posted by Al BundyReggie always seemed to have such a low batting average is why I guessed him
Definitely a good guess. The man had 563 HRs, but that lifetime .262 average just kills it. Only ended up with a .490 slugging %.
posted by Al BundyReggie always seemed to have such a low batting average is why I guessed him
Definitely a good guess. The man had 563 HRs, but that lifetime .262 average just kills it. Only ended up with a .490 slugging %.
posted by O-TrapYes to Winfield. I don't think Thome got to 2500 hits, did he?
Probably not, just trying to throw out names of guys without great averages, as I remember
posted by Al BundyProbably not, just trying to throw out names of guys without great averages, as I remember
Just looked it up. 2328 hits.
posted by O-TrapYes to Winfield. I don't think Thome got to 2500 hits, did he?
Even so, his slugging was probably over .500
Reggie Jackson: .490 SLG
Eddie Murray: .476 SLG
Dave Winfield: .475 SLG
posted by Laley23Even so, his slugging was probably over .500
Yep. .554
Did Billy Williams get to 450?
Gotta be Yaz
posted by Laley23Gotta be Yaz
That's it, and it shocks me. Yaz had 452 HRs, 3419 hits, and a slugging of only .462, well below the next lowest on the list.
posted by O-TrapThat's it, and it shocks me. Yaz had 452 HRs, 3419 hits, and a slugging of only .462, well below the next lowest on the list.
I guess when you play for 50 years, you accumulate that divisor of ABs lol.
posted by Laley23I guess when you play for 50 years, you accumulate that divisor of ABs lol.
Yeah, I went back and looked at ABs. Only player with more was Hank Aaron, and there was about a 600 AB gap between Yaz and the next highest guy (Murray).
Fun tidbit: Of the four below .500 SLG, only Reggie had fewer than 10,000 career at-bats.
Question #74-75:
Only ten Hall of Famers have ever posted a season with 40+ doubles and 40+ homers.
74. One player did it three separate times, and he had a teammate during those years who had already done it twice. Who was it?
75. Four players did it between 1995 and 2005. Who were they?
Ruth and Gehrig?
Larry Walker
posted by Ironman92Ruth and Gehrig?
Yep. Ruth had done it twice, and then Gehrig did it in '27, '30, and '34. Gehrig is the only HOFer to do it three times.
posted by Ironman92Griffey/Edgar?
Nope. Neither.
posted by Ironman92Larry Walker
Yep. 46 doubles and 49 homers in 1997. Quite a year. No wonder he won MVP that year.
posted by Ironman92Chipper?
Yep. 1999. 41 doubles and 45 homers.
So 2 more HOFers between 95-05
posted by Ironman92Thomas?
That's #3. 44 doubles and 43 dingers in 2000.
posted by Ironman92Piazza?
Larry Walker in '97
Chipper Jones in '99
Frank Thomas in '00
Who the hell is the 4th?