Yep, that dumb ass should have walked two, hit one, then turned it over to a legit closer........someone like Cimber, or Otero.
Yep, that dumb ass should have walked two, hit one, then turned it over to a legit closer........someone like Cimber, or Otero.
Perez.........Dang, I almost caught a no hitter.
Santana.......Wait, wut? I talked to 14 guys down at first base.
Tribe wins 4-1
Bauer Outage
Helping Hand
Party at Ernie Whitt's
Go Tribe
Seriously now.........All things considered (THE lineup, THE bullpen), that was a good win for the Tribe.
Nice win.
Offendive explosion! 4 runs and only one walked in!
Tribe us averaging 11 strikeouts/game ... and 5.5 hits/game.... thank God for great pitching.
Trevor Bauer has thrown 14 innings, giving up one hit and one run.
Go Tribe.
In case you thought you'd seen the worst lineup thus far, feast your eyes on this baby!
Good luck Biebs!
And to put a little more perspective on it.........Naquin has the second best BA in that lineup!
I'm wondering if Tito is using the "rest JRam's foot foul off" excuse to have him out of the lineup?
That 6-9 is a major WOOF.
Go 1 for 5 and raise your average by a hundred!
Nice grab by Laurence Fishburne out there in right.
AND there goes the no hitter.
posted by Gardens35Nice grab by Laurence Fishburne out there in right.
My son and I are cracking up on that!
How about Matt Underwood's comment on Montoyo:
"He's a dead ringer for Eli Wallach in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"
Ha. I stepped out for a few and must've missed that one.
Galvis ..........
Indians tie it back up with Mornoff and Bieber finishes the 6th with his 9th strikeout. Let’s go
Jose, man. Stay on the damn bag.
I don’t understand how he is safe. Replay in baseball should be pretty clear cut, yet it’s ridiculously inconsistent.
CARLOS SANTANA walks it off with a HR
Tribe wins 3-2
Party at Jesse Barfield's
Go Tribe
Santana crushed that the opposite way. Tribe is a winner, 3-2. Adam Cimber gets the W, and looked good doing it!
Solid Hammy call too
Great job by Carlos!
On the steal replay: to me it was not clear cut and it was not a blatant blown call. However, in this case, the point was moot.
posted by BRFGreat job by Carlos!
On the steal replay: to me it was not clear cut and it was not a blatant blown call. However, in this case, the point was moot.
Get your eyes checked, old man! He was out.
Anyway, solid win. Win 1 of 2 for the series and move on.