Aug 6, 2010 11:00am
Brendon is a smart man, very smart, but when it comes to Rachel he's obviously not thinking with the "head" on his shoulders.

I want Rachel gone just to see what he does by himself.

I am not sure, but I believe Matt won his second HOH, so look for Brendon and Rachel to be nominated this week.
power i's avatar
power i
Posts: 1,296
Aug 6, 2010 12:06pm
Matt did win and Kathy was the first to fall therefore being the only have not. (Brendon fell second). Matt better not be a turd like his last hoh.

How pathetic was Kristen's 'boyfriend'? I can't believe he let them tape him watching her make out with Hayden. Hope the guy gets some good sympathy sex out of that.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 6, 2010 1:49pm
He was in a room surrounded by Krysten's girlfriends, one of them should have gave him some sympathy sex for sure.

He was pathetic, CBS would have had to pay me good money to get in front of the camera after watching my girl make out with another man on national tv.

Matt is the only person in the house I dislike just as much as Rachel, so back to back weeks of him and Rachel as HOH will be brutal to watch.

Of course, between the 2 of them they have now had 4 HOHs.

In a perfect world, Matt gets Rachel out this week and Brendon wins HOH and gets Matt out next week ;).

Oh, and apparently only you and I are watching BB12, power i.
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Aug 6, 2010 2:29pm
I'm watching, but I'm just not too excited by this group this year. There's no one that I've really latched onto to root for. I hated Britiney at first but now I find myself kind of rooting for her, or Lane.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Aug 6, 2010 6:34pm
I'm watching too. I kinda like Matt, but at this point I'm in the "Anyone, but Rachael and Brendon Camp".