posted by BRFWrong way. 😀
posted by BRFWrong way. 😀
posted by Al Bundy1976
Ding Ding!
posted by BRFCorrect!
I’m trying to find that episode but am having no luck. Can you help me?
I'm looking on youtube for it and am having no success. The closest I get is the Rocky Horror/Prisilla dance off with Crista Miller dancing in a Bra and Slip. I have watched that several times!!
Back after a one month hiatus:
- Best known for hitting an NCAA championship-winning jumper in 1987, who led the Cavs to a 9-31 record in his brief 2003 stint as head coach?
- 1995: “We didn’t make the f-ing move. So, for all the booers, f-you, too. I’ll be glad when we get to Baltimore.” What member of the Browns said it?
Keith Smart.
And great story about that GW for Smart. He was having a bad game, Knight sat him down and said, “I’m gonna put you back in. But if you don’t start to show me something, I’m gonna have to take you back out. And if I take you back out, you’re probably not going back in again. And I don’t just mean tonight.”
So Smart has been quoted that he thought he was playing for his scholarship which is why he was more aggressive that half than he had been all season.
Keith Smart is correct.
Andre "Bad Moon" Rison for the quote?
posted by cat_loverAndre "Bad Moon" Rison for the quote?
I guess he made a little more impact with the Browns than I had thought.